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Scott Knowles

Plant-based meat alternative products deliver 18 different ingredients, with little regulation and limited research on environmental impacts, resource requirements, nutrient quality, nutrient density, toxicity and health consequences of these proteins
23rd Oct 21, 10:18am
Plant-based meat alternative products deliver 18 different ingredients, with little regulation and limited research on environmental impacts, resource requirements, nutrient quality, nutrient density, toxicity and health consequences of these proteins
Comparing pasture-raised beef to grain finished beef and a plant-based alternative identified better human health outcomes for the pasture-raised product, just another key outcome from the science that supports NZ farmers
16th Oct 21, 10:13am
Comparing pasture-raised beef to grain finished beef and a plant-based alternative identified better human health outcomes for the pasture-raised product, just another key outcome from the science that supports NZ farmers