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Geoff Simmons


Geoff Simmons is the leader of the The Opportunities Party (TOP), and economist and an author

Member for

13 years 1 month

Latest articles

Geoff Simmons questions what exactly is the 'family home' the Tax Working Group's tip-toeing around?
5th Mar 18, 10:47am
Geoff Simmons questions what exactly is the 'family home' the Tax Working Group's tip-toeing around?
Geoff Simmons takes aim at the Government for its 'middle class cheerleading', arguing we are being softened-up for a watering-down of Labour's child poverty reduction goals
18th Jan 18, 2:26pm
Geoff Simmons takes aim at the Government for its 'middle class cheerleading', arguing we are being softened-up for a watering-down of Labour's child poverty reduction goals
TOP's Geoff Simmons dismisses Labour’s ban on foreign buyers as ‘window-dressing for the masses’
2nd Nov 17, 12:23pm
TOP's Geoff Simmons dismisses Labour’s ban on foreign buyers as ‘window-dressing for the masses’
TOP's Geoff Simmons & Andrew Courtney on why we need to bite the bullet and include the family home in an equity tax
22nd Aug 17, 10:44am
TOP's Geoff Simmons & Andrew Courtney on why we need to bite the bullet and include the family home in an equity tax
TOP's Geoff Simmons argues National & Labour are out to lunch when it comes to addressing the housing crisis and says TOP has the answers
17th Aug 17, 12:17pm
TOP's Geoff Simmons argues National & Labour are out to lunch when it comes to addressing the housing crisis and says TOP has the answers
Geoff Simmons says politicians need to face up to reality and discuss the future of our public pension systems
29th Oct 16, 10:08am
Geoff Simmons says politicians need to face up to reality and discuss the future of our public pension systems
Geoff Simmons and Bernard Hickey review how interest rate targeting works and the options to change the current settings
29th Oct 16, 9:18am
Geoff Simmons and Bernard Hickey review how interest rate targeting works and the options to change the current settings
Geoff Simmons investigates the claim that farm land prices could be cut by $40 bln as environmental limits bite
22nd Oct 16, 10:17am
Geoff Simmons investigates the claim that farm land prices could be cut by $40 bln as environmental limits bite
Previous rough-as-guts interventions have undermined a now-serious need to expand forests to meet our emissions targets, says Geoff Simmons. The costs are now much higher
15th Oct 16, 11:44am
Previous rough-as-guts interventions have undermined a now-serious need to expand forests to meet our emissions targets, says Geoff Simmons. The costs are now much higher
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Geoff Simmons and Bernard Hickey discuss the options New Zealand has in a zero interest rate world
15th Oct 16, 9:27am
Geoff Simmons and Bernard Hickey discuss the options New Zealand has in a zero interest rate world
Geoff Simmons notes that housing debt has hit record levels and yet policy ideas to prevent coming economic damage never deal with the tax loopholes that are driving the housing bubble
8th Oct 16, 11:07am
Geoff Simmons notes that housing debt has hit record levels and yet policy ideas to prevent coming economic damage never deal with the tax loopholes that are driving the housing bubble
Geoff Simmons wants Auckland to just get on with the Unitary Plan, says there are no loss of 'rights' involved, the 'heritage' claims are a smokescreen, and the delays kneecap tomorrow's heritage
1st Oct 16, 9:17am
Geoff Simmons wants Auckland to just get on with the Unitary Plan, says there are no loss of 'rights' involved, the 'heritage' claims are a smokescreen, and the delays kneecap tomorrow's heritage
Geoff Simmons critiques Nigel Latta's view of what is wrong with our economy; claims Latta missed the biggest factor - the misdirection of capital into housing
29th Sep 16, 8:26am
Geoff Simmons critiques Nigel Latta's view of what is wrong with our economy; claims Latta missed the biggest factor - the misdirection of capital into housing
Geoff Simmons outlines the options public policy officials have in tackling the speculative pressures building in Auckland's housing markets
3rd Sep 16, 7:20am
Geoff Simmons outlines the options public policy officials have in tackling the speculative pressures building in Auckland's housing markets
Geoff Simmons says an FTT would leak like a sieve, penalise quite innocent and necessary trade, impede economic activity unnecessarily – all features of a bad tax
13th Aug 16, 7:56am
Geoff Simmons says an FTT would leak like a sieve, penalise quite innocent and necessary trade, impede economic activity unnecessarily – all features of a bad tax
Geoff Simmons sees more questions than answers in Labour's housing proposals. Equity, NIMBYs and government monopolies all point to serious potential flaws
16th Jul 16, 9:45am
Geoff Simmons sees more questions than answers in Labour's housing proposals. Equity, NIMBYs and government monopolies all point to serious potential flaws
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Bernard Hickey and Geoff Simmons discuss the factors that the Reserve Bank is facing and why they have them is such a bind
9th Jul 16, 8:02am
Bernard Hickey and Geoff Simmons discuss the factors that the Reserve Bank is facing and why they have them is such a bind
Geoff Simmons argues that intensification is the thorn that must be grasped for sake of the future of Auckland
9th Jul 16, 7:02am
Geoff Simmons argues that intensification is the thorn that must be grasped for sake of the future of Auckland
Geoff Simmons says the bright line test is not restraining the property market - only a Comprehensive Capital Income Tax will, he claims
18th Jun 16, 7:34am
Geoff Simmons says the bright line test is not restraining the property market - only a Comprehensive Capital Income Tax will, he claims
Geoff Simmons wants answers to three questions before abolishing Auckland’s city limit
21st May 16, 7:31am
Geoff Simmons wants answers to three questions before abolishing Auckland’s city limit
Geoff Simmons has been thinking about the LINZ data and says it supports the idea of taxing all housing because rules and exemptions will just be exploited by the wealthy
14th May 16, 8:48am
Geoff Simmons has been thinking about the LINZ data and says it supports the idea of taxing all housing because rules and exemptions will just be exploited by the wealthy
Geoff Simmons calls for a 'rational comparison' of the costs of moving freight by rail or road. He suspects the way infrastructure costs are treated will be important factors
31st Oct 15, 10:03am
Geoff Simmons calls for a 'rational comparison' of the costs of moving freight by rail or road. He suspects the way infrastructure costs are treated will be important factors
Geoff Simmons says regulation is important, but unless it is nimble and well managed it can become a bigger problem than whatever it was intended to solve
26th Oct 15, 7:10am
Geoff Simmons says regulation is important, but unless it is nimble and well managed it can become a bigger problem than whatever it was intended to solve
Geoff Simmons says Labour's solution to the 'crisis' they have identified is based on incorrect analysis with solutions that are unlikely to work
16th Jul 15, 11:07am
Geoff Simmons says Labour's solution to the 'crisis' they have identified is based on incorrect analysis with solutions that are unlikely to work
Geoff Simmons says the RBNZ is throwing another pail of water on the house price inferno because John Key won't act
13th Mar 15, 7:00am
Geoff Simmons says the RBNZ is throwing another pail of water on the house price inferno because John Key won't act