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Introduction of stronger rules around the beneficial ownership of NZ companies stuck in the slow lane

Business / news
Introduction of stronger rules around the beneficial ownership of NZ companies stuck in the slow lane

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eh just put it & assets in the wifes name, invoice it from another company under a another family member and much of issues magically disappear. If anything does come up can always phoenix. This has literally been the standard practice especially for those who have committed injustice, have been fined or those banned from operating or starting companies due to crime. Anything pretending to protect investors, customers, staff, etc generally has no teeth as the chances of real consequence being is felt is very very small (most cases don't even get to a disputes tribunal or court at all and many people esp poor or disabled are denied access to such legal facilities). For examples just look at the outcomes even a year after ERA case amounts are awarded or the building industry post leaky homes. You could do more literally hitting fraudulent company owners with a wet bus ticket.
