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90 at 9: House prices up; Fonterra pulls any NZX float; Allen flies currency idea

90 at 9: House prices up; Fonterra pulls any NZX float; Allen flies currency idea

Click here to watch this video. Click here to watch this video. Bernard Hickey details the key news over the weekend in 90 second at 9am in association with ASB, including news that house prices rose 0.7% in the three months to August from the three months to July, Quoteable Value says. However, it sees increasingly supply coming on to the market in the Spring helping to dampen the price growth Meanwhile, Fonterra has announced it will not be listing on the stock market as part of any capital reform. Farmers did not want an NZX listing. Now Fonterra will have to raise extra cash from farmers only. That will effectively see debt transferred from Fonterra to individual farmers. It may stress some indebted farmers. Meanwhile, the new head of MFAT John Allen has raised the idea of a common currency again. He says we should keep it in mind because exporters are struggling with volatility. Is the government softening us up?

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