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Guy Trafford sees strong demand pressures from China for our redmeat products, threatening to upend the current balanced set of markets we supply
14th Jun 21, 8:16am
Guy Trafford sees strong demand pressures from China for our redmeat products, threatening to upend the current balanced set of markets we supply
Mohamed A. El-Erian argues by failing to do more to help the rest of the world get vaccinated as quickly as possible, Western countries are jeopardizing the international system upon which their prosperity is based
11th Jun 21, 9:07am
by Guest
Mohamed A. El-Erian argues by failing to do more to help the rest of the world get vaccinated as quickly as possible, Western countries are jeopardizing the international system upon which their prosperity is based
Melvyn Krauss explains the strategic thinking behind the US' recent foreign policy "concessions" to Germany and Russia
5th Jun 21, 3:13pm
by Guest
Melvyn Krauss explains the strategic thinking behind the US' recent foreign policy "concessions" to Germany and Russia
ASB economists now see a milk price for farmers next year of $8.20 per kilogram of milk solids, which if achieved would be the second best price ever
19th May 21, 2:47pm
ASB economists now see a milk price for farmers next year of $8.20 per kilogram of milk solids, which if achieved would be the second best price ever
Log prices jump on strong domestic demand, and rising demand from China which now takes 88% of our log exports. Rivals for this China trade fall away as US demand rises. NZ prices at new record high
19th May 21, 9:46am
Log prices jump on strong domestic demand, and rising demand from China which now takes 88% of our log exports. Rivals for this China trade fall away as US demand rises. NZ prices at new record high
Giant dairy co-operative Fonterra is to launch what it terms a 'comprehensive consultation process' to seek feedback from its farmer shareholders on options for changing its capital structure
5th May 21, 8:59am
Giant dairy co-operative Fonterra is to launch what it terms a 'comprehensive consultation process' to seek feedback from its farmer shareholders on options for changing its capital structure
An increase in domestic and export saw log prices has lifted prices above their five year averages. Domestic demand is strong. Sawn timber prices in China have continued to increase faster than log prices
1st May 21, 8:58am
An increase in domestic and export saw log prices has lifted prices above their five year averages. Domestic demand is strong. Sawn timber prices in China have continued to increase faster than log prices
Westpac economists see buoyant dairy prices flowing through next season and have hiked their milk price forecast for next year by 75c to $8 per kilogram of milk solids
21st Apr 21, 3:50pm
Westpac economists see buoyant dairy prices flowing through next season and have hiked their milk price forecast for next year by 75c to $8 per kilogram of milk solids
Thitinan Pongsudhirak shows how the recent military takeover in Myanmar could undermine ASEAN - and weaken regional stability more broadly, to China's advantage
5th Apr 21, 9:24am
by Guest
Thitinan Pongsudhirak shows how the recent military takeover in Myanmar could undermine ASEAN - and weaken regional stability more broadly, to China's advantage
Log and sawn timer prices remain high with good demand locally and from China, and with India improving. Freight is boosting the price customers need to pay
27th Mar 21, 11:23am
Log and sawn timer prices remain high with good demand locally and from China, and with India improving. Freight is boosting the price customers need to pay
Guy Trafford raises an eyebrow over how conflicted farmers are on Fonterra's capital structure. He is watching for carbon price gaming. And he is also watching insects being added to animal food
18th Mar 21, 12:00pm
Guy Trafford raises an eyebrow over how conflicted farmers are on Fonterra's capital structure. He is watching for carbon price gaming. And he is also watching insects being added to animal food
Dairy co-operative Fonterra has improved 'normalised' profit by 43% and paid a dividend of 5c but says the second half of the year will be affected by the rising costs of dairy products
17th Mar 21, 9:02am
Dairy co-operative Fonterra has improved 'normalised' profit by 43% and paid a dividend of 5c but says the second half of the year will be affected by the rising costs of dairy products
Guy Trafford reviews the big power competition, and how NZ positions itself after the core rivalry shifts from amateur name-calling to a real and serious geopolitical tension, where trade can be a collateral sacrifice
16th Mar 21, 9:48am
Guy Trafford reviews the big power competition, and how NZ positions itself after the core rivalry shifts from amateur name-calling to a real and serious geopolitical tension, where trade can be a collateral sacrifice
Fonterra farmers have given a resounding thumbs down to any suggestion of bringing outside shareholders into the dairy co-operative
15th Mar 21, 3:40pm
Fonterra farmers have given a resounding thumbs down to any suggestion of bringing outside shareholders into the dairy co-operative
David Hargreaves hopes that Fonterra's excellent recent work to recover its position won't be blown off course by the pressure higher milk costs will put on its margins
5th Mar 21, 1:23pm
David Hargreaves hopes that Fonterra's excellent recent work to recover its position won't be blown off course by the pressure higher milk costs will put on its margins
Westpac economists raise their farmgate milk price forecast to $7.90, while ANZ economists lift their pick to $7.70; both prices are well ahead of Fonterra's own forecast
3rd Mar 21, 12:49pm
Westpac economists raise their farmgate milk price forecast to $7.90, while ANZ economists lift their pick to $7.70; both prices are well ahead of Fonterra's own forecast
The latest dairy auction result is all about Chinese demand, twisted by lower northern hemisphere production forecasts, and complicated by shipping delays. The net result is sharply higher prices
3rd Mar 21, 11:25am
The latest dairy auction result is all about Chinese demand, twisted by lower northern hemisphere production forecasts, and complicated by shipping delays. The net result is sharply higher prices
Foresters are getting higher prices for logs from both local processors and from export sales to China, but they can't compete with distressed Aussie sales into India
2nd Mar 21, 4:36pm
Foresters are getting higher prices for logs from both local processors and from export sales to China, but they can't compete with distressed Aussie sales into India
The annual report from Global Dairy Trade gives a clear view of how this trade has developed in both volume and price terms, and China's role as a buyer
25th Feb 21, 1:21pm
The annual report from Global Dairy Trade gives a clear view of how this trade has developed in both volume and price terms, and China's role as a buyer
Chinese demand for imported liquid milk has grown by 50% per year for more than a decade and the prospects are that this growth will continue even as their domestic supply rises: Rabobank
24th Feb 21, 11:17am
by Guest
Chinese demand for imported liquid milk has grown by 50% per year for more than a decade and the prospects are that this growth will continue even as their domestic supply rises: Rabobank
Melvyn Krauss explains why Italy's new prime minister will play a larger role in European affairs than in domestic politics
23rd Feb 21, 11:12am
by Guest
Melvyn Krauss explains why Italy's new prime minister will play a larger role in European affairs than in domestic politics
Farmers hope that the Green Party and Labour call-outs on human rights-and-trade remain selective and inconsistent when it comes to China. Meanwhile state-owned Pamu underperforms again with zero consequences
16th Feb 21, 9:07am
Farmers hope that the Green Party and Labour call-outs on human rights-and-trade remain selective and inconsistent when it comes to China. Meanwhile state-owned Pamu underperforms again with zero consequences
China is New Zealand’s biggest kiwifruit export market. The problem is that Chinese growers are now growing Zespri’s SunGold variety without Zespri’s permission
16th Feb 21, 8:15am
China is New Zealand’s biggest kiwifruit export market. The problem is that Chinese growers are now growing Zespri’s SunGold variety without Zespri’s permission
Fonterra boosts price it expects to pay farmers by 20c per kilogram of milk solids on the back of continued global dairy price increases
3rd Feb 21, 9:07am
Fonterra boosts price it expects to pay farmers by 20c per kilogram of milk solids on the back of continued global dairy price increases
The New Zealand ag sector is "travelling astoundingly well" amid global turbulence, and is poised for a profitable 2021 according to a new Rabobank report
28th Jan 21, 11:19am
by admin
The New Zealand ag sector is "travelling astoundingly well" amid global turbulence, and is poised for a profitable 2021 according to a new Rabobank report