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Ross Stitt bemoans the state of Australian politics when it comes to economic development
1st Feb 24, 2:15pm
Ross Stitt bemoans the state of Australian politics when it comes to economic development
One of the steepest price declines in commercial property in at least a half century heightens risks to investors and lenders. The IMF wants regulators to be vigilant to these growing risks
19th Jan 24, 10:54am
by Guest
One of the steepest price declines in commercial property in at least a half century heightens risks to investors and lenders. The IMF wants regulators to be vigilant to these growing risks
AI will affect almost 40 percent of jobs around the world, replacing some and complementing others. We need a careful balance of policies to tap its potential, says Kristalina Georgieva
16th Jan 24, 10:26am
by Guest
AI will affect almost 40 percent of jobs around the world, replacing some and complementing others. We need a careful balance of policies to tap its potential, says Kristalina Georgieva
The IMF's charts tracked the most pressing issues for the global economy and policymakers - and they will still be confronting in 2024
13th Jan 24, 9:09am
by Guest
The IMF's charts tracked the most pressing issues for the global economy and policymakers - and they will still be confronting in 2024
Generative AI has introduced tantalising possibilities. Yet the initial excitement surrounding AI has given way to genuine and growing concerns. The IMF makes an early attempt to understand AI’s implications for growth, jobs, inequality, and finance
2nd Dec 23, 9:48am
by Guest
Generative AI has introduced tantalising possibilities. Yet the initial excitement surrounding AI has given way to genuine and growing concerns. The IMF makes an early attempt to understand AI’s implications for growth, jobs, inequality, and finance
International cooperation is more important than ever because no country can address climate change by itself, says the IMF
28th Nov 23, 9:11am
by Guest
International cooperation is more important than ever because no country can address climate change by itself, says the IMF
New Argentinian president Javier Milei promises to ‘take a chainsaw’ to country’s crippled economy
22nd Nov 23, 12:56pm
by Guest
New Argentinian president Javier Milei promises to ‘take a chainsaw’ to country’s crippled economy
New research looks at how governments use IMF bailouts to hurt political opponents
17th Nov 23, 10:26am
by Guest
New research looks at how governments use IMF bailouts to hurt political opponents
Panama’s drought shows how trade disruptions from climate extremes can reverberate around the world, says the IMF
16th Nov 23, 9:56am
by Guest
Panama’s drought shows how trade disruptions from climate extremes can reverberate around the world, says the IMF
Coordinated climate policies can spur innovation in low-carbon technologies and help them spread to emerging market and developing economies, says the IMF
7th Nov 23, 12:52pm
by Guest
Coordinated climate policies can spur innovation in low-carbon technologies and help them spread to emerging market and developing economies, says the IMF
David Hargreaves welcomes news Statistics NZ will produce more timely, monthly, pricing data but reckons we still need a full CPI indicator every month and an earlier view of GDP information
24th Oct 23, 8:01am
David Hargreaves welcomes news Statistics NZ will produce more timely, monthly, pricing data but reckons we still need a full CPI indicator every month and an earlier view of GDP information
The negative impact of ‘de-risking’ strategies by major economies would be felt beyond China, while comprehensive reforms in China could generate significant positive spillovers, the IMF says
19th Oct 23, 10:31am
by Guest
The negative impact of ‘de-risking’ strategies by major economies would be felt beyond China, while comprehensive reforms in China could generate significant positive spillovers, the IMF says
Our statistics provider has responded to criticism of a lack of timely pricing data by greatly expanding the amount of information it will produce each month
18th Oct 23, 12:57pm
Our statistics provider has responded to criticism of a lack of timely pricing data by greatly expanding the amount of information it will produce each month
Higher interest rates have exposed vulnerabilities in some banks, and many more would be weakened by a prolonged period of tight monetary policy, says the IMF
17th Oct 23, 9:14am
by Guest
Higher interest rates have exposed vulnerabilities in some banks, and many more would be weakened by a prolonged period of tight monetary policy, says the IMF
Asia is likely to see faster disinflation, but prospects for growth in coming years are dimming, says the IMF
14th Oct 23, 9:13am
by Guest
Asia is likely to see faster disinflation, but prospects for growth in coming years are dimming, says the IMF
Elevated inflation means central banks may have to keep policy rates higher in a way that stretches the capacity of borrowers to repay debt, says the IMF
11th Oct 23, 10:14am
by Guest
Elevated inflation means central banks may have to keep policy rates higher in a way that stretches the capacity of borrowers to repay debt, says the IMF
Expectations increasingly drive inflation dynamics. Improvements in monetary policy frameworks can better inform people’s inflation expectations and thereby help reduce inflation at lower output cost
5th Oct 23, 9:33am
by Guest
Expectations increasingly drive inflation dynamics. Improvements in monetary policy frameworks can better inform people’s inflation expectations and thereby help reduce inflation at lower output cost
The IMF says managing the climate transition calls for a fiscal balancing act with the right mix of policies
3rd Oct 23, 9:48am
by Guest
The IMF says managing the climate transition calls for a fiscal balancing act with the right mix of policies
New Zealand’s economy is doing ‘okay’ but that’s not enough to win an election
16th Sep 23, 9:30am
New Zealand’s economy is doing ‘okay’ but that’s not enough to win an election
The IMF says although global debt recorded another significant decline in 2022, it's still high and debt sustainability remains a concern
14th Sep 23, 1:15pm
by Guest
The IMF says although global debt recorded another significant decline in 2022, it's still high and debt sustainability remains a concern
When countries experience large capital outflows, significant currency substitution, an unacceptable level of money laundering risk, and/or risks to consumers and markets, targeted restrictions on crypto assets 'might be useful'
8th Sep 23, 5:00am
When countries experience large capital outflows, significant currency substitution, an unacceptable level of money laundering risk, and/or risks to consumers and markets, targeted restrictions on crypto assets 'might be useful'
The Crown accounts won't return to surplus until 2027 and debt will rise, after the Government increased spending during an economic boom, ANZ says
5th Sep 23, 2:37pm
The Crown accounts won't return to surplus until 2027 and debt will rise, after the Government increased spending during an economic boom, ANZ says
RBNZ to consider a potential role for statutory bail-in powers on bank liabilities such as bonds in the event of a bank failure
5th Sep 23, 7:22am
RBNZ to consider a potential role for statutory bail-in powers on bank liabilities such as bonds in the event of a bank failure
International Monetary Fund report criticizes the New Zealand Government for increasing spending while the central bank battles inflation
29th Aug 23, 6:32am
International Monetary Fund report criticizes the New Zealand Government for increasing spending while the central bank battles inflation
Brics expansion: With 6 more nations set to join, just what are they buying into?
25th Aug 23, 9:19am
by Guest
Brics expansion: With 6 more nations set to join, just what are they buying into?