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Winston Peters

Katharine Moody on the MAD doctrine, plaudits to Winston Peters, how science makes environmental controversies worse, fighting climate change by not focusing on climate change and more
17th May 19, 10:00am
by Guest
Katharine Moody on the MAD doctrine, plaudits to Winston Peters, how science makes environmental controversies worse, fighting climate change by not focusing on climate change and more
Acting PM and NZ First Leader Winston Peters has a crack at Fonterra's management for getting the company into a sticky debt situation that prompted it to sell Tip Top to an overseas buyer
13th May 19, 4:58pm
Acting PM and NZ First Leader Winston Peters has a crack at Fonterra's management for getting the company into a sticky debt situation that prompted it to sell Tip Top to an overseas buyer
Government commits to treating biological emissions differently to other greenhouse gas emissions as it introduces zero carbon legislation to Parliament; Fails to secure full support from National
8th May 19, 10:36am
Government commits to treating biological emissions differently to other greenhouse gas emissions as it introduces zero carbon legislation to Parliament; Fails to secure full support from National
Chris Trotter doubts Jacinda Ardern and Grant Robertson will be losing much sleep over their left-wing critics' anger that no Capital Gains Tax will be implemented
23rd Apr 19, 8:37am
Chris Trotter doubts Jacinda Ardern and Grant Robertson will be losing much sleep over their left-wing critics' anger that no Capital Gains Tax will be implemented
Finance Minister Grant Robertson on the effectiveness of taxing land bankers, why the bright-line test won't be extended and whether his tax review was doomed to fail from the start
18th Apr 19, 11:48am
Finance Minister Grant Robertson on the effectiveness of taxing land bankers, why the bright-line test won't be extended and whether his tax review was doomed to fail from the start
MMP in action: ​Jenée Tibshraeny on the politics of the Government putting a Capital Gains Tax to bed
17th Apr 19, 7:40pm
MMP in action: ​Jenée Tibshraeny on the politics of the Government putting a Capital Gains Tax to bed
Prime Minister says Govt unable to find 'consensus' and is ruling out a Capital Gains Tax under her leadership
17th Apr 19, 2:09pm
Prime Minister says Govt unable to find 'consensus' and is ruling out a Capital Gains Tax under her leadership
Government expected to respond to Tax Working Group recommendations on Wednesday afternoon; Associate Finance Minister on Wednesday morning says no decision's been made on a capital gains tax
17th Apr 19, 9:00am
Government expected to respond to Tax Working Group recommendations on Wednesday afternoon; Associate Finance Minister on Wednesday morning says no decision's been made on a capital gains tax
Labour one seat shy of being able to govern on its own according to 1 NEWS Colmar Brunton poll; Ardern soars ahead as preferred prime minister; Bridges neck and neck with Collins
15th Apr 19, 6:46pm
Labour one seat shy of being able to govern on its own according to 1 NEWS Colmar Brunton poll; Ardern soars ahead as preferred prime minister; Bridges neck and neck with Collins
The construction industry's grumpiness may be the result of a forced shift in focus towards more affordable housing, says Greg Ninness
7th Apr 19, 6:02am
The construction industry's grumpiness may be the result of a forced shift in focus towards more affordable housing, says Greg Ninness
Peter Dunne bemoans the current sorry state of politics, which has seen the demise of give-and-take and balanced argument that had previously been the hallmarks of liberal democracy
4th Apr 19, 8:39am
Peter Dunne bemoans the current sorry state of politics, which has seen the demise of give-and-take and balanced argument that had previously been the hallmarks of liberal democracy
Deputy Prime Minister Winston Peters tells businesses downbeat on the residential construction sector to take note of the high number of consents issued in 2018
1st Apr 19, 7:22pm
Deputy Prime Minister Winston Peters tells businesses downbeat on the residential construction sector to take note of the high number of consents issued in 2018
Labour more discreet than NZ First in gauging public opinion on the introduction of a capital gains tax through an online poll
11th Mar 19, 12:49pm
Labour more discreet than NZ First in gauging public opinion on the introduction of a capital gains tax through an online poll
Chris Trotter says the Government's handling of the Tax Working Group has highlighted Grant Robertson's reliance on his mentor Michael Cullen
11th Mar 19, 9:42am
Chris Trotter says the Government's handling of the Tax Working Group has highlighted Grant Robertson's reliance on his mentor Michael Cullen
Peter Dunne argues the Wellington bureaucracy will be a good gauge of whether the Government is likely to be re-elected next year
10th Mar 19, 6:02am
Peter Dunne argues the Wellington bureaucracy will be a good gauge of whether the Government is likely to be re-elected next year
Ardern assures any MMP threshold changes wouldn't take effect in 2020 election, despite Little hours earlier saying they could; Bridges says changes would need cross-party support
5th Mar 19, 12:30pm
Ardern assures any MMP threshold changes wouldn't take effect in 2020 election, despite Little hours earlier saying they could; Bridges says changes would need cross-party support
Winston Peters has spent decades gaming MMP to keep himself in the position of king (or queen) maker. Asks Danyl Mclauchlan, are we really going to make it even easier for politicians like him?
4th Mar 19, 4:08pm
by Guest
Winston Peters has spent decades gaming MMP to keep himself in the position of king (or queen) maker. Asks Danyl Mclauchlan, are we really going to make it even easier for politicians like him?
Winston Peters commits to giving Fijian military more support as countries engage in 'reinvigorated relations'; Welcomes more seasonal workers from Fiji
28th Feb 19, 12:55pm
Winston Peters commits to giving Fijian military more support as countries engage in 'reinvigorated relations'; Welcomes more seasonal workers from Fiji
Chris Trotter says the Capital Gains Tax recommended by Cullen’s team is of such breadth and bite it can't have been intended seriously
25th Feb 19, 7:59am
Chris Trotter says the Capital Gains Tax recommended by Cullen’s team is of such breadth and bite it can't have been intended seriously
Government taking 'measured' approach as coalition partners seek consensus on Tax Working Group's findings; Winston Peters sticks to the script
21st Feb 19, 1:48pm
Government taking 'measured' approach as coalition partners seek consensus on Tax Working Group's findings; Winston Peters sticks to the script
Winston Peters links Jenny Shipley's China-praising "opinion piece" to her Chinese business interests; Shipley refuses to comment
20th Feb 19, 4:27pm
Winston Peters links Jenny Shipley's China-praising "opinion piece" to her Chinese business interests; Shipley refuses to comment
Peter Dunne says Greens co-leader James Shaw's CGT comments are far less a statement on his party's position and more an attempt to flush out where NZ First stands
14th Feb 19, 8:47am
Peter Dunne says Greens co-leader James Shaw's CGT comments are far less a statement on his party's position and more an attempt to flush out where NZ First stands
Decision pending on company's plans to dump dredged material from Auckland Harbour near Great Barrier Island
5th Feb 19, 2:10pm
Decision pending on company's plans to dump dredged material from Auckland Harbour near Great Barrier Island
A battle for the conservatives: How National is using drug reform and migration to cut NZ First's lunch
27th Jan 19, 6:06am
A battle for the conservatives: How National is using drug reform and migration to cut NZ First's lunch
With Jami-Lee Ross gone, Chris Trotter wonders why National Party leaks continue against Simon Bridges. He explores what is really going on
30th Dec 18, 8:02am
With Jami-Lee Ross gone, Chris Trotter wonders why National Party leaks continue against Simon Bridges. He explores what is really going on