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New video of Optimus prototype of Tesla Bot shows improved walking speed

Technology / news
New video of Optimus prototype of Tesla Bot shows improved walking speed
Optimus prototype for Tesla Bot. Source: Tesla

Milan Kovac, an engineer in the team at electric vehicle (EV) maker Tesla that's working on the Optimus prototype for the Tesla Bot, shared an update on the robot's progress.

In January, Optimus was shown to be able to fold clothes.

Earlier on, Optimus demonstrated it could dance (kind of) and poach an egg (also kind of).

The Tesla Bot is an ambitious project by Elon Musk's company, under development since 2021. It is a general purpose humanoid robot that is now in its second generation with multiple improvements to hand dexterity and movement ability.

Although far from complete, the Tesla Bot is said to be 173 centimetres in height and weigh 57 kilograms, with a carrying capacity of 20 kg. 

Tesla Bot will integrate with artificial intelligence, including large language models.

When the Tesla Bot will reach mass production remains unclear, along with the company meeting its target retail price of US$20,000 per robot.

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Amazing. This should wipe out all the remaining jobs that AI misses.

But with advances in Ai, neuralinks and robots it sure feels like we are stepping into one of our own Sci fi movies


And these are just the very first steps. 


The gait is perfect to replace Joe Biden.



Profile, TikTok, Russel Brand walk into a bar...


Finally gets up to speed reporting on AI and Robots..!
