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Building Consents

Building consent numbers jumped in July but the long term trend is still declining
30th Aug 24, 12:13pm
Building consent numbers jumped in July but the long term trend is still declining
Building costs stabilising except for retirement units, the average size of stand alone houses is shrinking
9th Aug 24, 10:24am
Building costs stabilising except for retirement units, the average size of stand alone houses is shrinking
Total annual value of building work on new homes down nearly $5 billion over the last two years
31st Jul 24, 12:00pm
Total annual value of building work on new homes down nearly $5 billion over the last two years
The Minister for Building and Construction is concerned that building inspection capacity won't be able to meet industry demand when construction picks up again
9th Jul 24, 3:55pm
The Minister for Building and Construction is concerned that building inspection capacity won't be able to meet industry demand when construction picks up again
The number of new homes being consented continues on a downward spiral, Statistics NZ figures show
31st May 24, 10:44am
The number of new homes being consented continues on a downward spiral, Statistics NZ figures show
The number of new homes being built in Auckland is likely to decline by more than 25% over the next two years
21st May 24, 12:07pm
The number of new homes being built in Auckland is likely to decline by more than 25% over the next two years
Fewer new homes are being built but the cost of building them keeps rising
7th May 24, 2:50pm
Fewer new homes are being built but the cost of building them keeps rising
Residential building industry crunch looming as building consent numbers plummet
3rd May 24, 11:36am
Residential building industry crunch looming as building consent numbers plummet
New dwelling consents declined by a quarter in the year to February, Statistics NZ says
4th Apr 24, 4:53pm
New dwelling consents declined by a quarter in the year to February, Statistics NZ says
Housing do-ups, extensions and major alteration work has steadily declined over the last two years
20th Mar 24, 10:35am
Housing do-ups, extensions and major alteration work has steadily declined over the last two years
Building consents for new housing sink to their lowest level in five years, Statistics NZ says
1st Mar 24, 12:01pm
Building consents for new housing sink to their lowest level in five years, Statistics NZ says
Number of new homes being consented down 36% in just over two years
7th Feb 24, 1:35pm
Number of new homes being consented down 36% in just over two years
There's a looming crunch coming for the residential construction industry as new dwelling consents continue to tumble
2nd Feb 24, 11:52am
There's a looming crunch coming for the residential construction industry as new dwelling consents continue to tumble
Fast-reducing townhouse consent levels are driving overall residential building consent levels into a sharp contraction, even if construction cost pressures ease
11th Jan 24, 11:23am
Fast-reducing townhouse consent levels are driving overall residential building consent levels into a sharp contraction, even if construction cost pressures ease
Big drop in the number of new homes being built while construction costs have 'all but stabilised'
30th Nov 23, 11:54am
Big drop in the number of new homes being built while construction costs have 'all but stabilised'
The size of new homes is declining while the cost of building them keeps going up
8th Nov 23, 7:47am
The size of new homes is declining while the cost of building them keeps going up
Value of building consents issued in September down $817 million year-on-year
31st Oct 23, 12:11pm
Value of building consents issued in September down $817 million year-on-year
The number of new homes being consented is down 30.3% compared to a year ago
2nd Oct 23, 11:43am
The number of new homes being consented is down 30.3% compared to a year ago
The number of new homes consented last month was down over 5% on the previous month on a seasonally-adjusted basis, according to Stats NZ
30th Aug 23, 11:06am
The number of new homes consented last month was down over 5% on the previous month on a seasonally-adjusted basis, according to Stats NZ
Mike Blackburn can see the downturn in residential construction extending for another six to twelve months, but the sector isn't crashing he says. It is just coming off an unusual high
19th Aug 23, 9:39am
by Guest
Mike Blackburn can see the downturn in residential construction extending for another six to twelve months, but the sector isn't crashing he says. It is just coming off an unusual high
From his vantage point in the greater Christchurch area, Mike Blackburn reminds builders there is still work to be had despite the downturn; it just takes [new] effort to find it
11th Aug 23, 1:00pm
by Guest
From his vantage point in the greater Christchurch area, Mike Blackburn reminds builders there is still work to be had despite the downturn; it just takes [new] effort to find it
The number of new homes consented in the June quarter was down 20% on last year
1st Aug 23, 11:54am
The number of new homes consented in the June quarter was down 20% on last year
The volume of home renovation work is down but costs are up
8th Jul 23, 6:53am
The volume of home renovation work is down but costs are up
Statistics NZ says there were 5856 fewer new homes consented in the May year versus the previous 12 months
3rd Jul 23, 11:55am
Statistics NZ says there were 5856 fewer new homes consented in the May year versus the previous 12 months
New dwelling consents down 25.9% in April compared to a year earlier
30th May 23, 11:49am
New dwelling consents down 25.9% in April compared to a year earlier