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In the latest episode of our Of Interest podcast, Steven Hail gives the MMT perspective on the monetary system, inflation, climate change & more
27th Jul 24, 9:14am
In the latest episode of our Of Interest podcast, Steven Hail gives the MMT perspective on the monetary system, inflation, climate change & more
The Government is looking at pumping CO2 underground and storing it there to fight climate change
10th Jul 24, 8:27am
The Government is looking at pumping CO2 underground and storing it there to fight climate change
Latest 2024 environmental report has Google's greenhouse gas output increasing by 48% since 2019
3rd Jul 24, 1:40pm
Latest 2024 environmental report has Google's greenhouse gas output increasing by 48% since 2019
When it comes to power, solar is about to leave nuclear and everything else in the shade
3rd Jul 24, 12:27pm
by Guest
When it comes to power, solar is about to leave nuclear and everything else in the shade
NZ’s government wants to kick-start a mining boom – but they’re unlikely to hit paydirt, Glenn Banks says
27th Jun 24, 1:15pm
by Guest
NZ’s government wants to kick-start a mining boom – but they’re unlikely to hit paydirt, Glenn Banks says
Resource management is always political – the Fast-track Approvals Bill is just honest about it, Jeffrey McNeill argues
21st Jun 24, 11:54am
by Guest
Resource management is always political – the Fast-track Approvals Bill is just honest about it, Jeffrey McNeill argues
New report says imported biofuels needed to make NZ's electricity substantially more renewable because local sources are impractical or expensive
20th Jun 24, 7:54am
New report says imported biofuels needed to make NZ's electricity substantially more renewable because local sources are impractical or expensive
Drop in natural gas production sees increased use of coal for electricity generation
15th Jun 24, 9:10am
Drop in natural gas production sees increased use of coal for electricity generation
Gas companies appear unlikely to rush in to open ocean exploration despite the Government's decision to lift a ban imposed by its predecessor
13th Jun 24, 10:14am
Gas companies appear unlikely to rush in to open ocean exploration despite the Government's decision to lift a ban imposed by its predecessor
Revenue and Climate Change Minister Simon Watts eyes capital and funding opportunities in climate change, with energy and emissions high on that list
13th Jun 24, 5:00am
Revenue and Climate Change Minister Simon Watts eyes capital and funding opportunities in climate change, with energy and emissions high on that list
Minister of Climate Change Simon Watts says the future success and resilience of New Zealand and its economy will be determined by how the Government prepares for climate change impacts
12th Jun 24, 10:22am
Minister of Climate Change Simon Watts says the future success and resilience of New Zealand and its economy will be determined by how the Government prepares for climate change impacts
Cryptocurrencies use massive amounts of power – but eco-friendly alternatives come with their own risks
7th Jun 24, 1:38pm
by Guest
Cryptocurrencies use massive amounts of power – but eco-friendly alternatives come with their own risks
Budget 2024/25 - Summary of all spending plans
4th Jun 24, 11:55am
Budget 2024/25 - Summary of all spending plans
NZ Budget 2024: ‘tax relief’ for the ‘squeezed middle’ – but who’s paying? Seven experts follow the money
2nd Jun 24, 6:00am
by Guest
NZ Budget 2024: ‘tax relief’ for the ‘squeezed middle’ – but who’s paying? Seven experts follow the money
Forget the loud-hailers Minister, what you need is TikTok
27th May 24, 9:39am
Forget the loud-hailers Minister, what you need is TikTok
Resources Minister Shane Jones hopes to increase the value of mineral exports to $2 billion over the next decade, even if it means digging up some conservation land
23rd May 24, 6:28pm
Resources Minister Shane Jones hopes to increase the value of mineral exports to $2 billion over the next decade, even if it means digging up some conservation land
Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment Simon Upton says complex and costly environmental rules can be ineffective
23rd May 24, 3:32pm
Parliamentary Commissioner for the Environment Simon Upton says complex and costly environmental rules can be ineffective
Brian Easton offers an economic perspective on the Fast Track Approvals Bill
20th May 24, 8:45am
Brian Easton offers an economic perspective on the Fast Track Approvals Bill
Microsoft's 2024 sustainability report shows the tech giant's indirect emissions have risen by 30.9% since 2020
16th May 24, 4:18pm
Microsoft's 2024 sustainability report shows the tech giant's indirect emissions have risen by 30.9% since 2020
Jane Kelsey says the fast-track law could expose future NZ governments to expensive trade disputes
8th May 24, 1:35pm
Jane Kelsey says the fast-track law could expose future NZ governments to expensive trade disputes
Katharine Moody argues the Fast Track Approvals Bill is a governance arrangement as bad as the partisan means through which US Supreme Court judges are selected
4th May 24, 9:45am
by Guest
Katharine Moody argues the Fast Track Approvals Bill is a governance arrangement as bad as the partisan means through which US Supreme Court judges are selected
Former Climate Change Minister James Shaw criticised partisanship and proposed a friendly wager with his successor in his valedictory speech
2nd May 24, 4:34pm
Former Climate Change Minister James Shaw criticised partisanship and proposed a friendly wager with his successor in his valedictory speech
In a new episode of our Of Interest podcast, Jennifer Wilkins explains what the degrowth movement is about, and how degrowthers see the world
25th Apr 24, 7:30am
In a new episode of our Of Interest podcast, Jennifer Wilkins explains what the degrowth movement is about, and how degrowthers see the world
Government looking at ways to stop councils from implementing strict rules on water imposed by the previous Labour government
10th Apr 24, 6:16pm
Government looking at ways to stop councils from implementing strict rules on water imposed by the previous Labour government
Government review could recommend easing emission reduction targets for farmers and freezing current methane levels in the atmosphere
8th Apr 24, 6:05pm
Government review could recommend easing emission reduction targets for farmers and freezing current methane levels in the atmosphere