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BNZ boss says his bank 'assessing opportunity' from Westpac's 'challenging' core govt contract being put up for tender

BNZ boss says his bank 'assessing opportunity' from Westpac's 'challenging' core govt contract being put up for tender

By Gareth Vaughan

Bank of New Zealand is taking an interest in Westpac's long running government banking contract being put out to tender, although managing director Andrew Thorburn notes it would be a "challenging account."

Thorburn told BNZ was "certainly assessing" the opportunity.

The Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment and Treasury issued a Discussion Document on all-of-government banking services in June, in which they said the Government was looking at tendering for core transactional banking services, supplied by Westpac since 1989.

This is an abridged version of this article. The full version was published in our email for paid subscribers. See here for more details and to subscribe.

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