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Bank customer satisfaction up; ASB Bank the big winner

Bank customer satisfaction up; ASB Bank the big winner

Customer satisfaction with New Zealand's major banks improved slightly in the last year, a survey by Roy Morgan has found. Despite volatile interest rates and some public anger over break fees, satisfaction with the 5 major banks rose 1.1% to 77.4% in the year to January, Roy Morgan said. The bank to gain most over the year was ASB Bank, which gained 2.9% to 82%, bringing it up to the rating for Kiwibank for the first time and rising above National bank for the first time. TSB remained the bank with the highest satisfaction rating of 88%. See the release here from Roy Morgan. * This article was first published in our daily email subscription newsletter for the banking and finance industries. The email costs NZ$365 per annum and carries exclusive news and analysis for New Zealand banking and finance industry executives, regulators and investors. Sign up for a free trial here.

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