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Currencies / Opinion
Currencies / Opinion
20th Jan 25, 8:15am
Roger J Kerr says the long USD speculative positioning on the Trump Trades has become extremely crowded and has lasted for longer than anticipated
Economy / Opinion
Economy / Opinion
19th Jan 25, 8:00am
by Guest
Luci Ellis points out that as an economy shifts to more services and faster technical obsolescence, it means these assets will depreciate faster, profits will rise to pay for it, and worker's share of economic gains will retreat
Economy / Opinion
Economy / Opinion
18th Jan 25, 9:45am
Dairy is the export leader that underpins the economy but as Keith Woodford notes, it can only do what is possible
Investing / Opinion
Investing / Opinion
18th Jan 25, 9:31am
Ross Stitt reports that investment in housing in Australia delivered a very poor outcome compared to the alternatives, and that looks likely to remain so

What people are reading

Economy / News
15th Jan 25, 9:34am
Economists see latest NZIER Quarterly Survey of Business Opinion as clearing the way for a further substantial cut to the Official Cash Rate next month
Personal Finance / News
17th Jan 25, 8:35am
ASB has kickstarted the 2025 mortgage market competition with -20 bps rate cuts to have the most competitive home loan rate card among the main banks
Personal Finance / Analysis
14th Jan 25, 10:26am
Term deposit savers are facing lower interest rates in 2025 from a number of factors, not the least of which is that banks face depressed lending opportunities. The DCS is also a factor
Personal Finance / Analysis
17th Jan 25, 2:33pm
Both ASB and Westpac follow up their home loan rate cuts with reduced rates for term deposit savers. Now three institutions (including these two) no longer offer any 5% rates
Property / News
14th Jan 25, 3:10pm
The home ownership rate has dropped from 74% of total housing stock in Q1 1991, to 67% in Q4 2024.
Economy / Opinion
18th Jan 25, 9:45am
Dairy is the export leader that underpins the economy but as Keith Woodford notes, it can only do what is possible
Rural News / News
16th Jan 25, 6:01am
Dairy industries in New Zealand, Australia and the United States seek action in new trade dispute with Canada to force it to live up to trade treaty obligations

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