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BusinessDesk: NZ exodus to Australia continues in March as kiwis pack their bags

BusinessDesk: NZ exodus to Australia continues in March as kiwis pack their bags

New Zealanders’ exodus to Australia continued in March as more kiwis look across the Tasman for a better quality of life, even as the so-called ‘lucky country’ looks vulnerable to an economic slowdown.

Some 5,000 departures in the month of March left a net loss across the Tasman of 3,928 last month, according to Statistics New Zealand. That took the annual net loss to a record 39,456, with 53,237 departures in the year ended March 31. That’s continued a trend of record annual outflows to Australia since November 2011, the department said.

The overall loss of migrants in March was 1,300 for an annual outflow of 3,400. That annual figure was made up of 84,400 arrivals and 87,800 departures. On a seasonally adjusted basis, there was a net gain of 130 migrants in March, the second monthly gain since the February earthquake last year.

That was bolstered by new migrants from India, China and the Philippines.

Short-term visitor arrivals rose 11 percent to some 240,000 in March, with a 35 percent surge in Asian visitors. Annual visitors climbed 4.4 percent to 2.6 million, and were bolstered by the Rugby World Cup between July and October last year.

The government is hoping to attract an extra 200,000 visitor nights from a proposed Auckland convention centre.

The deal has sparked staunch opposition, as it would see casino operator SkyCity Entertainment Group foot the $350 million tab to build and operate the venue in exchange for an extension to its gaming licence, which would let it underwrite the expense with more pokie machines.


Net long term migration

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Soon only the best will be left ;)


Nah. Politicians will be left as well.


...... and real estate agents ! ..... they won't be leaving their gravy train anytime soon .....


Interesting, innit, that People are free to flow to the place where the yield is greatest, but increasingly, trade and capital aren't....



only 3 comments ?        isnt it time for a  modest govt  departure tax of say $5,000 for Kiwis fleeing to Oz  to help the rest of us keep NZ going until they come pouring back...


What I would like to see is say after 4 years if you come back and since you have not been paying tax you get a standown  period on the away ten years and paid no significant NZ tax, get no WINZ for 10 months.....

Its not the going that bothers me as the coming back expecting handouts as they get off the plane.



This shouldn't really be news anymore - it's the new normal


Now we have 4 comments with 1 being very similar to that tired old cliche used by Muldoon (it will raise the IQ in both countries).

Face it, NZ greatest achievement in export in the last 30 years has basically been its' people.

Turning it around, well just listen to what Bernard is saying and we just might achieve it, cause nothing else has bloody well worked...


Another blast from the past, we had Rogernomics for decades and its advanced us how far?

Im not sure what BH is saying to turn it around........sure we could tax the rich at a more agressive rate....but handing the $s to the poorer via say WFF is just pointless  IMHO...



Do we have any breakdowns in terms of socio-economics? Otherwise its meaningless except to say it looks like ppl are thinking National  is worse than Labour....

Also is say the OZ pension a huge draw? I know for ppl of my age it I know some who have gone for the better package....

Not that it really matters either way....we are to small to compete on $ terms...

Now if we could see that its mostly say trademen, or unskilled, or the PhDs or IT ppl that starts to give us an idea what is really going on......and if we should care.

ie if its the unskilled and typical lorry driver going to work in the mines for very high pay then we cant do anything about it....and shouldnt..........



Please take winston....he could live in under any rock...honest!

"The New Zealand First leader wants the Government to offer cardholders a ten percent winter discount.

 But John Key's ruling that out, pointing out Mr Peters never offered power discounts when he was part of the last Labour Government.

 "I don't recall him ever giving pensioners a 10 percent reduction in their power bills so maybe he owes them an apology for what he did in terms of supporting Labour back from 2005 to 2008 and I look forward to hearing the apology."

 Winston Peters is now accusing Mr Key of being callous in dismissing his request."

All you socialists hold your breath...wait for winston to give his apology...don't you breath until he does now, you hear....


New Zealanders are being replaced by high breeders. Doesn't this worry anyone in government or is New Zealand continuing with it's own multicultural experiment even after Europe has declared what an absolute disater it has been for them and Cameron in the UK saying multiculturalism is dead.



You may have missed that Maori have one of the highest fertilities...or dont you class them as New Zealanders? 



Steven ..they also have a very high early mortality rate , and as a consequence won't place too many demands on Bernards finances in the years to come.......mmm.

As a demographic ,even though Maori may be doing their bit (as it were) to reproduce  it will not be enough to insure against further marginilisation due to immigration along with other N.Z.ders' input (so to speak again).

Wolly's right about Winstone in so far as ....This is his specialty ..Nationalist rhetoric....fear and loathing......although  a conversation yet to be had is......

Multiculturalism V.S. Mutual they part ways earily in the piece.


Good point interesting to see how many of that 115,000 or one forth of all N.Z. immigrants to AUS. exercise thier special votes.

 On the other side of the coin those born there will ( one presumes) not be Bernard's childrens pension thieves.



I don't class Maoris as immigrants. It isn't clear whether Maoris see themselves as New Zealanders. That is another issue.





I'm apalled at the level of third world immigration into this country and am sure it is one of the reasons (alongside our equally insane taxpayer funded lifelong holidays) for the low wages (median wage $26k PA) and persistant unemployment.

BUT; if Kiwis, collectively, can't be bothered reproducing themselves then they're going to have to get used to a country that's very differant to the one they've grown used to.



It's the government's manipulation of the country's financial situation and tax regime which discourages people to breed. When it takes two salaries to buy a house and the basics necessary to exist there is little incentive to have children. To flood the country with cheap immigrant labour makes the situation even worse for residents and drives down wages which gives a boost to the economy in the short term. That is why EU countries have embarked on mass third world immigration to solve their immediate financial situation but have done so without due regard for the consequences of demographic change being experienced by indigenous Europeans. Kiwis who know the value of their labour have gone to Australia taking their skills with them. Unfortunately for those left behind things can only get worse     
