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AMP360 Privacy, Terms and Conditions

This special page is information for users who want to complete the Contact form to seek the assistance of advisers from AMP360.

(Terms & Conditions are below.)

Privacy Statement

AMP respects and protects the privacy of our customers and policyholders including online visitors. We understand the need to safeguard your personal and financial information and we respect your rights under the Privacy Act 1993.

Collecting your personal information

AMP does not collect your name, email address or any other personal information unless you choose to provide it to us voluntarily or if we explicitly ask for this information to authenticate you as part of login procedures.

Using your personal information

AMP collects,stores and uses your information to service and administer your policies or products, to keep your records up to date, to comply with certain laws and regulations, to help us design and improve our products and services, and to understand your financial needs so that we can provide you with quality products and superior service.

Personal information that is collected via the online booking form page on the Website may be passed on to an AMP representative or an AMP 360 Adviser who may contact you directly.

Disclosing your personal information

Other than as set out in the “Using your personal information” section above, AMP does not rent, share, sell or trade your personal information to others outside the AMP group of companies.

AMP may provide aggregate statistics about our customers, sales and traffic patterns and related website information to reputable third parties. These statistics will not include any personally identifiable information.

What about cookies?

A cookie is a small file stored on your computer by our website to give your computer a unique ID. It does not contain any personal information about you and it cannot be used to personally identify you. Cookies are commonly used to enhance and personalise your experience on many leading websites.

Cookies do not read your hard drive, nor can they be used to reveal new information about you.

If you do not wish to receive cookies, you can set your browser to alert you of a cookie being offered, or to reject all cookies. Just go to the help function of your browser for complete instructions.

How does AMP protect customer information?

AMP maintains industry IT security standards and regularly updates its technology to provide protection for your personal and financial information.

Access to your personal information

You have the right to ask to see the information AMP holds about you. If you believe the information is wrong you may ask that it be corrected.

To request information about yourself, you can choose your preferred method via the Contact Us page.

Further information

The Office of the Privacy Commissioner ( provides further details of the New Zealand Privacy Act and how it protects personal information in New Zealand.

Unsolicited Electronic Messages Act 2007

The Unsolicited Electronic Messages Act 2007 aims to stop people sending you unsolicited electronic emails marketing or promoting goods and services. If AMP sends you emails about our products, services or promotions it is because we believe you have provided either express or inferred consent for us to send these emails. Of course AMP would like to continue to keep in contact with you, however, should you not want to receive these emails, you should click here to email us and include the words “no promotions” in the subject line.

Terms and Conditions

The following information outlines the terms of use for using this online booking form. By using this online booking form you acknowledge that you have read and accepted these terms and conditions.

The website on which this online booking form appears is not operated by AMP Services (NZ) Limited (AMP) or any associated company of AMP.


To the maximum extent permitted by law AMP  disclaims all liability or responsibility for any direct or indirect loss or damage that may result from any errors or omissions on this online booking form, or access to, or use of, or inability to use, this online booking form.

While care has been taken to supply information relating to this online booking form that is up-to-date and accurate, AMP does not give any guarantee of the accuracy, correctness, adequacy or completeness of such information or its suitability for your intended use. AMP may change the online booking form and these terms and conditions at any time without notice.

AMP does not guarantee the continued availability of this website or the continuation of any services provided on it.