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Bucking recent trend, BNZ lifts 18-month mortgage rate by 45 basis points to 5.55%

Bucking recent trend, BNZ lifts 18-month mortgage rate by 45 basis points to 5.55%

Bucking the recent trend of mortgage rate cuts, BNZ has raised its 18-month "Classic" interest rate by 45 basis points to 5.55%.

The increase reverses more than half of a 79 basis point cut to the rate on May 14, when BNZ dropped it to 5.10% from 5.89% during a spate of mortgage rate cuts by all the banks.

The increase also means BNZ no longer has the lowest advertised bank 18-month rate, with ASB offering 5.40%.

See all advertised bank mortgage rates here.

BNZ's new 5.55% 18-month rate matches its two-year rate.


Mortgage choices involve making a significant financial decision so it often pays to get independent professional advice.

A Roost mortgage broker can be contacted by following this link »


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Bye Bye BNZ it was nice knowing you, but best you be off now. 

It is no longer up to you the power is in the punters hands

President of Property


I'm happy I got 4.99 fixed with Bnz for 1 year!
