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Four of five changes are increases as NZ's largest home loan lender raises rates despite recent wholesale rate falls

Four of five changes are increases as NZ's largest home loan lender raises rates despite recent wholesale rate falls

This morning ANZ has changed five of its fixed home loan rates.

According to their website they have raised four rates and lowered one.

ANZ's six month fixed rate has risen +26 bps to 5.75% from 5.49%.

Their one year fixed mortgage rate is up +10 bps to 5.95% from 5.85%.

Their eighteen month rate is up +20 bps to 6.19% from 5.99%.

And their have increased their 'special' 2 year rate to 5.99%, up +4 bps from 5.95%.

The only ANZ fixed mortgage rate to fall in todays set is their three year rate which goes down -30 bps to 6.55% from 6.85%.

None of these changes lead the market; in fact they have removed the only market leading rate by making the 2 year 'special' change.

These reductions come despite some recent sharp falls in international wholesale rates which are flowing through to local swap markets.

See all banks' carded, or advertised, home loan rates here.   

The latest ANZ fixed rates compare as follows:

below 80% LVR 1 yr 18 mths 2 yrs 3 yrs 5 yrs
5.95% 6.19% 5.99% 6.55% 7.40%
ASB 5.95% 5.99% 6.19% 6.25% 7.40%
5.85% 5.99% 5.95% 6.25% 7.40%
Kiwibank 5.85%   6.19% 6.29% 7.20%
Westpac 5.85% 5.99% 6.19% 6.25% 7.40%
Co-op Bank 5.85% 5.85% 5.99% 6.25% 6.99%
HSBC 5.59%   5.99% 5.99% 6.99%
5.60% 5.85% 5.99% 6.25% 6.79%
TSB 5.70% 5.85% 5.99% 6.25% 7.40%


Mortgage choices involve making a significant financial decision so it often pays to get professional advice. A Roost mortgage broker can be contacted by following this link »

Fixed mortgage rates

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