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Confused by the campaign hype? Use our policy comparison pages to get to the party positions directly

Confused by the campaign hype? Use our policy comparison pages to get to the party positions directly

The election is upon us. Each of us needs to make important choices on Saturday.

The media is following the campaigns. We are too.

But we are also following the party policies.

If you want to make your choice based on the policies of the parties, we have our fully updated and very popular cross-referenced policy pages.

These are here ยป

They set out the policy positions of each party in an unbiased, independent way. They use the words of each party - not our spin on their words.

And each is linked to the party's own document where you can read the full version.

We cover 85 separate policy areas, plus the party Lists.

Now you can compare what each party stands for on one easy-to-use page.

If you don't like 'personality politics' you now have no excuse to get the information you need to make a choice on Saturday based on policy.

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