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housing policy

The NZ Initiative’s Jason Krupp believes local authorities need incentives to be more open to economic growth while central government needs to be more responsive to local needs
7th Dec 15, 8:50am
The NZ Initiative’s Jason Krupp believes local authorities need incentives to be more open to economic growth while central government needs to be more responsive to local needs
The New Zealand Initiative’s Jason Krupp grudgingly argues that Auckland Council is right to give Nimbys the finger
30th Nov 15, 9:00am
The New Zealand Initiative’s Jason Krupp grudgingly argues that Auckland Council is right to give Nimbys the finger
The New Zealand Initiative’s Jason Krupp argues that Nick Smith should visit Montreal to see how shifting infrastructure costs can improve housing affordability
23rd Nov 15, 10:24am
The New Zealand Initiative’s Jason Krupp argues that Nick Smith should visit Montreal to see how shifting infrastructure costs can improve housing affordability
Michael Reddell argues sky high house prices & plummeting affordability are what happens when land use restrictions run head-on into population pressures
12th Aug 15, 12:12pm
Michael Reddell argues sky high house prices & plummeting affordability are what happens when land use restrictions run head-on into population pressures
Economist Ryan Greenaway-McGrevy analyses the Auckland house price data to see if it really is a 'bubble'; and if it is will it collapse or is it a 'rational bubble'
6th Aug 15, 9:30am
by Guest
Economist Ryan Greenaway-McGrevy analyses the Auckland house price data to see if it really is a 'bubble'; and if it is will it collapse or is it a 'rational bubble'
Alison Cadman says our housing 'social asset' is as vital as our roading 'social asset' and needs a similar "15 year whole-of-govt & integrated planning model"
5th Aug 15, 5:00am
by Guest
Alison Cadman says our housing 'social asset' is as vital as our roading 'social asset' and needs a similar "15 year whole-of-govt & integrated planning model"
Property investing boom doubles LAQC tax losses
5th Sep 08, 3:35pm
Property investing boom doubles LAQC tax losses
Greens want LAQC tax breaks changed to control speculation
2nd Sep 08, 12:57pm
Greens want LAQC tax breaks changed to control speculation