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Alex's election diary: Of binge drinking culture and savings plans: Unfortunate advertising placements

Alex's election diary: Of binge drinking culture and savings plans: Unfortunate advertising placements

Did he storm off?

UPDATED: Right. I've put up the video above of John Key ending the press conference he held after his trade announcement where he refused to answer media questions about the so-called 'teapot tape' conversation with ACT Epsom candidate John Banks last week.

Whether Key 'stormed off' or not is up to you. I used those words in the YouTube headline, I admit, but not in the video headline, so I'm sitting on the fence there :).

From my vantage point at the press conference, it looked like a planned move from Key and his staff. In the video below of Key answering my questions on the Renminbi and trade, you'll see him say he'll take questions on the teapot stuff after any questions on trade.

When the media later began asking about the cuppa tea with Banks, and whether the potentially illegally-gained transcript of the conversation should be made public, seeing as it could be in the public interest to do so, Key reverted to saying he thought New Zealanders were interested in the economy and trade (you'll see him say this in the video above). He then took off.

This teapot stuff (and to be honest there wasn't even a teapot on the table) is now dominating the election. Labour will be annoyed because they can't get their policy on the front-page (or even page 2) any more. That's their fault as leader Phil Goff immediately came out and said the tape of Key and Banks should be released, fueling the fire. So if I hear Labour complaining about not getting any airtime now because of this circus then they get no sympathy from me.

For National, it's dominating the debate because any policy announcements they've made have been pretty limp-wristed as they try not to scare people before November 26. Yesterday's welfare announcement, which was supposed to be "chunky" was a good example of this.

Here's Key talking about trade. In the middle, he makes the comment on answering the teapot questions later:

Of binge drinking and savings plans

I found myself heartily agreeing with this piece on Stuff on the Zac Guildford drinking saga by Fairfax's Mark Reason. But before I could finish reading the column I was distracted by the advertising which accompanied it.

Unfortunately the answer to the statement that New Zealand doesn't have a binge drinking problem is provided to us from a beer advertisement:

Yeah right.

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Despite all the support structures arround them quite a few sports people fall victim to drink problems.  Is this something that is particularly prevalent with sports people or just typical of the general population.  The latter I suspect; infact it I would not be surprised if it were worse there.  What is different in the general population is that there is not the scale of support to address the individuals problems.  We sure do have a problem with drinking in this country and unfortunately the liquor industry appears to have far too much influence on our weak politicians.


Hey Alex - the far better and more revealing tape of Key's hissy fit is here;

He actually repeats the same spin doctored line four times in evading the issue.

It's like watching a possum in the headlights - don't know how or why I got here - don't wanna be here - and don't know what to do.

In the end, we elect a personality, leadership is a popularity contest - Key was happy to go with that, until such time as something happened (a free-and-frank discussion on record, rather than off record) that would expose him as the smug [you chose] that he likely is.


Similar to the Otago daily one I posted earlier for Walters delight isnt just that he looked possum like in the first yes...for sure ...then he reached down to find the smug arrogant little man he is....found him.. and then proceeded to attempt to dominate......his complete undoing came when the reporter suggested that he was big enough to handle more than one big issue in a day....

Boom! you could see the defeat right there ...go back have a lookie'll see it.

 I only watched it like, ten or fifteen times....cripes I'm an embarrassment voyer.....SOS.


Hi Kate, yep fair enough. I started recording again one he'd made the same answer a couple of times and figured something was going to happen.

Figured everyone had seen the stuff/tv3 vids so giving a space here to talk about it.


he's looking stressed

and I'm starting to question if he really is a "nice guy" (despite the public image)

will still win the election comfortably


"starting to question"..?.Matt i A.........this man does not give a flying frig about who wants what and who's gonna get it for them.

 Just the Agenda...that's it , don't look for anything else...the politics of it are  just a means to an end for this man......

He's looking for the mandate...three years not enough to see the Agenda through ,plus he had Christchurch the unfortunate spanner in the works.

If he's back you'll see a sharply contrasting three years to the last three...because then he can prceed with the I on't give a frig in an open fashion.

You'll see enough legislation shoved through to cause concern....and flat out reversals of promises to do or not do....that is all.


Meh, must be a slow news day for this to be the national headline.


Well one mans food n all that's all a sliding scale really.


True true Christov.

But what does is say about us that in our current circumstance our top most concern is what the prime minister said to John Banks over a cup of tea?

So with that alternative I cling to my hope that it's just a silly media beat up


With respect.

It concerns me Ralph....if Banks said what I think he said in terms of the nature of his true intentions on standing for ACT in the seat of Epsom...I'd like to know if only to confirm what I already believe about this goosestepping self centered power hungry  idiot.

 I want him as far away from any position of influence of either local body or God forbid Government as possible....and if would undo him completely...Bonus!

 As to Key's input  to that his own hand did he make a mess of this and so double bonus...!

Ask me for two guys I would not trust to caretake the affairs of my Country...those two top the list of a reasonably lenghty list.

Have a read of my little parody of the Teagate Saga on  Monday's ninety at nine and let's see how close I got it...if I'm right's complicity to defraud the voters from their intended outcomes.

Hey Alex....why don't you put it up now the story is gettin some traction. 


If key had wanted to have a private conversation with Banks then surely he would have had it in his office, anywhere except a public cafe with all the Press and photographers there. How did they know he would be there. It does make one wonder whether hpKey himself turned the so called tape on or whether there even was a tape. He now has the public distracted by a nonsense. The old adage of any sort of advertising, good or bad, is useful. When we manage to have a frog on TV espousing each party's policy we might start to get there. People might then start to think. This personality nonsense is terrible in any democracy.


"I'm starting to question if he really is a "nice guy"

You cannot be serious.


Never mind the teapot ,the bottle is more dangerous.

Very good article on the drinking culture in NZ.  Primarily about the sport/booze link

but touching on the wider problem. We just don't want to know about how destructive

alcohol is to our society. Accidents, violence, poverty, alcohol related diseases, 

unwanted pregnancies.  The cost is enormous.


Wasn't it John Key who said "when you're in a hole stop diging"


NZ loves a good sideshow, then we have the audacity to wonder why we are in the situation we are in.


While most election candidates are looking to maximise publicity, National's Epsom candidate Paul Goldsmith has been photographed removing signs advertising his candidacy - to further reduce his chances of winning the seat.


Sorry couldn't but help jump in on seeing this.



Yes I agree, on the content of issues, this is a diversion.  But it is very telling about leadership, and we should not forget that the Nats have milked JK's leadership for all it's worth.  I always thought that the Paul Henry / Anand Satyanand debacle told us a lot more about Key's qualities (or lack of them) than about Henry's. 

I don't particularly care about kiwi blokey charm in an NZ PM.  I would far rather have a PM who knows how to handle extreme pressure.  And this episode is useful for the electorate, as it is testing Key, and he is found wanting. 

I know that this will make some of you gag, but if the chips were seriously down for NZ, I would far sooner have Helen in charge, than Key.


Policy aside - I agree - Clark is the stronger leader.


no he wasnt


Not  bad gonzo...worth a wry smile at least...!


Yes I must admit to a chuckle there.


NZ the Titanic.

Yes, I could see Capt Helen cast in the role of going down with the boat in the name of upholding the longstanding seafaring tradition (labouring at the helm to the end) - whereas Capt John would pat the band on the back, say what noble blokes they were, and salute them as his lifeboat is lowered.





I think that the tea pot issue is far more significant than many are painting it. 

1 It reveals that Key is not careful and a bit sloppy.  Not good in a PM

2 The rumoured contents and his refusal to reveal the contents reveal that he is far from the open honest person that he likes to portray.  In fact, if the content rumours are correct it reveals him to be a duplicious, untrustworthy, two faced, schemer.  This is consistent with his Wall st carreer reputation.

3 It shows that he is not good at handling crises

4 It reveals that the whole Act party thing is probably a total scam by National to Highjack Act.  When you think about it, highjacking Act has little downside for National.  If they succed in a covert fashion great, they have a political puppet on their right side.  If the scheme unravels publicly then Act will be destroyed and the voters will therefore only have National (In Nationals mind?).  I wonder if something similar but at a little more arms length is going on with the Maori party.  (less likely I suppose. Maori voters have other options that do not suit National)


Re: (2) -- it may simply be he is maintaining a confidence.

Re (3) -- one could argue Pike River and the Christchurch eathquake are more important and material crises for making that judgement.


"maintaining a confidence" not what the press rumours seem to be suggesting.  My observation about press rumours are that they tend to be very accurate- generally because they have more information than they make public.  In this case the tape recording.

Pike River and Christchurch.  He managed the governments actions in these competently, supported and left the various official bodies get on and do their (probably prelanned) jobs.  I dont think that these events put him in quite the same crisis position that the tea cup chat does, where he has to sort this out for himself. 


Are you seriously suggesting the earthquakes crisis is less significant than this cup-of-tea-saga?


Off course not.  Just Keys position wrt to either is different.


Comparisons with Don Brash already being made:

Key needs to defuse this, fast.

There are more important things to be discussing at this stage of the game.


Taking a cheap shot indeed:

Mr Key has complained to police about the recording, which he's refusing to make public - saying that would be heading down a dangerous path.

"What happens if a couple of high-profile New Zealanders that are married have a conversation about their son or their daughter being suicidal, a Sunday paper reports that, and that child takes their own life?" he told media.

Mark Lewis, who represented British voicemail hacking victims, including the family of murdered teen Mily Dower, says Mr Key's taken a cheap shot.

Read more: 



Maybe he is stressed out trying to whistle the Happy Happy Joy Joy tune while steering the good boat Nu Zillin towards some dark and ominous clouds? And someone up the back of the boat is refusing to sit quietly :o)



Key is having us all on...first the report about National going below 50% in polls and now the apprent bullying of Key by the media to release the contents of the tape..all this designed to score sympathy from the voters and to scare National supporters to rush to the vote on election day and vote to keep National in slacking off, you see.
And the side benefit is, other parties are off the front page and Key gets his baby face on the front page more playing along nicely...Win-win...


 Banks involved in teapot crisis -  Key unlocks door to Konspiracee  therries and Winni bolts into the fray


What a carping bunch of nannas you lot on here are today !

All sitting around your keyboards with your lemon-lips pursed and your anally retentive settings on high, passing comments based on a celebration of ill-informed opinion nearly as low as the average talkback caller !

It doesn't matter if you vote National or not but let's see you get up every morning  after p/ly about 4 hours sleep and face an onslaught of media wankers barking at you about trivia and then try to get on with trying to run our countrys economy as the world melts down around us...and not even get paid for it.!

What? mean some of you didn't know that Key gets paid ONE measley dollar per year for doing his job; the rest goes to a charity. ? lillies would never get testy and a tad ill-tempered after months and months of such a daily blitzkreig of peurile bombardment by the idiot media of this country etc?

All this crap is doing is giving slimy snake oil charlatans like Peters enopugh oxygen to slither out from under his rock and start manipulating the gullible again.

It doesn't matter , as this crap will be done and dusted in a few weeks and National will be running the cutter again but at a personal level some of you whingers need to get a life!

Here endeth the first lesson according to St.Rob :-)..rock on !


I can't recommend this comment highly enough.


That's quite a rant there Rob. Are you a bit short of sleep yourself?


Dead right Rob of the North...the media are pathetic.  

No wonder the man is frustrated...a media who spend energy on reporting nothing......just what princple are they pursuing here???  The right to tap personal conversations?????

storm in a teacup.





Hey Robo I can see you got the creds for a worthy reply ( and deserved) but I never picked you for gullible a dollar a year..? come on matey this is designed to pay off in spades.....

 I don't give a rats if he's had no sleep and gets fifty cents a year...this guy has an agenda's not gonna be good for most...I guess time will tell uh.]

Good to see you up and into it anyways...stay well! 


I'm not quite sure what you mean by this guy's got an agenda, Christov? Of course he has. He's the Prime Minister and leader of one of New Zealand's major political parties. Phil Goff's got an agenda, Winston Peter's has an agenda, so too does Hone Harawira. They all have agendas, that's what politics is???


you're onto it, davidB.

hey christov..what possible agenda could key have when he's already rich, not politically driven and a family man?

could it just possibly be that ..dare i say it...he's just a straight up dude trying to do what HE  thinks is best for  the country...i mean, dare to dream man..could it be just a smidgeon possible that the guy is on the level?


No chance..! if I'm wrong  about him... he gets to roast my balls in hell while I scream like a pussy....but I doubt it.

 That said I respect the point you made about the sour lipped carry on....and yes I've got a bit that way...but this guy...this guy..! just brings it out in me...Banks even more so...


So who do you think is a worthy politician in NZ who can do a better job than Key?


Sorry David B I didn't respond earlier because I thought you were just being flippant....when I say an agenda I mean an agenda of self interest and or the interests of like minded or involved parties...( not National voters) You obviously have not read the post at the top as I separated out the political as the means to an end .

You may not have noticed I don't support his notion of a financial hub...I don't support his direct inferences to get on with mining as soon as possible.

 Matter of fact his whole background is involved in clips n pips a most unproductive future for most of the citizens...we can't all be forex traders you see.... because it's just like the track David for every winner there has to be a loser.

The reality is we the citizens will gain little benifit from the sale of assets...we will gain little benifit from oil exploration...we will gain little benifit from mining...Most of those returns will head offshore to vested interests.

 But the machine will tell you how well we are doing as an economy...well I hear it David but I just don't see it.


Interesting that no one here seems to want to discuss the underhanded actions of that arrogant, self-satisfied little lefty prick and member of the Green party who engaged in an orchestrated conspiracy with other lettuce heads to anonymously vandalise National’s bill boards for political gain. And he tried to cover it up when first confronted about it.

I wonder what that lack of comment tells us about the affiliations of the people who have posted here?

I wrote a few days ago that the arrogant hypocrisy of the left and the greens was disgusting, and as if on cue we get a prime example of it.


yada....yada....there you go again....a couple of losers on the left are matched by just as many on theright IMHO.

Whats to discuss, its un-democratic and it was a green party member I totally deplore his actions, and teh in-action from his partner who knew about it but did nothing, she should be sacked. .....

So he's a loser....and I hope he goes to jail for it.

nuff said?



Ah but the Greens are the new fascists, they can do no wrong because they are saving the planet no less.


..bit of a stretch there david.  I know the greens are getting canned for it, however they can't be held accountable for every action of someone who happends to be a signed up member - and by all accounts not an active one..

If we were to analsye the political leenings of every criminal, then we would be blaming political parties left right and centre for the actions of our fellow citazens....

Your  political views are blindfolding your objectiveness.......


I don't agree. This wasn't the actions of just one individual who doctored a few billboards’ in his own neighbourhood or town. This was a calculated and organised nationwide campaign carried out by a large number of green party supporters. Now while it may not have had the backing of the Green party leadership itself, it was nevertheless carried out by Green party activists. And at the end of the day, any political party is so much more than just its leadership. I think these actions of the grass roots members are highly telling of the party as a whole.


yeah..fair point.


Hey -- don't forget the National party electorate chairman removing Labour electoral signs in west Auckland.  Clealry the fault of the National Party? or just one of those things that isn't being talked about.


The irony for Key and his "principled" stand is that this is the sdame jerk who rushed through legislation to let the police continue with their illegal covert videoing.  Now he is bleating that someone covert surveilled him.


All sitting around your keyboards with your lemon-lips pursed and your anally retentive settings on high

Love it!


pot calling the kettle black...


If you haven't defaced an ACT or National Party billboard at sometime in your life, you aren't an Aucklander.


'Vandalism' is spray painting swastikas or burning crosses


If you haven't defaced an ACT or National Party billboard at sometime in your life, you aren't an Aucklander.

Nonsense. And the difference between that and painting the Star of David on Jewish shop windows to display your displeasure is???? I notice it's not National or Act supporters doing the defacing. They are quite happy for the Left to say whatever they like. It's called democracy, something you should read up about.



Ohh David my son - what are you “cooking up” again - a ratatouille with lot's of garlic.


I thought this was an excellent piece on why political coverage is broken.


In this 2011 election cam-pain he appears as a clever, well educated, relaxed “Wallstreet Stallion Actor” smiling and talking – similar what they do in America – and it works. It worked with Bush, Obama and Schwarzenegger – you know the guy terminator. They been told what they must say, can say and what not to say and even though they are making mistakes. It is all organised and orchestrated by some others - influential’s. Today’s political leaders aren’t them selves, but some kind of “Super Man” – they don’t even need a party/ team or friends. Some are amazing robot like creatures – especially the once in a tie.

 Hmmm -I always thought New Zealand is different, leaders can be what they are – honest, modest Kiwis with plenty of charisma and integrity.



hey Kunst...are you sure you've spelt your name right ?


Is this another empty attack from a right wing, capitalistic, propagandistic swine ? By the way - Kunst (German) means ART .

It was a good article - was it !


Jawhol ..!



Jawohl - ist richtig. 7pm tonight with the minor parties.


Come on Rob, you can do better than that. It has been done before anyway, and the perpetrator was banned.

Your rant above is sort of on the money, I can't believe this thread is up to 60 posts in such a short time. Mind you I have helped now haven't I.


I think that Key has been badly advised by the Nats over this.

I was in Hawkes Bay over the weekend, & spent time with farmers - you know the staunch, conservative one-eyed type.  Salt of the earth, but totally conservative.

This isn't the type of voter that Key needs to convince - it is middle NZers who don't lean particularly to the left or right.

But Key has acted in a get-the-Police-onto-the-pricks; just-repeat-the-mantra-and-refuse-to-get-involved, just-walk-out-on-the-a**holes sort of way. 

That is the way that the average National Party stalwart have told him to play it.

But it doesn't look so good to Mr Middle-of-the-road voter

The whole thing has turned into a media nightmare for Key. 



Remember when Key and English were caught out on tape lying to the people of NZ about their intentions toward KiwiBank? The only response they could think of was to threaten the person who caught them on tape lying to the people of NZ about their intentions towards KiwiBank. It was also the response of their diehard fangirlies.

Shoot the messenger, especially when he's bearing bad news about yourself.


How could we forget?

Although it's safe to say that John Key and Bill English really wish we would.


doubt it!...anyone with half a brain would see this as just a pathetic media beatup to make duncan garner, guyon the spinner and slimy ole winston feel good about themselves !


NZ Media quiz.

NZ Herald headline = "Tea tape issue a 'sideshow'

Stuff headline = "Key storms out of media conference"


Q.  So which media empire did John Key walk away from?



Poor old Granny Herald: as staunch a National supporter as you'll find anywhere outside a farm. Talk about a rock and a hard place.


"Granny Herald"... heh heh, there's a blast from the past  --  you must be really old.


Once again Morgan demonstrates his leftie Labour commie pinko socialist goofy cunny Aunty Helen anti rich beliefs.

How DARE he criticise John Key and the National party?


NZ politics has been hijacked by special interest groups. There are so many examples.

1) Not investing in rail network. (Trucking lobby)
2) Not doing anything about NZ drinking problem. (Alcohol lobby)
3) Not expanding Kiwi Bank to have 1 or 2 branches in each city. (Banking lobby)
4) Not doing anything about selling agriculture land to overseas owners (Banking lobby).
The list goes on...

Both main parties are not looking at the future of NZ, just doing enough to get into power.


Does anybody think these two were just sitting around drinking tea?


hey Foo-Foo, no-one thinks they were just sitting round drinking tea 'cos we could see their lips moving !

so it's fair to assume they were talking...p/ly about rolling that ole duffer Don Quixote Brash and hopefully banishing Winston Peters to a remote island in the Hauraki Gulf !


But that's just it Robo....right there..! Banks usurping the gullible you realise your wishing to  replace an anus with an asshole.

The good Doctor will be suicidal in about three weeks from now....! 


Pity for Labour the fiasco with Key and Banks has come late in the piece when many people have made up their minds.  If National wants a solid coalition partner (which would have the advantage of keeping it's extreme right-wing faction at bay), then it's the Maori Party (which in turn would keep the rabid Mana Party at bay).  Don't mind if we get a National-Maori Party coalition, far better than any containing ACT.  Unfortunately any  Labour-led government will rely on the likes of the Greens( the true 'reds') and may be the Mana Party which could involve Harawira, Sykes and Badford, God help us.


"If National wants a solid coalition partner (which would have the advantage of keeping it's extreme right-wing faction at bay)..."

Why on Earth would they want that? National is a "right-wing faction". It's supporters are too. Anybody who is not like that is not a National party member or supporter. It's like saying "dry water", or "hot ice", or something. And it's why they'd prefer to govern alone.


Yes me I agree -- god help us if national gets back in.


What I'm really worried about is that Mr Key is our Prime Minister. He will be under positions of press all the time and if he responds this way in a position of pressure I'm worried about his ability to cope


Things must be absolutely hunkadory in Godzone , ..... everyone has to be totally satisfied with the status quo , if the only story that the media can focus on is quite trivial , a mere storm in a tea-cup .

...... we're just 10 days out from the general election . And what one John may or may not have said to another John is the central topic . ....

... . " Why are two you drips are drinking tea , in a coffee shop "  , is the only question I'd put to them , on that subject ...

Truely , the media are a bunch of low-life pond-dwelling scum-sucking jelly-backed  slimeballs ...... ooops , sorry Bernard , not you of course ( heh heh heeee ! ) .....


...did Key not drink black coffee with a thin layer of Fonterra on top ?


GBH I think everyone has given up... Smile and Wave and his Boys are going to win and NZ is going to be sold off to any bidder... may as well enjoy the side show!


Everyone seems to be missing the real issue here, which is Alex's ridiculous claim that there wasn't even a tea pot on the table. I'm looking at the footage as we speak, and there are not one but two pots at the table.

So either you have no attention to detail Alex, or you are deliberately misleading the New zealand public for reasons best known to yourself. It's time to come clean, who are you really working for? And what is their anti teapot agenda? And why do you hate old people?


Damian, being the hard core politico journo that you are... what are your views on airing or not airing the dear Johns coversation?

Tea-pots on thet able or not.... all I see is a mic bag... I think Jonkey's security probably need a grilling too... incompetent they were in missing that!



I think what might (possibly) have started looking like an "i'm not going to give them the satisfaction of releasing the tapes" by Key is increasingly looking highly defensive - I mean, police warrants at TVNZ and RNZ?

I think what we need is a brave news organisation or blogger or someone to release the tape/transcript, and run the argument in court if need be. Personally I think there's enough of an argument that this was never a private conversation - the wider camera shot even shows the door is wide open right behind where Banks is sitting, with cameramen just sitting there!  It hardly needed anything surrepticious - I reckon some of the legit camera footage would probably have a bit of useable audio.

And yes, the DPS are shocking. After spend all year justfiying his entourage, you'd hope they'd do the job when they were supposed to...


Damian, how about a backbenchers special to blow the lid off the story?


there are not one but two pots at the table

Damian, my sincere apologies. The footage I had seen before writing this did not show any teapots. I accept now this was a terrible oversight and shall correct the article accordingly.

We are coffee-types at, and although this might be construed as a bias, I'm not sure you could call this an anti-teapot agenda, I mean, some of my best friends have teapots.

And I don't hate old people, I'm planning on becoming one myself one day, if I work hard enough at it.


I thought it was illegal to stand for parliament and drink tea in public.


Oh I do so love to see ol' Smile and Wave squirm! So Squirm Baby Squirm!!



Un zullun luvs sumwun who tucks luck thum. Uducatud pepul uh soooo umburrussing! Wun thuy tuck thuy sund luck dukhuds, un thuy muck us luck luck dukhuds too! Ut's sooooooo umburrussung und, luck, shame!

Fush un chups un mulk un swutshuts!


Come on Bernard, it is getting late again and the troops are getting testy waiting for the top ten. How else would a crappy subject like this get 80 posts. Heck even GBH is struggling to make something of it.


Yeah I have already seen that one. I am not as diligent in sharing as you Andrew. Go Bernard go.


I have to say the hell would having a cuppa with Olly Newland deserve any response at all....but there you go eh..?

I've seen his colum bat 160+....more head scratching  than a nit infestation...!


Well who watched the minors go out and kick the ball around....?

 For now im going to limit my review of it to oversimplification.

Hone.............surprisingly eloquent and point focused

Dunn....looks like your grandmother and sounds like her as well

Tatiana.......trips over on her own piety unnecessarily ...

Brash.......underweight and out of his league......ready for those pastures fair...possibly senile..!

Norman.....assured on  policy...quiet confidence....but like all lovers of the green ...,where's the meat jimmy..where's the meat.

Peters....The best bullshit artist there by a Country mile....sideshow Winnie  proves experience counts ....a cartoon rhythm to his voice..the glint of the devil hisssself.... the clutching of the podium for was all there...!

A winner...????? hmmmmm dunno ..I know who didn't...

The Doctor...The Dunn...Tatters....


Christov - again a fair and accurate summery of comments. I think the meat of the "Green Party" is based on: “Who killed economic growth” - a video I placed several times already here. 

The NZ workforce first should get jobs not foreign countries/ companies and: - makes sense to me.


Thank you Count for risking your health and sanity to watch and for providinga synopsis, it is greatly appreciated. I hope you don't suffer any long lasing effects. PTSD?


Actually, more's the point .....WHO KILLED COCK ROBIN ?

that's what i was hoping that the minors would explain last night..but,no, not a peep...bloody disappointing i say :-)


Malar Key (any relation?), you suggest National is a right-wing faction.  Not so, it is very much a centrist party because the main impetus of National is pragmatism (with a socially conservative bent), so as to have and retain power. And the more ideological faction will only have sway if they are in a position of influence with ACT.  That's why National went with the Maori Party 3 years ago, a strategic alliance to get power, and for the mainstream pragmatists to minimise any economic extremisim.  Compare the pragmatic instincts of JK  v the ideologically driven Don Brash.  Muldoon was very much in the non-ideological mould as well, although he became meglamanical.


yes the Nats are the "bland - do nothing" party. Incredibly "safe" and unimaginative.

At least Labour are a bit more imaginative

It's all about short term gain at the sacrifice of the long term bigger picture, with the Nats


Panic and desperation is sweeping through the ranks of National party fangirlies. Hear them squeal.


Work ethic M Alar Key....that's what Labour's missing...and it's no good you posting humbug cos we all knows Goofy Cunny Klinger and Co are in for the chop in less than 10 days....]

Isn't that great news about Italy forming a govt with not ONE politician in the Cabinet....haahahaahha back to the past we go....maybe this will be the new age model govt where a President and some bureaucrats run the more pork not up to scratch...."YOU'RE FIRED"



Brilliant media management by the nats...Key hounded by the Press....hahahaaaaa

For the price of a cuppa tea the PM has cornered the media in a teagate rort that's driving them mad chasing Key all day long. Sorry, is there another party in the running to be govt?



Remember "painter gate", or whatever the droolers called it?

Will the rabid Nat lackeys pursue this as vigourously as they hounded Helen Clark after she signed the back of some painitng?


They will pretend this never happened, and viciously attack any who mention it?

There's a surprise, eh?



Was key claiming to have done the $10 note artwork?



who cares? it's just a side show orchestrated by Garner & Co. on a slow news day. ACT are finished anyway so just report on the REAL issues like the blinking economy. 


Act and NZfirst are coming last....the battle to see who will sit on the Speaker's left is on....It's going to be the end of Labour as we knew it...fabulous news.


That's funny, because you and all the other sycophantic Nat toadies thought nothing of rabidly pursuing the "side shows" of other leaders and governments before National came to power.

Yet now that it's your Nat Gods on the firing line, it's mere trivia and a waste of everyone's time.

You and your cowardly and mealy-mouthed little fellow partisan hacks are the reason politics never rises above the level of the septic tank.

It's not sport. It's not a rugby game. It's not about your team winning at any cost so that you can drunkenly stagger through the streets victoriously chanting their name.

We're trying to find leaders worth having, but it's really difficult when depthless simpletons such as yourself try to keep it at the schoolyard level.


i agree with you Wolly, you ole trolly dolly wolly...for a change !


I take it you agree with the concept of central govt having no pollies in a Cabinet and a monarch or president calling the shots, firing the members of the Cabinet who fail to perform...with pollies confined to local govt and local govt confined to neutral budgets...

How could that be worse than the farce we currently live with!


 John Key is astutely morphing from ‘smiley, wavy; everybody’s special friend’ to ‘Mr. Grumpy’/no one’s special friend’. He knows that he will have some unpopular decision-making to do after he gets re-elected, and it is far easier to make those decisions if he is not ‘your friend’.

If you have a concern about whatever legislative changes might come to you in the negative after 26/11; those fears may about to be realized.


Grey Powers Pitbull, slipped his chain while Key and Banks were having a cuppa..I think our leader will regret that cuppa for a long long time.


JK has an island to escape to anon....where will Brash be sent....probably the usual High Comm to London....a chance to shop Oxford Circus and a knighthood if he keeps his gob shut.
