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Reserve Bank open to having more regard for house prices through the way it regulates banks, not through the way it conducts monetary policy; Asks for debt-to-income tools
11th Dec 20, 11:38am
Reserve Bank open to having more regard for house prices through the way it regulates banks, not through the way it conducts monetary policy; Asks for debt-to-income tools
Adrian Orr provides reminder the RBNZ might not have to loosen the monetary policy tap by as much as it has said it could
9th Dec 20, 2:13pm
Adrian Orr provides reminder the RBNZ might not have to loosen the monetary policy tap by as much as it has said it could
Credit bureau Equifax says 96% of all accounts previously in mortgage deferral are now up to date
4th Dec 20, 9:44am
Credit bureau Equifax says 96% of all accounts previously in mortgage deferral are now up to date
Reserve Bank statistics show the bumper mortgage month of October led to the biggest monthly and annual increase in the amount of mortgage money outstanding ever
30th Nov 20, 3:40pm
Reserve Bank statistics show the bumper mortgage month of October led to the biggest monthly and annual increase in the amount of mortgage money outstanding ever
RBNZ notes the financial stability risks associated with sky-rocketing house prices, but doesn't ask for a debt-to-income ratio tool to be added to its macro-prudential toolkit
25th Nov 20, 10:12am
RBNZ notes the financial stability risks associated with sky-rocketing house prices, but doesn't ask for a debt-to-income ratio tool to be added to its macro-prudential toolkit
Credit bureau Centrix says nearly a fifth of Kiwi superannuitants still have a mortgage
24th Nov 20, 11:50am
Credit bureau Centrix says nearly a fifth of Kiwi superannuitants still have a mortgage
John Mauldin of Mauldin Economics sees a Japanese style deflationary economic cycle with no growth for the United States
23rd Nov 20, 2:40pm
John Mauldin of Mauldin Economics sees a Japanese style deflationary economic cycle with no growth for the United States
Institute of International Finance says unprecedented increase in global debt means it's not clear how the global economy can deleverage without significant adverse implications for economic activity
19th Nov 20, 9:00am
Institute of International Finance says unprecedented increase in global debt means it's not clear how the global economy can deleverage without significant adverse implications for economic activity
Cabinet agrees to extend Small Business Cashflow Loan Scheme by three years; Will consider making larger loans available
9th Nov 20, 5:22pm
Cabinet agrees to extend Small Business Cashflow Loan Scheme by three years; Will consider making larger loans available
Government considers further ways to support businesses through debt and equity; Ardern details her pre-Christmas priorities including the doubling of sick leave entitlements
5th Nov 20, 12:54pm
Government considers further ways to support businesses through debt and equity; Ardern details her pre-Christmas priorities including the doubling of sick leave entitlements
ANZ economists say the fear of missing out dynamic has the potential to contribute to frothiness in the housing market that ultimately cannot be sustained
2nd Nov 20, 11:58am
ANZ economists say the fear of missing out dynamic has the potential to contribute to frothiness in the housing market that ultimately cannot be sustained
ASB economists say 'by doing nothing' the RBNZ risks fuelling the fire of a housing market bubble, which could increase financial stability risks down the line
27th Oct 20, 12:45pm
ASB economists say 'by doing nothing' the RBNZ risks fuelling the fire of a housing market bubble, which could increase financial stability risks down the line
David Hargreaves says the Reserve Bank should not delay in reinstating lending restrictions on housing investors
22nd Oct 20, 8:38am
David Hargreaves says the Reserve Bank should not delay in reinstating lending restrictions on housing investors
ANZ chairman John Key warns against creating 'zombie companies' and 'an asset bubble that's going to burst on us'
21st Oct 20, 12:05pm
ANZ chairman John Key warns against creating 'zombie companies' and 'an asset bubble that's going to burst on us'
Adrian Orr says the RBNZ is seeing early signs of house prices being driven by high leverage loans and by investors rather than households
20th Oct 20, 4:16pm
Adrian Orr says the RBNZ is seeing early signs of house prices being driven by high leverage loans and by investors rather than households
Roger J Kerr says the stunning New Zealand election result which sees the Labour Party assume ultimate power has removed one risk that could have pushed the NZ dollar lower in the short-term
19th Oct 20, 8:39am
Roger J Kerr says the stunning New Zealand election result which sees the Labour Party assume ultimate power has removed one risk that could have pushed the NZ dollar lower in the short-term
Economics forecaster Infometrics says renewed house price rises are a side-effect of the Reserve Bank's efforts to stimulate the economy
15th Oct 20, 6:00pm
Economics forecaster Infometrics says renewed house price rises are a side-effect of the Reserve Bank's efforts to stimulate the economy
Much of the huge financial stimulus being pumped into the economy seems as though it is being pumped into the housing market. David Hargreaves says the Reserve Bank has some serious thinking to do ahead of its last two major set piece events of the year
15th Oct 20, 8:18am
Much of the huge financial stimulus being pumped into the economy seems as though it is being pumped into the housing market. David Hargreaves says the Reserve Bank has some serious thinking to do ahead of its last two major set piece events of the year
ASB economists say a much more severe shortage of housing than earlier thought is a key reason for rocketing house prices; 11% house price inflation forecast for June 2021 year
14th Oct 20, 9:23am
ASB economists say a much more severe shortage of housing than earlier thought is a key reason for rocketing house prices; 11% house price inflation forecast for June 2021 year
Kiwibank economists believe the RBNZ will 'give with one hand' though lower mortgage rates and take a little back with the other - through tighter lending standards
12th Oct 20, 1:59pm
Kiwibank economists believe the RBNZ will 'give with one hand' though lower mortgage rates and take a little back with the other - through tighter lending standards
Roger J Kerr says the foreign exchange markets are not showing any great nervousness ahead of the election
12th Oct 20, 8:51am
Roger J Kerr says the foreign exchange markets are not showing any great nervousness ahead of the election
Paul Goldsmith on why using borrowed money to invest in the Super Fund is a bad idea, even if halting contributions would reduce the size of the fund by $20 billion over 10 years
9th Oct 20, 3:01pm
Paul Goldsmith on why using borrowed money to invest in the Super Fund is a bad idea, even if halting contributions would reduce the size of the fund by $20 billion over 10 years
Gareth Vaughan on a green future v an authoritarian future, ancient hunter-gathers & modern day anxiety, debt relief for poor countries, Billy Te Kahika in the South China Morning Post, the teeny tiny EU unifier
8th Oct 20, 9:34am
Gareth Vaughan on a green future v an authoritarian future, ancient hunter-gathers & modern day anxiety, debt relief for poor countries, Billy Te Kahika in the South China Morning Post, the teeny tiny EU unifier
Kiwibank economists have been scrutinising our Covid spending. It's good news and bad news. We are eating really healthily. But we're drinking more and gambling
6th Oct 20, 3:14pm
Kiwibank economists have been scrutinising our Covid spending. It's good news and bad news. We are eating really healthily. But we're drinking more and gambling
Roger J Kerr says we are in for a wild and volatile ride over coming weeks as the markets attempt to fathom out what all this means for the Presidential election
5th Oct 20, 8:41am
Roger J Kerr says we are in for a wild and volatile ride over coming weeks as the markets attempt to fathom out what all this means for the Presidential election