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A review of things you need to know before you go home on Tuesday; NZIER warns on housing, MRP wants to issue more bonds, new Party formed, paid parental leave rates rising
27th May 14, 4:22pm
A review of things you need to know before you go home on Tuesday; NZIER warns on housing, MRP wants to issue more bonds, new Party formed, paid parental leave rates rising
Key sees Auckland housing market slowing down; says migration not to blame for house prices in long run; defends migration policy
27th May 14, 3:11pm
Key sees Auckland housing market slowing down; says migration not to blame for house prices in long run; defends migration policy
Pressure off oil prices; ECB to act against deflation; EU-US trade deal progresses; Holden recalls cars; NZ$1 = US$0.855, TWI = 79.8
27th May 14, 7:51am
Pressure off oil prices; ECB to act against deflation; EU-US trade deal progresses; Holden recalls cars; NZ$1 = US$0.855, TWI = 79.8
A review of things you need to know before you go home on Monday; home loan rates fall, term deposit rates rise, high LVR lending soft, listing flurry
26th May 14, 4:00pm
A review of things you need to know before you go home on Monday; home loan rates fall, term deposit rates rise, high LVR lending soft, listing flurry
Roger J Kerr says lower dairy income and lower growth means that the RBNZ won't be as aggressive with their OCR hikes
26th May 14, 3:30pm
Roger J Kerr says lower dairy income and lower growth means that the RBNZ won't be as aggressive with their OCR hikes
Roger J Kerr says the FX markets are waiting to be told that the NZ economic fundamentals have weakened
26th May 14, 1:36pm
Roger J Kerr says the FX markets are waiting to be told that the NZ economic fundamentals have weakened
Green's Metiria Turei launches policy to spend up to NZ$327 mln over three years to insulate 200,000 homes, including NZ$35 mln for Canterbury
26th May 14, 1:05pm
Green's Metiria Turei launches policy to spend up to NZ$327 mln over three years to insulate 200,000 homes, including NZ$35 mln for Canterbury
Monday's Top 10: Digital displacement; Barclays as master manipulators; a mega trend; sanctions working?; skewing the findings?; George Carlin; Dilbert, and more
26th May 14, 10:30am
Monday's Top 10: Digital displacement; Barclays as master manipulators; a mega trend; sanctions working?; skewing the findings?; George Carlin; Dilbert, and more
US new home sales rise; EU votes 'right'; Ukraine votes for chocolate; Putin conciliatory; UST 10y 2.54%; NZ$1 = US$0.854, TWI = 79.8
26th May 14, 7:33am
US new home sales rise; EU votes 'right'; Ukraine votes for chocolate; Putin conciliatory; UST 10y 2.54%; NZ$1 = US$0.854, TWI = 79.8
A review of things you need to know before you go home on Friday; mortgage 'innovation', confidence fall, dairy price fall, wholesale rates rise
23rd May 14, 4:00pm
A review of things you need to know before you go home on Friday; mortgage 'innovation', confidence fall, dairy price fall, wholesale rates rise
China jobs grow but not factories; US factory output strong, house sales rise; coup in Thailand after trick; NZ$1 = US$0.855, TWI = 79.9
23rd May 14, 7:25am
China jobs grow but not factories; US factory output strong, house sales rise; coup in Thailand after trick; NZ$1 = US$0.855, TWI = 79.9
A review of things you need to know before you go home on Thursday; jobs grow, Xero crows, China factories better, expected inflation stable
22nd May 14, 4:00pm
A review of things you need to know before you go home on Thursday; jobs grow, Xero crows, China factories better, expected inflation stable
Parker brandishes papers from Westpac and Treasury supporting Labour's Capital Gains Tax; Joyce says such tax would increase rents for poor
22nd May 14, 11:14am
Parker brandishes papers from Westpac and Treasury supporting Labour's Capital Gains Tax; Joyce says such tax would increase rents for poor
Russia and China agree a huge gas deal; US toughens up on BNP Paribas; Aussie confidence shaken; NZ$1 = US$0.855, TWI = 79.8
22nd May 14, 7:34am
Russia and China agree a huge gas deal; US toughens up on BNP Paribas; Aussie confidence shaken; NZ$1 = US$0.855, TWI = 79.8
A review of things you need to know before you go home on Wednesday; mortgage approvals weaken, more tourists spending more, credit card use stable, wholesale rates fall
21st May 14, 4:00pm
A review of things you need to know before you go home on Wednesday; mortgage approvals weaken, more tourists spending more, credit card use stable, wholesale rates fall
Dairy auction prices down; EU accuses banks; China gold demand falls; NY equities down 1%; NZ$1 = US$0.857, TWI = 79.8
21st May 14, 7:27am
Dairy auction prices down; EU accuses banks; China gold demand falls; NY equities down 1%; NZ$1 = US$0.857, TWI = 79.8
A review of things you need to know before you go home on Tuesday; NZSuper Fund rises, ACC levy cuts proposed, strong milk flows, service firms expand, bank bill rate rises
20th May 14, 4:00pm
A review of things you need to know before you go home on Tuesday; NZSuper Fund rises, ACC levy cuts proposed, strong milk flows, service firms expand, bank bill rate rises
Labour offers bipartisan support to National for a separate RMA reform bill to improve housing affordability
20th May 14, 11:15am
Labour offers bipartisan support to National for a separate RMA reform bill to improve housing affordability
S&P says Aust AAA rating at risk; iron ore price drops; Chinese buy AU infrastructure; UST 10yr 2.51% NZ$1 = US$0.863, TWI = 80.2
20th May 14, 7:32am
S&P says Aust AAA rating at risk; iron ore price drops; Chinese buy AU infrastructure; UST 10yr 2.51% NZ$1 = US$0.863, TWI = 80.2
Key denies house price inflation a "runaway train"; uses Roost reports to say affordability better now than under Labour; says migration controls won't work
19th May 14, 5:10pm
Key denies house price inflation a "runaway train"; uses Roost reports to say affordability better now than under Labour; says migration controls won't work
A review of things you need to know before you go home on Monday; mortgage and term deposit rate rises, producer prices rise, farm sales rise, wholesale rates unchanged
19th May 14, 4:00pm
A review of things you need to know before you go home on Monday; mortgage and term deposit rate rises, producer prices rise, farm sales rise, wholesale rates unchanged
Roger J Kerr says our economy is highly dependent on climate, export prices and currency and therefore has high vulerabilities and economic risk
19th May 14, 3:00pm
Roger J Kerr says our economy is highly dependent on climate, export prices and currency and therefore has high vulerabilities and economic risk
Roger J Kerr sees the tide turning in favour of the USD internationally; the local FX market is now expects the RBNZ to revise down their GDP growth and inflation forecasts
19th May 14, 1:53pm
Roger J Kerr sees the tide turning in favour of the USD internationally; the local FX market is now expects the RBNZ to revise down their GDP growth and inflation forecasts
Monday's Top 10: India's new dynamo; OECD's assessment; family-focus vs industry-focus; bonding bankers; green revolution 2.0; George Carlin; Dilbert, and more
19th May 14, 10:30am
Monday's Top 10: India's new dynamo; OECD's assessment; family-focus vs industry-focus; bonding bankers; green revolution 2.0; George Carlin; Dilbert, and more
China housing weakness; NZ affordability compares badly; Swiss reject minimum wage hike; Ireland credit rating raised; NZ$1 = US$0.863, TWI = 80.2
19th May 14, 7:30am
China housing weakness; NZ affordability compares badly; Swiss reject minimum wage hike; Ireland credit rating raised; NZ$1 = US$0.863, TWI = 80.2