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Green Party

New Zealand politicians are putting fiscal responsibility at risk by being unwilling to talk about tax, Dan Brunskill says
16th Jul 23, 8:00am
New Zealand politicians are putting fiscal responsibility at risk by being unwilling to talk about tax, Dan Brunskill says
Chris Trotter says to announce that your party is even 'exploring' bestowing upon Māori the 'right of first refusal' on privately-owned land offered for sale will certainly test the relative strengths of collectivism and individualism in New Zealand!
10th Jul 23, 8:42am
Chris Trotter says to announce that your party is even 'exploring' bestowing upon Māori the 'right of first refusal' on privately-owned land offered for sale will certainly test the relative strengths of collectivism and individualism in New Zealand!
Not all rent control policies are the same – the Green Party proposal deserves an open-minded debate, Tom Baker says
6th Jul 23, 8:05am
by Guest
Not all rent control policies are the same – the Green Party proposal deserves an open-minded debate, Tom Baker says
A super-majority of voters want to fix tax bracket creep but only two political parties agree
24th Jun 23, 9:01am
A super-majority of voters want to fix tax bracket creep but only two political parties agree
Susan St John says instead of a complicated net wealth tax on everything, let’s start with the biggest culprit – housing. This would address the under-taxation of income from holding housing as an asset
21st Jun 23, 12:41pm
Susan St John says instead of a complicated net wealth tax on everything, let’s start with the biggest culprit – housing. This would address the under-taxation of income from holding housing as an asset
A Business NZ commissioned report says NZ businesses aren't using inflation as cover for opportunistic price rises
14th Jun 23, 5:00am
A Business NZ commissioned report says NZ businesses aren't using inflation as cover for opportunistic price rises
The Green Party would provide a guaranteed income of $385 a week, paid for with a wealth tax on assets over $2m and 45% tax on income over $180,000
11th Jun 23, 11:13am
The Green Party would provide a guaranteed income of $385 a week, paid for with a wealth tax on assets over $2m and 45% tax on income over $180,000
The Act Party hopes to win 20% of votes in the election and force National to scrap more Labour policies
10th Jun 23, 9:00am
The Act Party hopes to win 20% of votes in the election and force National to scrap more Labour policies
David Seymour and Nicola Willis question whether the Reserve Bank is downplaying the inflationary impact of Government spending
25th May 23, 11:36am
David Seymour and Nicola Willis question whether the Reserve Bank is downplaying the inflationary impact of Government spending
Opposition politicians have a range of negative views on the Reserve Bank's decision to raise the Official Cash Rate by 25 points
24th May 23, 4:27pm
Opposition politicians have a range of negative views on the Reserve Bank's decision to raise the Official Cash Rate by 25 points
Party leaders give reaction to the budget, with Act and National saying its spending will push up inflation, the Greens say it is good as far as it goes and Te Pati Maori saying it has missed real opportunities
18th May 23, 6:32pm
Party leaders give reaction to the budget, with Act and National saying its spending will push up inflation, the Greens say it is good as far as it goes and Te Pati Maori saying it has missed real opportunities
Chris Hipkins and Chris Luxon will battle to be the most boring, while minor parties set the agenda in Election 2023
30th Apr 23, 5:00am
Chris Hipkins and Chris Luxon will battle to be the most boring, while minor parties set the agenda in Election 2023
Chris Trotter is watching a growing struggle within the Green Party where radical activists are battling the grown-ups for control, the outcome which may affect Labour's re-electability in October
10th Apr 23, 8:20am
Chris Trotter is watching a growing struggle within the Green Party where radical activists are battling the grown-ups for control, the outcome which may affect Labour's re-electability in October
Kiwibank CEO Steve Jurkovich says record first-half profit won't be repeated in second-half of bank's financial year as MP raises idea of bank levy
23rd Feb 23, 1:10pm
Kiwibank CEO Steve Jurkovich says record first-half profit won't be repeated in second-half of bank's financial year as MP raises idea of bank levy
Chris Trotter assesses the political landscape heading into the 2023 election year
18th Dec 22, 6:00am
Chris Trotter assesses the political landscape heading into the 2023 election year
Coalitions, kingmakers and a Rugby World Cup: The calculations already influencing next year’s NZ election
27th Nov 22, 6:00am
by Guest
Coalitions, kingmakers and a Rugby World Cup: The calculations already influencing next year’s NZ election
James Shaw ejected as co-leader by restive members; he says he'll stand again for co-leader; says he would also stay as Climate Minister if he loses again
25th Jul 22, 1:09pm
James Shaw ejected as co-leader by restive members; he says he'll stand again for co-leader; says he would also stay as Climate Minister if he loses again
The Greens loathing of majorities is attributable to their unshakeable conviction that their party’s view of the world is the only correct one. Greens are elitists, writes Chris Trotter, and proud of it
25th Jul 22, 7:14am
The Greens loathing of majorities is attributable to their unshakeable conviction that their party’s view of the world is the only correct one. Greens are elitists, writes Chris Trotter, and proud of it
Treasury 'meaningfully' revamps house price forecast methodology, putting more weight on the impact of interest rates
16th Feb 22, 4:31pm
Treasury 'meaningfully' revamps house price forecast methodology, putting more weight on the impact of interest rates
Proposed ACC-run insurance scheme to cover job losses due to redundancy and sickness/disability - at a cost to employees and employers; National says it would abolish the scheme
2nd Feb 22, 10:41am
Proposed ACC-run insurance scheme to cover job losses due to redundancy and sickness/disability - at a cost to employees and employers; National says it would abolish the scheme
Business groups, experts and politicians respond to the Government's new Covid-19 framework
22nd Oct 21, 1:26pm
Business groups, experts and politicians respond to the Government's new Covid-19 framework
James Shaw must know that neither New Zealanders, nor the rest of humanity, will take the urgent and transformative action that Science now deems necessary to stave-off climate catastrophe
18th Oct 21, 9:18am
James Shaw must know that neither New Zealanders, nor the rest of humanity, will take the urgent and transformative action that Science now deems necessary to stave-off climate catastrophe
Much-anticipated decision to give 165,000 migrants currently in NZ a one-off pathway to residence welcomed across the board
30th Sep 21, 10:51am
Much-anticipated decision to give 165,000 migrants currently in NZ a one-off pathway to residence welcomed across the board
Finance Minister Grant Robertson believes the policy response to this Covid-19 outbreak won't exacerbate inequality, although he still wants house prices to keep rising, but at a slower rate
3rd Sep 21, 8:30am
Finance Minister Grant Robertson believes the policy response to this Covid-19 outbreak won't exacerbate inequality, although he still wants house prices to keep rising, but at a slower rate
At either end of the Pacific Ocean, the Centre-Left is displaying a singular incomprehension of cause and effect, Chris Trotter argues
9th Aug 21, 10:12am
At either end of the Pacific Ocean, the Centre-Left is displaying a singular incomprehension of cause and effect, Chris Trotter argues