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Bayleys sold two-thirds of its Auckland properties in weekly auction but numbers were lower in the Waikato and Canterbury

Bayleys sold two-thirds of its Auckland properties in weekly auction but numbers were lower in the Waikato and Canterbury

Bayleys sold 21 of the 32 Auckland homes they took to auction this week, giving a clearance rate of 66%.

In the Waikato only one of the seven properties auctioned was sold giving a clearance rate of 14%, and in Christchurch nine out of the 19 auctioned properties were sold, giving a clearance rate of 47%.

The most expensive Auckland home sold was a house in Herne Bay that fetched $3.7 million, and the cheapest was a house in Beach Haven on the North Shore that went for $502,000.

See below for the full results of Bayleys' latest auctions, with photos and details of all properties, including those that didn't sell:



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Same news. It's becoming never ending game.


Seems bayleys is doing extremely well among competitors
Anyone explain why
