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Andrew Coleman looks at the 'TTE' versus 'EET' methods of taxing retirement savings, suggesting change for the KiwiSaver accounts of younger New Zealanders
30th Aug 24, 5:00am
Andrew Coleman looks at the 'TTE' versus 'EET' methods of taxing retirement savings, suggesting change for the KiwiSaver accounts of younger New Zealanders
Andrew Coleman argues it's time NZ again considered social security taxes as we did when a compulsory saving scheme was introduced in the 1970s
23rd Aug 24, 5:00am
Andrew Coleman argues it's time NZ again considered social security taxes as we did when a compulsory saving scheme was introduced in the 1970s
In his ongoing superannuation series Andrew Coleman points out NZ’s government retirement system can be quite extreme, assuming all people are competent to make their own savings and investment decisions before they retire, with little government help
16th Aug 24, 9:00am
In his ongoing superannuation series Andrew Coleman points out NZ’s government retirement system can be quite extreme, assuming all people are competent to make their own savings and investment decisions before they retire, with little government help
David Hargreaves wonders how this Government will find a good solution for Kiwibank when the previous Labour Government appears to have turned its back on the best solution - and that was already halfway in place
8th Aug 24, 5:00am
David Hargreaves wonders how this Government will find a good solution for Kiwibank when the previous Labour Government appears to have turned its back on the best solution - and that was already halfway in place
Public listing for Kiwibank is off the table before the election, but alternative capital-raising options are being explored, Finance Minister says
7th Aug 24, 8:00am
Public listing for Kiwibank is off the table before the election, but alternative capital-raising options are being explored, Finance Minister says
Will Carnachan of Aotea Asset Management details how private credit works in New Zealand for investors, borrowers & fund managers
19th Jul 24, 11:45am
Will Carnachan of Aotea Asset Management details how private credit works in New Zealand for investors, borrowers & fund managers
Andrew Coleman says while New Zealand Superannuation has several attractive features, it also has several serious downsides that disproportionately affect younger people
12th Jul 24, 10:01am
Andrew Coleman says while New Zealand Superannuation has several attractive features, it also has several serious downsides that disproportionately affect younger people
Commerce & Consumer Affairs Minister tells Commerce Commission to take more aggressive legal action against suspected anti-competitive behavior, even if it ends up losing some court cases
22nd Jun 24, 9:46am
Commerce & Consumer Affairs Minister tells Commerce Commission to take more aggressive legal action against suspected anti-competitive behavior, even if it ends up losing some court cases
The New Zealand Tax Podcast - the awkward discussion we’re not having. And Budget papers reveal how some could now have an effective tax rate of 128% - or even more
16th Jun 24, 5:13pm
The New Zealand Tax Podcast - the awkward discussion we’re not having. And Budget papers reveal how some could now have an effective tax rate of 128% - or even more
Investment platform Kernel Wealth aims to reach $6 billion in funds under management by 2028 after ticking over $1 billion
10th Jun 24, 2:15pm
Investment platform Kernel Wealth aims to reach $6 billion in funds under management by 2028 after ticking over $1 billion
Budget 2024/25 - Summary of all spending plans
4th Jun 24, 11:55am
Budget 2024/25 - Summary of all spending plans
The New Zealand Tax Podcast – Budget preview: What might Inland Revenue get funding for and how Nicola Willis could raise $400 million
26th May 24, 7:24pm
The New Zealand Tax Podcast – Budget preview: What might Inland Revenue get funding for and how Nicola Willis could raise $400 million
No improvement to gender savings gap when it comes to KiwiSaver balances, says Retirement Commission as new research finds men have 25% more than women in their KiwiSaver on average
22nd May 24, 2:36pm
No improvement to gender savings gap when it comes to KiwiSaver balances, says Retirement Commission as new research finds men have 25% more than women in their KiwiSaver on average
Fisher Funds chief executive Simon Power says KiwiSaver is a 'really important part of the economic outlook' and he would be interested in a KiwiSaver review
9th May 24, 4:44pm
Fisher Funds chief executive Simon Power says KiwiSaver is a 'really important part of the economic outlook' and he would be interested in a KiwiSaver review
New Zealanders think most major product and services markets serving them are uncompetitive, survey shows
17th Apr 24, 11:18am
by admin
New Zealanders think most major product and services markets serving them are uncompetitive, survey shows
Big law firms identify legal and regulatory obstacles detering KiwiSaver providers from investing in private assets
29th Feb 24, 5:00am
Big law firms identify legal and regulatory obstacles detering KiwiSaver providers from investing in private assets
Morningstar says KiwiSaver funds under management rose to $104 billion in the December quarter, with all but two KiwiSaver funds making ‘positive returns’
14th Feb 24, 1:01pm
Morningstar says KiwiSaver funds under management rose to $104 billion in the December quarter, with all but two KiwiSaver funds making ‘positive returns’
An MBIE briefing to the new Minister of Commerce and Consumer Affairs shows the Minister will be tackling everything from the Commerce Act to KiwiSaver
1st Feb 24, 1:40pm
An MBIE briefing to the new Minister of Commerce and Consumer Affairs shows the Minister will be tackling everything from the Commerce Act to KiwiSaver
Christopher Luxon says he has been working through National, Act, and New Zealand First’s key policy differences
8th Nov 23, 4:41pm
Christopher Luxon says he has been working through National, Act, and New Zealand First’s key policy differences
Withdrawals from KiwiSaver by the over 65s have easily more than doubled in the past two years as term deposit rates have soared
21st Sep 23, 11:25am
Withdrawals from KiwiSaver by the over 65s have easily more than doubled in the past two years as term deposit rates have soared
Hardship withdrawals and savings suspensions have jumped in the past year as households struggle with the high cost of living
20th Sep 23, 5:00am
Hardship withdrawals and savings suspensions have jumped in the past year as households struggle with the high cost of living
TOP economy policy includes 30-year infrastructure plan, compulsory KiwiSaver enrolment at birth and a regional talent visa for immigration
5th Sep 23, 12:08pm
TOP economy policy includes 30-year infrastructure plan, compulsory KiwiSaver enrolment at birth and a regional talent visa for immigration
Simplicity Living says it is 'on a mission to provide thousands of Kiwis what’s already common overseas - quality, long-term homes for rent'
30th Aug 23, 5:00am
Simplicity Living says it is 'on a mission to provide thousands of Kiwis what’s already common overseas - quality, long-term homes for rent'
Is it time for a KiwiSaver review? Milford's Murray Harris says boosting contributions and incentivising saving is the way to go
25th Aug 23, 2:21pm
Is it time for a KiwiSaver review? Milford's Murray Harris says boosting contributions and incentivising saving is the way to go