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Daily currency rates comparison and news for Tuesday, April 16, 2019

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News and analysis

Buying FX

as at 10:01 AM, April 19, 2024

Customer SELLS NZD, Buys FCY
Bank BUYS NZD, Sells FCY
-------------- NZ$ 1.00 = --------------
Best bank Bank average XE money
AUD Australian dollar 0.9039 0.9026 0.9146
USD United States dollar 0.5802 0.5795 0.5873
EUR Euro 0.5444 0.5439 0.5519
JPY Japanese yen 89.7100 89.5693 90.8113
GBP British pound 0.4664 0.4659 0.4723
SGD Singapore dollar 0.7892 0.7886 0.8002
CAD Canadian dollar 0.7986 0.7978 0.8086

Selling FX

as at 10:01 AM, April 19, 2024

Customer SELLS FCY, Buys NZD
Bank BUYS FCY, Sells NZD
-------------- NZ$ 1.00 = --------------
Best bank Bank average XE money
AUD Australian dollar 0.9369 0.9374 0.9238
USD United States dollar 0.6016 0.6023 0.5933
EUR Euro 0.5652 0.5667 0.5575
JPY Japanese yen 93.0439 93.1230 91.7239
GBP British pound 0.4837 0.4843 0.4771
SGD Singapore dollar 0.8195 0.8205 0.8082
CAD Canadian dollar 0.8282 0.8293 0.8168

How to read these rates

Currency exchange rates on this page are supplied for indication purposes only, and may or may not be rates offered by any institution. We source this data from publically available sources, at the time shown above. Rates change often, and different institutions are competitive in different currencies. The information on this page can help you quickly assess the general range of prices you may get today, but not the specific cost. 'Customer BUYS...' shows rates an institution may sell at. 'Customer SELLS...' shows rates an institution may buy from you on a TT basis. Smaller value transactions (under NZ$25,000) may attract less competitive pricing - although each institution has its own policies. Always get a fixed quote before you transact - but remember any quote will be valid for only a very short period (usually minutes). XE FX rates are dependent on a range of factors, including a clients expected annual FX turnover and the average transaction size. Rates by individual banks are shown on our live webpages here and here.

Ready for a quote?

Actual rates for an actual transaction require a quote at the time you are ready to transact.

To get a quote now from XE FX click here or call 09-905-4660.