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Auckland housing market

Bernard Hickey argues the banks could help the Reserve Bank get out from between a rock and a hard place by not passing on next week's OCR cut to savers and borrowers
7th Aug 16, 5:02am
Bernard Hickey argues the banks could help the Reserve Bank get out from between a rock and a hard place by not passing on next week's OCR cut to savers and borrowers
Barfoot & Thompson average price drops 4.5%; 'a definite change' seen in the market
3rd Aug 16, 9:53am
Barfoot & Thompson average price drops 4.5%; 'a definite change' seen in the market latest figures highlight that housing hotspots Auckland, Waikato and Wellington continue to lag in rental yields
2nd Aug 16, 9:31am
7 latest figures highlight that housing hotspots Auckland, Waikato and Wellington continue to lag in rental yields
Bernard Hickey argues a much hairier target for this and future Governments would be to enable the building of the 131,000 extra houses in Auckland that the Unitary Plan creators say is needed over the next 7 years
31st Jul 16, 5:02am
Bernard Hickey argues a much hairier target for this and future Governments would be to enable the building of the 131,000 extra houses in Auckland that the Unitary Plan creators say is needed over the next 7 years
Mortgage broker John Bolton argues rising boomer disposable incomes, and a failure of policy to adjust to changes in society and technology, is causing the housing affordability issue
30th Jul 16, 9:28am
Mortgage broker John Bolton argues rising boomer disposable incomes, and a failure of policy to adjust to changes in society and technology, is causing the housing affordability issue
The household debt party is continuing to gather pace, with rates of growth last seen before the Global Financial Crisis
29th Jul 16, 3:21pm
The household debt party is continuing to gather pace, with rates of growth last seen before the Global Financial Crisis
The number of new homes being consented nationally rose 35% in June compared with a year ago; Auckland had consents for 921 units compared with 704 in June 2015
29th Jul 16, 11:05am
The number of new homes being consented nationally rose 35% in June compared with a year ago; Auckland had consents for 921 units compared with 704 in June 2015
Self proclaimed urban planning tragic Matthew Paetz looks at the key rules for intensification in the Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan
28th Jul 16, 3:02pm
by Guest
Self proclaimed urban planning tragic Matthew Paetz looks at the key rules for intensification in the Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan
First home buyers in Auckland will be financially disadvantaged throughout their lives compared to those in other regions
28th Jul 16, 10:09am
First home buyers in Auckland will be financially disadvantaged throughout their lives compared to those in other regions
Kiwibank economists are now picking the Reserve Bank will have to drop the Official Cash Rate to as low as 1.5%
25th Jul 16, 4:21pm
Kiwibank economists are now picking the Reserve Bank will have to drop the Official Cash Rate to as low as 1.5%
The NZ Initiative's Jason Krupp says as a response to the housing issues, the Govt's infrastructure fund plan suggests we can expect more piecemeal policymaking, instead of the comprehensive strategy that is needed
25th Jul 16, 10:12am
The NZ Initiative's Jason Krupp says as a response to the housing issues, the Govt's infrastructure fund plan suggests we can expect more piecemeal policymaking, instead of the comprehensive strategy that is needed
Bernard Hickey is praying along with the Reserve Bank and the Government that the Unitary Plan now before the Auckland Council will not blow up in everyone's faces
24th Jul 16, 7:02am
Bernard Hickey is praying along with the Reserve Bank and the Government that the Unitary Plan now before the Auckland Council will not blow up in everyone's faces
Mortgage broker John Bolton looks at the Auckland housing market and chances of a market correction
23rd Jul 16, 9:14am
Mortgage broker John Bolton looks at the Auckland housing market and chances of a market correction
ANZ CEO David Hisco says NZ needs 'a number of parties to fly in formation together to navigate our way through a time where NZ's under pressure on a number of fronts'
23rd Jul 16, 9:10am
ANZ CEO David Hisco says NZ needs 'a number of parties to fly in formation together to navigate our way through a time where NZ's under pressure on a number of fronts'
ANZ, ASB and Westpac have now pulled the shutters down now on lending to investors over 60% LVR ahead of introduction of new RBNZ rules
20th Jul 16, 4:24pm
ANZ, ASB and Westpac have now pulled the shutters down now on lending to investors over 60% LVR ahead of introduction of new RBNZ rules
The Reserve Bank's decision to bring forward implementation of the new round of LVR restrictions gives it the edge over the Government in the game of chess that the two parties are playing
20th Jul 16, 3:09pm
The Reserve Bank's decision to bring forward implementation of the new round of LVR restrictions gives it the edge over the Government in the game of chess that the two parties are playing
We asked eight of the big banks whether they provide interest-only loans for residential mortgages - and they all do
20th Jul 16, 5:00am
We asked eight of the big banks whether they provide interest-only loans for residential mortgages - and they all do
BNZ economists see the central bank cutting interest rates next month and needing to signal another cut after that
18th Jul 16, 4:51pm
BNZ economists see the central bank cutting interest rates next month and needing to signal another cut after that
Bernard Hickey challenges the knee-jerk idea that a big fall in Auckland house prices would automatically kill the economy and destroy the banks
17th Jul 16, 5:02am
Bernard Hickey challenges the knee-jerk idea that a big fall in Auckland house prices would automatically kill the economy and destroy the banks
Geoff Simmons sees more questions than answers in Labour's housing proposals. Equity, NIMBYs and government monopolies all point to serious potential flaws
16th Jul 16, 9:45am
Geoff Simmons sees more questions than answers in Labour's housing proposals. Equity, NIMBYs and government monopolies all point to serious potential flaws
Reserve Bank to issue an updated 'economic assessment' next week; market will speculate that a cut to interest rates is coming in August
14th Jul 16, 3:27pm
Reserve Bank to issue an updated 'economic assessment' next week; market will speculate that a cut to interest rates is coming in August
Labour Party leader releases new interactive 'housing map' showing people 'how the crisis is affecting their neighbourhood'; Govt says it's riddled with errors
14th Jul 16, 12:06pm
Labour Party leader releases new interactive 'housing map' showing people 'how the crisis is affecting their neighbourhood'; Govt says it's riddled with errors
John Key and friends are the people to sort out the housing market - and they should stop making excuses and hiding behind the Reserve Bank
12th Jul 16, 8:16am
John Key and friends are the people to sort out the housing market - and they should stop making excuses and hiding behind the Reserve Bank
'Regulations that limit the stock of housing suitable for younger people, such as height restrictions and view shafts, need to be axed and pronto'
11th Jul 16, 10:12am
by Guest
'Regulations that limit the stock of housing suitable for younger people, such as height restrictions and view shafts, need to be axed and pronto'
Bernard Hickey says politicians of all colours failed the Arthur Grimes test this week because they favoured the short term interests of speculators and developers over the longer term interests of families living in their own homes
10th Jul 16, 5:02am
Bernard Hickey says politicians of all colours failed the Arthur Grimes test this week because they favoured the short term interests of speculators and developers over the longer term interests of families living in their own homes