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Christian Hawkesby sees strong demand in the secondary market ahead of the lengthening in the duration of the NZ Government Stock Index
3rd Apr 13, 3:46pm
Christian Hawkesby sees strong demand in the secondary market ahead of the lengthening in the duration of the NZ Government Stock Index
HiFX's Dan Bell looks at when and how the US Fed might turn the tap off on its massive money printing stimulus programme
28th Mar 13, 4:17pm
HiFX's Dan Bell looks at when and how the US Fed might turn the tap off on its massive money printing stimulus programme
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Bernard Hickey explains the reasons New Zealand authorities should move to limit excessive credit card fees
18th Mar 13, 4:35pm
Bernard Hickey explains the reasons New Zealand authorities should move to limit excessive credit card fees
HiFX's Dan Bell takes a look at the correlation between the NZ dollar and gold price and the potential for US money printing to end
1st Mar 13, 11:38am
HiFX's Dan Bell takes a look at the correlation between the NZ dollar and gold price and the potential for US money printing to end
HiFX's Dan Bell on currency wars, Japanese inflation targeting, and how the RBA may force the RBNZ's hand on the OCR this year
25th Jan 13, 3:58pm
HiFX's Dan Bell on currency wars, Japanese inflation targeting, and how the RBA may force the RBNZ's hand on the OCR this year
HiFX's Dan Bell looks ahead to 2013 and names five key issues set to make waves in the currencies markets
21st Dec 12, 3:20pm
HiFX's Dan Bell looks ahead to 2013 and names five key issues set to make waves in the currencies markets
Roger J Kerr says the rising risks related to the US fiscal cliff negotiations means the Kiwi dollar will not maintain rates above 0.8300 for very long. Your view?
10th Dec 12, 3:42pm
Roger J Kerr says the rising risks related to the US fiscal cliff negotiations means the Kiwi dollar will not maintain rates above 0.8300 for very long. Your view?
Roger J Kerr expects a December cut by the RBA and their currency drop. Equity and currency market volatility is negative for the NZD. Your view?
3rd Dec 12, 9:13am
Roger J Kerr expects a December cut by the RBA and their currency drop. Equity and currency market volatility is negative for the NZD. Your view?
Dan Bell looks ahead to next week's RBA and RBNZ interest rate reviews; Cut expected in Australia, rhetoric expected in New Zealand
30th Nov 12, 4:26pm
Dan Bell looks ahead to next week's RBA and RBNZ interest rate reviews; Cut expected in Australia, rhetoric expected in New Zealand
Roger J Kerr won't be surprised by negative GDP in Q3, nor a December cut by the RBA. If our weather goes dry as well, he also sees a rating cut for NZ. Your view?
26th Nov 12, 9:20am
Roger J Kerr won't be surprised by negative GDP in Q3, nor a December cut by the RBA. If our weather goes dry as well, he also sees a rating cut for NZ. Your view?
HiFX's Dan Bell looks at what a President Romney, or a re-elected Obama, might mean for the US$, and suggests the Kiwi may be heading to US88c and A82c
2nd Nov 12, 5:51pm
HiFX's Dan Bell looks at what a President Romney, or a re-elected Obama, might mean for the US$, and suggests the Kiwi may be heading to US88c and A82c
HiFX's Dan Bell looks at the 1st OCR review from new RBNZ Governor Wheeler that sent the NZ$ higher, and his 1st speech that sent the Kiwi lower
26th Oct 12, 5:00pm
HiFX's Dan Bell looks at the 1st OCR review from new RBNZ Governor Wheeler that sent the NZ$ higher, and his 1st speech that sent the Kiwi lower
HiFX's Dan Bell sees a break-down in risk-on, risk-off trade for the NZ dollar where it follows Wall Street up and down as US dollar follows US shares up
16th Oct 12, 3:46pm
HiFX's Dan Bell sees a break-down in risk-on, risk-off trade for the NZ dollar where it follows Wall Street up and down as US dollar follows US shares up
HiFX's Dan Bell on potential NZ$ weakening, central bank balance sheet to GDP ratios and RBNZ room to cut OCR negating immediate need for QE
8th Oct 12, 2:06pm
HiFX's Dan Bell on potential NZ$ weakening, central bank balance sheet to GDP ratios and RBNZ room to cut OCR negating immediate need for QE
Roger J Kerr does not subscribe to the magic-wand theory that politicians can somehow negate the high NZ dollar. He reviews what actually works. Your view?
2nd Oct 12, 9:22am
Roger J Kerr does not subscribe to the magic-wand theory that politicians can somehow negate the high NZ dollar. He reviews what actually works. Your view?
Roger J Kerr is looking to overseas policy decisions for clues as to where the NZD is heading. Your view?
24th Sep 12, 4:41pm
Roger J Kerr is looking to overseas policy decisions for clues as to where the NZD is heading. Your view?
HiFX's Dan Bell looks at the NZ$'s surge over 83 USc after the US Federal Reserve unleashes QE Infinity; NZ$ also firm vs Aussie dollar as 'Lucky Country' loses its luck
17th Sep 12, 9:10pm
HiFX's Dan Bell looks at the NZ$'s surge over 83 USc after the US Federal Reserve unleashes QE Infinity; NZ$ also firm vs Aussie dollar as 'Lucky Country' loses its luck
Roger J Kerr sees a high probability the Kiwi will out-perform and the cross-rates move back up again. Your view?
4th Sep 12, 8:45am
Roger J Kerr sees a high probability the Kiwi will out-perform and the cross-rates move back up again. Your view?
Former RBA board member McKibbin on NZ's positive long-term economic prospects, why the US has an inflation shock coming, and how to wind back fiscal stimulus
30th Aug 12, 2:39pm
Former RBA board member McKibbin on NZ's positive long-term economic prospects, why the US has an inflation shock coming, and how to wind back fiscal stimulus
Australian economist McKibbin talks on AFR Aussie dollar piece; Says was not advocating a peg, or even saying it may lower the A$
29th Aug 12, 10:33am
Australian economist McKibbin talks on AFR Aussie dollar piece; Says was not advocating a peg, or even saying it may lower the A$
HiFX's Dan Bell looks at the NZ$'s dip below 81 USc and the risks it may fall further as the Northern Hemisphere returns from summer holidays next month
14th Aug 12, 4:58pm
HiFX's Dan Bell looks at the NZ$'s dip below 81 USc and the risks it may fall further as the Northern Hemisphere returns from summer holidays next month
HiFX's Dan Bell looks at the NZ$'s rise to 82 USc and talks about the risk of RBNZ intervention as foreign central banks gear up to print
7th Aug 12, 4:48pm
HiFX's Dan Bell looks at the NZ$'s rise to 82 USc and talks about the risk of RBNZ intervention as foreign central banks gear up to print
HiFX's Dan Bell reviews the NZ$'s dip as investors move into safe havens, fearing central bank's can't stop a synchronised global economic slowdown
13th Jul 12, 5:57pm
HiFX's Dan Bell reviews the NZ$'s dip as investors move into safe havens, fearing central bank's can't stop a synchronised global economic slowdown
HiFX's Dan Bell reviews the NZ$'s dip below 80 USc on fears central banks either won't or can't do much to restart flagging global growth or fix the Euro-zone mess
9th Jul 12, 7:22pm
HiFX's Dan Bell reviews the NZ$'s dip below 80 USc on fears central banks either won't or can't do much to restart flagging global growth or fix the Euro-zone mess
HiFX's Dan Bell reviews the NZ$'s bounce back over 79 USc on European summit deal to directly inject capital into Spanish banks; fresh talk of UK and US money printing
29th Jun 12, 5:56pm
HiFX's Dan Bell reviews the NZ$'s bounce back over 79 USc on European summit deal to directly inject capital into Spanish banks; fresh talk of UK and US money printing