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asset bubbles

Gareth Vaughan suggests the attitudes of Reserve Bank Governor Adrian Orr and the big four banks' bosses present at last week's INFINZ conference suggests some interesting times ahead as key issues come to a head
28th Oct 20, 1:27pm
Gareth Vaughan suggests the attitudes of Reserve Bank Governor Adrian Orr and the big four banks' bosses present at last week's INFINZ conference suggests some interesting times ahead as key issues come to a head
ANZ chairman John Key warns against creating 'zombie companies' and 'an asset bubble that's going to burst on us'
21st Oct 20, 12:05pm
ANZ chairman John Key warns against creating 'zombie companies' and 'an asset bubble that's going to burst on us'
In's Election Series, the University of Otago's Janet Stephenson and Etienne Nel argue our political parties need a plan for a ‘post-growth’ world
8th Aug 20, 9:11am
by Guest
In's Election Series, the University of Otago's Janet Stephenson and Etienne Nel argue our political parties need a plan for a ‘post-growth’ world
Grant Robertson remains committed to reducing government debt long-term, saying Modern Monetary Theory isn't an approach he's looking to adopt
6th Aug 20, 9:23am
Grant Robertson remains committed to reducing government debt long-term, saying Modern Monetary Theory isn't an approach he's looking to adopt
Raf Manji urges the RBNZ not to make the mistake of previous overseas QE programmes by focusing entirely on supporting the financial markets
23rd Mar 20, 12:19pm
Raf Manji urges the RBNZ not to make the mistake of previous overseas QE programmes by focusing entirely on supporting the financial markets
David Hargreaves ponders the mediocre returns available on 'safe' investments and wonders whether technology might lead us to a new path of investment types
23rd Feb 20, 6:02am
David Hargreaves ponders the mediocre returns available on 'safe' investments and wonders whether technology might lead us to a new path of investment types
In the gritty detail of drawdowns, interest costs, and repayments David Chaston finds clear evidence that low interest rates aren't used to save borrowers money, they are used to bid up prices and debt levels
30th Oct 19, 9:44am
In the gritty detail of drawdowns, interest costs, and repayments David Chaston finds clear evidence that low interest rates aren't used to save borrowers money, they are used to bid up prices and debt levels
Jared Dillian of Mauldin Economics argues negative rates are not an aberration and could become a semi-permanent feature of finance
20th Aug 19, 2:18pm
by Guest
Jared Dillian of Mauldin Economics argues negative rates are not an aberration and could become a semi-permanent feature of finance
John Mauldin of Mauldin Economics says in such bizarre times all bets are off, but the storm clouds are gathering and someone, potentially you, is likely to get hit
22nd Jul 19, 2:05pm
John Mauldin of Mauldin Economics says in such bizarre times all bets are off, but the storm clouds are gathering and someone, potentially you, is likely to get hit
Chris Rands explains why a faltering Australian housing market changes economic signals to the RBA, and is likely to result in lower official interest rates there sometime this year
27th Feb 19, 11:43am
by Guest
Chris Rands explains why a faltering Australian housing market changes economic signals to the RBA, and is likely to result in lower official interest rates there sometime this year
KPMG sees 2019 as a key year for house prices following the restrictions placed on overseas buyers late last year and with the current woes in the Australian market
13th Feb 19, 7:53am
KPMG sees 2019 as a key year for house prices following the restrictions placed on overseas buyers late last year and with the current woes in the Australian market
Mauldin Economics' Robert Ross argues the corporate debt bubble is strikingly similar to the subprime mortgage bubble
11th Feb 19, 12:16pm
by Guest
Mauldin Economics' Robert Ross argues the corporate debt bubble is strikingly similar to the subprime mortgage bubble
Rather than a sudden meltdown, high debt and falling house prices may result in a 'slow burn' adjustment, taking the edge off consumption and growth in Australia, says Nikko's Chris Rands
5th Dec 18, 10:10am
by Guest
Rather than a sudden meltdown, high debt and falling house prices may result in a 'slow burn' adjustment, taking the edge off consumption and growth in Australia, says Nikko's Chris Rands
'Dr Doom' Nouriel Roubini attacks cryptocurrencies as 'the mother and father of all scams and bubbles,' & labels blockchain 'the most overhyped technology ever'
12th Oct 18, 2:00pm
'Dr Doom' Nouriel Roubini attacks cryptocurrencies as 'the mother and father of all scams and bubbles,' & labels blockchain 'the most overhyped technology ever'
The collapse of Lehman Brothers, the GFC and all that it spawned, from sub-prime mortgages to Donald Trump. Plus reminiscing with 2 Kiwis who had front row seats
15th Sep 18, 8:27am
The collapse of Lehman Brothers, the GFC and all that it spawned, from sub-prime mortgages to Donald Trump. Plus reminiscing with 2 Kiwis who had front row seats
Gareth Vaughan on when climate change was almost stopped, the theft of the century, debt piled on your children's children, tech bubbles, easy debt and a declining ability to think long-term & more
17th Aug 18, 10:04am
Gareth Vaughan on when climate change was almost stopped, the theft of the century, debt piled on your children's children, tech bubbles, easy debt and a declining ability to think long-term & more
Mercer's David Scobie suggests investors not partial to “rolling the dice” sit out the cryptocurrency action and marvel as more of the story unfolds
20th Mar 18, 7:47am
by Guest
Mercer's David Scobie suggests investors not partial to “rolling the dice” sit out the cryptocurrency action and marvel as more of the story unfolds
In 1988, 1998 and 2008, NZ’s economy took a beating due to a crisis the year prior – some have termed it 'the curse of the eight'; as NZ makes its way through 2018, there is a sense of optimism the curse may have been broken
4th Mar 18, 7:24am
by Jason Walls
In 1988, 1998 and 2008, NZ’s economy took a beating due to a crisis the year prior – some have termed it 'the curse of the eight'; as NZ makes its way through 2018, there is a sense of optimism the curse may have been broken
Gareth Vaughan on the essence of a bubble, AI that's smarter than humans, a vile & racist man, trying to follow real estate money from China, the world's first narco-state & more
19th Jan 18, 10:02am
Gareth Vaughan on the essence of a bubble, AI that's smarter than humans, a vile & racist man, trying to follow real estate money from China, the world's first narco-state & more
The 2017 Interesties featuring Jacinda Ardern, Steven Joyce, Metiria Turei, Donald Trump, Xi Jinping, Grant Spencer, Mark Quickfall, bitcoin, DTIs, CBA, Tony Alexander, Zombie ponzi & many more
22nd Dec 17, 10:52am
The 2017 Interesties featuring Jacinda Ardern, Steven Joyce, Metiria Turei, Donald Trump, Xi Jinping, Grant Spencer, Mark Quickfall, bitcoin, DTIs, CBA, Tony Alexander, Zombie ponzi & many more
Patrick Watson says asset bubbles usually only hurt the buyers who overpay, but that changes when you add leverage to the equation
20th Dec 17, 10:21am
Patrick Watson says asset bubbles usually only hurt the buyers who overpay, but that changes when you add leverage to the equation
Dairy prices slump to lowest in over a year, we are still waiting on Donald's taxes, the Aussie PM has reshuffled, NZ dollar at US69.81 cents
20th Dec 17, 7:31am
Dairy prices slump to lowest in over a year, we are still waiting on Donald's taxes, the Aussie PM has reshuffled, NZ dollar at US69.81 cents
US tax changes to be voted on overnight NZ time, more European heat on Bitcoin, Aussie PM to reshuffle, NZ dollar at US70.12 cents
19th Dec 17, 7:34am
US tax changes to be voted on overnight NZ time, more European heat on Bitcoin, Aussie PM to reshuffle, NZ dollar at US70.12 cents
Aussie government scores crucial victory, Bitcoin goes bananas (again) as EU cracks down, US Republicans expect tax bill to pass, NZ dollar at US69.93 cents
18th Dec 17, 7:36am
Aussie government scores crucial victory, Bitcoin goes bananas (again) as EU cracks down, US Republicans expect tax bill to pass, NZ dollar at US69.93 cents
As the price of Bitcoin tops US$10k for the first time, Hamilton Hindin Greene's Jeremy Sullivan warns human nature hasn't changed since the 17th century, it has just moved on to a different tulip
29th Nov 17, 2:45pm
As the price of Bitcoin tops US$10k for the first time, Hamilton Hindin Greene's Jeremy Sullivan warns human nature hasn't changed since the 17th century, it has just moved on to a different tulip