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The National Bank's December rural report

Rural News
The National Bank's December rural report

Read The National Bank's summary of the financial crisis, and how it will affect agriculture and the global andĀ local implications. Also they update their predictions for product prices for the year 08/09. A summary is as follows: Exchnge rate .60c US .46 Euro, Wool xbred 200-260c greasy, Lamb $75/hd (17kg), $40 for mutton, Steer and bulls 295-320kg $3.30-3.60/kg, Venison (60kg) $7.25/kg, velvet $60-70/kg, and a dairy payout of $5.50-$6.00/kgms. Let us hope the present dry conditions on the east coast will allow farmers to capitalise on this years better prices for lamb and venison.

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