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Brian Easton wonders whether the economy is in another long stagnation - and if so, why?
7th May 24, 10:35am
Brian Easton wonders whether the economy is in another long stagnation - and if so, why?
Percy Allan sees 4 potential economic scenarios for the rest of the decade and reluctantly picks one
23rd Jan 24, 9:13am
by Guest
Percy Allan sees 4 potential economic scenarios for the rest of the decade and reluctantly picks one
Nouriel Roubini thinks the Davos crowd has yet to awaken to the confluence of cataclysmic risks the world is facing
19th Jan 23, 9:04am
Nouriel Roubini thinks the Davos crowd has yet to awaken to the confluence of cataclysmic risks the world is facing
Nouriel Roubini sees at least five major challenges that will create new cost pressures in the years ahead
1st Jan 23, 7:00am
Nouriel Roubini sees at least five major challenges that will create new cost pressures in the years ahead
Economist Brian Easton says you need to define 'stagflation' before deciding whether we are experiencing it
21st Nov 22, 8:57am
Economist Brian Easton says you need to define 'stagflation' before deciding whether we are experiencing it
Nouriel Roubini warns that the invasion of Ukraine will have steep stagflationary effects, even in otherwise strong economies
26th Feb 22, 10:12am
Nouriel Roubini warns that the invasion of Ukraine will have steep stagflationary effects, even in otherwise strong economies
Nouriel Roubini lists the policy, geopolitical, and systemic risks that investors will need to consider this year
9th Jan 22, 12:13pm
by Guest
Nouriel Roubini lists the policy, geopolitical, and systemic risks that investors will need to consider this year
Nouriel Roubini joins the great inflation debate by highlighting the neglected threat of persistent negative supply shocks
20th Apr 21, 8:50am
Nouriel Roubini joins the great inflation debate by highlighting the neglected threat of persistent negative supply shocks
Lee Jong-Wha fears that the pandemic may be used to justify unsustainable public spending and even human rights violations
3rd Oct 20, 10:16am
by Guest
Lee Jong-Wha fears that the pandemic may be used to justify unsustainable public spending and even human rights violations
Lee Jong-Wha urges governments to enact sweeping structural reforms to avoid long-term economic stagnation
27th Jan 20, 9:46am
by Guest
Lee Jong-Wha urges governments to enact sweeping structural reforms to avoid long-term economic stagnation
In 1995, a sociologist argued that developed countries’ “overriding task” for the subsequent decade was to "square the circle of wealth creation, social cohesion, and political freedom.” More than two decades later, most have not even attempted that feat
23rd Nov 19, 9:46am
by Guest
In 1995, a sociologist argued that developed countries’ “overriding task” for the subsequent decade was to "square the circle of wealth creation, social cohesion, and political freedom.” More than two decades later, most have not even attempted that feat
Larry Summers says that monetary policymakers should finally admit their impotence in the face of secular stagnation
3rd Oct 19, 7:46am
by Guest
Larry Summers says that monetary policymakers should finally admit their impotence in the face of secular stagnation
'Malinvestment means China not growing fast enough to keep NZ, Australia immune from global stagnation, although NZ better placed due to food production'
1st Aug 12, 4:53pm
'Malinvestment means China not growing fast enough to keep NZ, Australia immune from global stagnation, although NZ better placed due to food production'