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Welcome to Emma Geraghty as a new journalist

Welcome to Emma Geraghty as a new journalist

I'd like to welcome Massey University journalism course graduate Emma Geraghty to as a full-time journalist. Emma will be covering banking, insurance, personal finance, real estate and the economy for Emma completed an Arts degree majoring in Media and Political Science at Canterbury University before doing a post-graduate course in International Relations. Emma arrives as journalist Alex Tarrant prepares to leave us (hopefully only briefly) to formally study journalism at Massey University in Wellington for a year. Alex has worked for for the last 18 months while completing his studies at Auckland University in Media Studies, Political Science and Economics. We very much hope to drag Alex back in to work for when he completes his course. Alex formally finishes with us next Friday. We'll open up a special packet of gummy bears to see him off. Meanwhile, we're also pleased to tell everyone that Gareth Vaughan (pictured left), the Deputy Editor of Fairfax's The Independent newspaper, will be joining us as a full-time senior journalist from early April as expands its coverage of banking, finance and the economy. Gareth is one of New Zealand's most experienced financial news-breakers with a long history of financial journalism online both here in New Zealand with , The Independent, the NZ Herald, and in Europe with and

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