The V-word has become the word of the moment. Yes, that's vaccination or vaccines.
The push is on to get as many New Zealanders as possible vaccinated against Covid-19. Those following the daily statistics from the Ministry of Health might be able to rattle the latest numbers off without even looking them up.
But where are we at now vis-à-vis other countries?
The Our World in Data website offers great comparison chart tools. I've used these to make up the three charts below. You can add whichever countries you want to the charts.
What I've chosen to do is include countries we traditionally compare ourselves to such as Australia, the US and UK, fellow small countries heralded for their vaccine rollouts in Denmark and Israel, and some Asian countries that, like NZ, gained international recognition for their strong response to Covid-19 last year. These include Taiwan, China, South Korea and Vietnam, with Japan thrown in for good measure.
The results are now quite interesting.
In terms of people who've had at least one vaccine dose, NZ is now ahead of the US and just behind Israel. When the measure switches to those who're fully vaccinated, NZ still has ground to make up on most of the other countries in my chart. However, with many Kiwis who've had one dose due for their second in coming weeks, NZ ought to progress up this chart.
That said, there's still work to do to reach the 90% goal. Meanwhile, some people in countries such as the US, who were among the first to vaccinate as hundreds of thousands of people died in the pandemic, are now getting booster shots.
Back in NZ we are getting to grips with the likelihood that Auckland's Delta outbreak, which has already reached the Waikato, may spread further and is unlikely to be eradicated anytime soon. This means our clear and decisive level system, and all those months at restriction free level 1, are a thing of the past.
Some people who've been emboldened by having no Covid in the community are now nervous, and the "live with it" supporters are now realising living with Covid means ongoing restrictions. We are thus in a muddle through period, at least in Auckland, the likes of which many other countries have experienced ad nauseam since March 2020.
The Ministry of Health says, as of Tuesday, 85% of people 12 and over in Auckland had received at least one vaccine dose, with 54% having received two.
The Ministry of Health table below, is for the whole country, and is as of 11:59pm on October 5.
Of course, while this government is focused on playing numbers games in a public urination match with the rest of the world, studies continue to show (and frankly so does common sense) that focusing on society's most vulnerable groups is the key to any successful public health policy.
Where are we at? We are at the mid-ages where anti-vexers will soon to be self-isolated from anti-anti-vaxers given the comments in all relevant topics. It is like new type of church. While I am not anti-laxer I wholeheartedly support everyone's choice.
- Billions have been pushed into housing market within last year but not in the ICU capacity , need I say more.
- More threats are coming by the day against those who don't want to inject the vaccine which official (not conspiracy) clinical trials are to be finished only in mid 2022 .
- Billions are put into anti-anti-vax campaign (vaccine passports , apps, legislation changes etc etc) , but no news about increasing ICU capacities again
This is where are we at right now.
What is the problem, give everyone 6 months to get vaccinated if they want and open up after. Otherwise there will be the same as with housing - you got enormous dept to get into the "house" or you are ditched , Fomo here. Get vaccinated and then prove with semi-annunal boosters your loyalty to the church or get ditched . Disgusting !!!!!!!!!!!!
Disgusting !!!!!!!!!!!!
Disgusting !!!!!!!!!!!!
P.S. If you read this comment and agree with what I am saying but don't upvote , that is probably fear is driving you . And this is also the answer to the question "where are we at ?"
Emergency quick smart icu capacity focused on a single disiese of which there are millions of recent well publicised cases and treatment paths to follow what to do.
1st step, Lock up the vulnerable (cancer patients etc) who will require more special care.
2nd step, With 1 billion dollars you could build and equip a perfectly functional military hospital in 2 seconds flat, and they've had over a year to provide an army of student nurses a years crash course in how to treat one allilment.
Yeah it's a bit of work to organise, so if your government has a chronic history of not being able to deliver anything, then certainly its easier to just lock down the country indefinatly and keep the printer running to compensate.
You want another 2 years of this? Time to change our approach.
... instead of housing billions are needed in health system removing training, capacity and shortage issues, in education (from early education to higher) system, in the public transportation industry etc etc And in the end billions would be better directed into the efforts to reduce business reliance on the housing as an "underpinning asset" . Thanks for off-topic question
I agree. If they are going down this slippery slope of mandating vaccines, are they going to mandate that no one can smoke cigs, or that at least 90% of the population has to below obese?? All these things have a large impact on the severity of Covid, yet the vaccine is the so called silver bullet.
That's a great idea to ban cigarettes we should definitely do that as well. Obesity is harder as would need to happen over a longer time, there are no reliable measures of what is obese (BMI is massively flawed), and physiological differences which make it harder on some individuals but fixing that problem as well would be great!
The vaccine is a silver bullet in that sense given the above are not going to happen and does significantly decrease the chance of hospitalisation
Governments worldwide have mandated no smoking in public buildings etc because your smoking negatively affects others, as well as placing a burden on health systems.
Similarly, you being unvaccinated puts others (including vulnerable people) at much higher risk of getting infected, particularly in indoor spaces and large gatherings. Vaccine mandates will help to reduce that. why should we stay home coz you don’t want to get vaccinated?
I haven't come across anyone that is unvaccinated due to apathy. Credit where it's due, the government has made it easy to get vaccinated. I also only know a single person that is unvaccinated due to anti-vaxx sentiment. Most are fully vaccinated, they just don't want comirnaty
It's a mix of not being worried about Covid (young and healthy people mostly) and having concerns about mRNA vaccine safety and efficacy. I think we'll see another few percentage points get vaccinated when Novavax becomes available.
There's info at https://www.sciencemediacentre.co.nz/2021/09/14/what-do-we-know-about-t… and using the links from there it seems (as noted above) Q1 2022. Hearing on news that modelling suggests vaccination rates might mean Auckland can't move to level 2 for a further 8 weeks (and by extension other parts of the country as they get covid). With luck the peak bad period is perhaps 6 weeks from now, and in a few months when Novovax arrives hopefully things will be manageable ?
Other countries seem to have moved on after many difficult months. Hopefully the early containment will mean the painful period here is relatively short.
please dont give the government any credit for its vaccination program or strategy - it deserves none
We started after almost everyone else
We went at a snails pace for months
We had over 90 PHO's ready able and willing to vaccinate - only 10 a week were allowed to start
We already had a fantastic vaccination system in place -- our GP practices, clinics all ready to go - but did not use it until the delta outbreak
It has always been easy to get vaccinated in NZ -- our infant vaccination rates are extremely high - and a huge chunk of the population already got the flu vaccination each year
Our Maori, Pasifika and Asian health services already had the skills and access to the harder to reach groups -- we only had to provide them the additional funding for the work and Vaccines - they already do a magnificant job of reaching out-
We had a tried and tested system -with experienced practitioners in place last year -- we only needed the vaccines, and the government to say yes please lets vaccinate -- and it would have been done and available to almost all
the gimmicks - shotbro bus and a few other initiatives are great -- but they are gimmicks more than anything else
I think that's unfair in that we didn't have the actual vaccine volume to enable a faster roll out, as shown by the push out to the 6 week period between vaccines being required when it really ramped up.
That's why only 10 a week of the 90 PHOs were able to start, get your facts straight
Not unfair. Quite accurate. The government has not produced one bit of hard evidence that vaccine(s) were not available earlier. In fact Pfizer were waiting and waiting for the government to get an order in. In refuting ex PM Key’s assertion that NZ would not pay an optimum price Pfizer stated deliveries had been expected to be required in March. Yet in 11 April’s interview (Tame) PM Adern was adamant NZ had not needed to order because there were zero cases. And worse, when she said that, the government was aware of the opening of travel to Australia, meaning NZ’s border became only as good as theirs, and that a new variant ( subsequently called Delta) was raging in India, already up to 150,000 cases daily, only 10 hours flight distant.
Well based on Earth friends reports from family on Earth, (as well as scientific evidence, investigative reports, medical records), millions more people have died directly due to the virus, not a weak association to their vaccination date that does not stand up to causal investigation. Might be something a million times more significant than a friends cousin blog post they read online. But hey I also heard that Nicki Minaj's cousin's friend's balls somewhere in SA became larger sometime after being vaccinated and not because of a STI. Why not test that theory since it has the same amount (or even more) evidence than your own.
Chile is a country that had excellent response to COVID and a country is very comparable to NZ but often ignored!
Check out its data here (https://news.google.com/covid19/map?hl=en-NZ&mid=%2Fm%2F01p1v&gl=NZ&cei…)
To my knowledge, Chile uses the Sinopharm vaccine from China.
On the other hand, countries that only uses Pfizer vaccine and had similar vaccine rate (75-80%) did not quite reach the level that Chile has done.
Need I say more?
Chile and the majority of other nations did not have the advantage of NZ and its period of zero cases, due to the success of the lockdown and isolation. That, and our government too, was quite rightly broadly applauded worldwide. The government failed to capitalise on that advantage. NZ’s vaccination commenced far too late and in far too inadequate volume. That opinion too is worldwide and now known to be the reality by the majority of New Zealanders, with the exception of. The MoH, the current government, the Prime Minister and department, and her strident praetorian guard.
Indeed Chile did not have the ocean borders NZ has and it shared land borders and migration with countries that have poorer medical systems. If NZ had any land borders we would have been overrun because our govt already acts months late and with plans decades behind or even contrary to best practice.
pacifica we don't have a plan, it was elimination only, they did'nt have a B, C or D, they had 18 months but not one plan on what if. Just watch Chris Hipkins try and lie, he is like a possum in the headlights. Meanwhile Jacinda is much better she lies and smiles at the same time trying to throw us off, of course that works with most of the media she has at her press conferences.
And that disingenuousness has got NZ to a point that is not being debated and that is firstly what is the government’s decision as to the requisite percentage of vaccinations. Secondly what is the government’s policy to be if the vaccinations fall short of that or if that level in itself, is insufficient to remove the threat of hospital services being overwhelmed.
Given what the government is not saying, that looks like the only plan on the table. That is, if there was an alternative then it would be being published. Delta is creeping down through NZ. The only answer this government can summon up, is to lock us all up in our homes. Ex PM Key was a right, a team of 5 million hermits.
It does show up NZs fascination with cult of personality in our general public when it comes to politics, science and just about everything else. Just sad so many fall for the halo effect and the belief that more wealth must equal more moral ethics when the opposite is more often the case. Pity. I was hoping for more science & maths education with all the money that gets wasted on STEM education reviews and consultations that lead more to further degradation of STEM education. Good news for get rich quick retail investors though because the market in placebo treatments is booming.
If 90% of NZers were all double vaccinated right now - then what level of social and business restrictions would be in place?
A semi-permanent Level 2 or 2.5?
And what level of serious sickness and death rate could the public tolerate once 90% vax is reached? (if ever).
We already tolerate over 6000 deaths relating to Heart conditions every year, over 9000 from cancer and 600-1000 from normal flu. If the 60 billion covid fund had been invested in more ICU beds, ICU training, MRI scanners and staff to operate these -- we could be preventing a massive number of these deaths - Imagine all 50yr olds getting a 3 yr full MRI scan to check for early stage cancers, or heart blockages ......
with the advance in understanding Covid from the early days of the outbreak 18 months ago, there are now very effective treatments that can be administered to prevent people becoming more seriously unwell, long before they need ICU care or to be on a ventilator - these will only increase in their effectiveness and efficacy - TBH there is too much money in a covid pill for this not to happen- the drug companies are very focussed in getting these to market asap!
Now that we understand this -- and of our 1400 cases we have had two deaths only -- a 91yr old too ill in the first place to be treated or put on a ventalator and now another individual with very significant underlying health conditions - but who managed to fight for over 40 days despite this - we know that far far fewer people will die from Covid than from cancer or heart conditions - and maybe just maybe we would save a lot more lives if we focussed on the early identification and treatment of these rather than this continued massive expense on Covid -
Its costing a billion a week - be it in supports or lost revenue, and then the massive mental health costs of lockdowns, uncertainty and almost a paralysing of the country --
time to move on - 6 weeks to allwo anyone who wants a vaccine that opportunity -- then just remove ALL restrictions on our freedoms and civil liberties!
If you read Shaun Hendy's paper. My take on is it is to maintain an elimination strategy we would need to.
1) Be vaccinating 90% of the entire population every 4-6 months to stop the "waning effect" from setting in.
2) Be permanently at level 2.5 to limit interactions with each other
3) Wear masks everywhere inside (except for own home)
4) Mandatory scan in's everywhere for contract tracing
5) Have a 1 week self isolation period post travel (presumably with an ankle bracelet)
6) Have purpose built quarantine facilities where we constantly place infected & close contacts.
Indeed it sounds like a dystopian zoo. The worst part is I imagine after you get your ass hauled into quarantine a few times you will basically stop going places & restrict your interactions. As the risk/return of socialising with people will be to high.
Fortunately I have USA/Europe passports, further my wife & I have occupations that are well sort after here & abroad. We will also get paid more abroad Think I will hightail it out of here if we keep going in this direction.
We should easily get to 90% of the eligible population, the anti vaxxers are loud (and appear to have infested this site) but are small in number.
The problem is the children under 12 years who can't be vaccinated as yet, but make up a significant percentage of the population.
Herd immunity does not work based on dates. The population does not magically have herd immunity when your favourite holidays come around. Even worse without significant herd immunity many of those vaccinated will still catch the virus and be permanently disabled and die because the immune system is faulty for a significant number of the population even at the best of times (for a high proportion the immune system can be actively harmful as well and covid can impair immune system responses causing further issues). Unfortunately for the current virus the necessary percentage needing to be vaccinated for herd immunity is well above 95%.
It seems more likely the NZ medical and hospital systems will be significantly stretched (more so than before the pandemic) which means even more significant disablement and death for non covid related issues as necessary surgeries and specialist treatment is cut. NZ already lost one of it's only allergy and immunology centres (the one serving the largest population) from covid pulling out the immunologists. It will not get better for an ageing population needing more elective surgeries but having them culled due to covid smashing the health system. Be prepared for more severe disablement of mobility earlier and more treatable cancers, unrelated to diet and exercise, grow into terminal cases especially for those where early detection is difficult (e.g. the SI has seen such severe crippling of its preventative testing and detection capabilities prior to covid that it was a national shame and lead to many of the health reviews & the DHB reform recommendations). Even vaccination against viruses that cause cancer and very visual significant harm, (with extremely high sudden death rates) have dropped so we have far more at risk of spread amongst viruses outside of covid 19 and mutations. Time to prepare plans for overseas surgery and treatment when you need (and with ageing bodies we will all need it regardless).
"This pandemic will become a ENDemic,"
Crux here is % in S Auckland fully vaccinated who are 18 and over. Media do not cite this prob because DH don’t itemise it. Under 18 is irrelevant because their serious infections and deaths are infintisimal small. Quoting rates for Auckland or NZ is not getting to the problem I am afraid. This group will not likely get to 70% before year end so what are rest of Auckland to do meanwhile?
Essentially we are being held hostage by the Maori caucus. Fact is, over 60 vacc rates are very good across all demographics. The woeful rates are in the Maori under 50s, and to a lesser extent Pasifika under 50s.
The government are simply worried about the optics of having a couple of 30 year old obese, diabetic citizens from those demographics ending up in hospital and dying.
It's true for Maori.
Not true for Pacifica.
Young Maori uptake is abysmal
Wasn't really smug i don't think, I was more thankful that we could all see our families and friends for the last year, and enjoy doing things while the rest of the world dealt with the shit.
Good on you Blanders, hopefully you are not too harshly affected by what is coming for you. I wish you all the best.
Reporting the number of anything is incorrect at best as most should never have been recorded at all if there was no investigation and not even a small correlation but here we are. I agree with the data, knowing the data has critical flaws it exists, and investigations behind it but and here is the key I also have access to the adverse event reports that reach a much broader series of issues. You can literally blame getting drunk, using meth and then having a car accident on the vaccine and they still have to record it even though the relationship between the two events is non existent. Even worse most people will have a nocebo response or and here is the crux an event occurring in their lives that occurs even months after vaccination that has no relationship with vaccination that preceded it e.g. food poisoning, being severely diabetic and not managing that are still recorded in adverse event logs.
Even I can put through random logs that still must end up on legitimate adverse reaction with vaccination reports because it is a system that reports any musings or life events you might have regardless of effect on health. Of the actual causal investigations most find vaccination is safer than eating NZ food and going outside in a NZ suburb. The adverse events reports are flawed because most people cannot understand ideas like correlation, causation, nocebo, placebo, unrelated, unsubstantiated, etc. The key to adverse event reporting is access to report and who decides what goes into a report; a system based on humans, humans with known errors and critical flaws, humans with severe bias and in a country with exceedingly poor science & health education. I am surprised in this day and age more trolls have not made it yet to creating fraudulent reports and reporting more deaths as it was easy for me to make a report and I do not have direct access to the reporting system. But then again we do live with a system that is highly nepotistic and tribal, so most randoms cannot just make any submission.
That's a lot of words to not prove anything. You are just another person on the internet that can look right at actual data provided by reputable sources and deny up and down that it's true because it doesn't agree with your feelings. Hilarious that you are the one bagging the education system for producing the same.
You seem to mistake access to the data and adverse reaction reporting system and a statistical analysis with feelings. I find you completely hilarious but have no feelings one way or another to your beliefs because I truly do not care if your family and friends live or die or become disabled. But I do know that as a business owner, health service staff around me will not be allowed if they are not vaccinated as they present a clear scientifically higher risk to clients. I know that our data collection and education systems fail hard at science as you so clearly prove and that even though you ascribe to having education you very poorly demonstrate any of it. Also I have outlined a severe data collection flaw which would have been useful for your arguments but you missed completely because of me pushing your emotional buttons. To the point you seem to think certificates with no experience or authenticity demonstrate that you must be skilled to comment on very specific medical information. It is even sadder you don't know what specialization means. But hey this doctorate or two in two unrelated subjects just commented on a daily blog with more qualifications than you so they must be smarter than you. Come back with another hyper defensive comment I dare you because I do enjoy the but hurt (sanitized) comedy.
So you're a highly educated, successful business owning person with access to information that the rest of us don't have that proves the Medsafe reports are inaccurate, but you won't share that with us. Let me guess, Bill Gates is also your uncle and he could backtrace my IP?
You seem to forget global companies have literally thousands of employees resulting in tens of thousands relatives, each. If you are ignorant to medical companies having offices in NZ, (and the ease at which a health company can be setup in NZ with less than $1000 in the bank) one could only assume you are ignorant of basic business matters and major investment companies in NZ at all. Is that why you are on this site duckling? Does simple business knowledge and looking up a company website confuse you. Just wait till you learn the requirements for the cf of the health grant money award systems.
Hahaha oh wow you think those are important. HA good lord only a master level in this day and age where they can be acquired like candy. Perhaps you should go back and get a couple of doctorates as well. They are not worth the paper they are printed on but you would have better self brags with the new title and all.
Factually and provably incorrect
No, it's taken directly from the Medsafe report. Every slander in your comment is much better directed at you.
The key to adverse event reporting is access to report and who decides what goes into a report; a system based on humans, humans with known errors and critical flaws, humans with severe bias and in a country with exceedingly poor science & health education. You can literally blame getting drunk, using meth and then having a car accident on the vaccine and they still have to record it even though the relationship between the two events is non existent. Even worse most people will have a nocebo response or and here is the crux an event occurring in their lives that occurs even months after vaccination that has no relationship with vaccination that preceded it e.g. food poisoning, being severely diabetic and not managing that are still recorded in adverse event logs. Even I can put through random logs that still must end up on legitimate adverse reaction with vaccination reports for Pfizer & Medsafe because it is a system that reports any musings or life events you might have regardless of effect on health.
look up the adverse reaction reports for NZ and other countries, perform analysis and literature reviews on the scientific reports. Come back in a couple of months and reply to this comment. Yeah somehow I don't see you reading even one, let alone investigating and analyzing data. You come off as someone without the reading skill for adverse reaction reports as they have been available this whole time yet you were unable to look them up.
Publicly available data for months on multiple sources. You can access it already. In case you didn't realize I am testing your ability to source, read and comprehend medical data (so far you are not doing all that great since you refuse to read publicly available reports).
Hah oh gods it literally is a blog post with someone who has an unrelated doctorate and participates in medical fraud... I did not expect you to find an example of the worst sort of reference but here it is a blog post with your poor understanding of how bad a reference it is. Did you bother to do any reading for those masters or did you just sleepwalk through the whole thing. I know I did a bit through mine but at least I knew what constituted good, bad and ludicrous references. If you are taking requests can the next reference you post include a famous celebrity and an animal.
Protip about your reference: "IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: All comments on this website are purely the opinions of the individual commenters and do not represent the views of commenters’ employers, friends, clubs they may belong to, and so on. Commenters’ views also do not represent those of the website owner, contributors, moderators or anyone else."
I'd be more interested to hear how our treatment protocol development is going. Is it going? Are current NZ protocols for treatment of a hospitalised patient published? It seems there are many examples to learn from, with the success of places like Uttar Pradesh (Indians most populous state), in virtually eliminating covid largely without vaccination. Being that their protocol uses existing medications and vitamins with longstanding safety records we should surely be at least running trials of this and any other promising looking treatment plans from overseas? Before widespread use their trials were so successful they were stopped early as it was deemed unethical to deny the control group treatment. Our obsession with vaccines seems to have prevented any meaningful discussion of other treatments whether complimentary to or as an alternative to vaccination.
Plenty looking but not in nz it seems
https://m.jpost.com/health-and-wellness/aspirin-lowers-risk-of-covid-ne… https://www.zerohedge.com/covid-19/indias-ivermectin-blackout-secret-re…
Hmm all those covid patients going to hospital must just be having the food only as by your comment no other medical treatment or support is being given to them. Good news you have been proven wrong, patients with covid are receiving medical treatment and support (often in greater priority than patients with other concerning diseases), hence the cancelling of surgeries and ICU bed shortage. It goes without saying each patients individual treatment and medical dosage will vary understandably with their medical condition e.g. patients of different weights, ages, with heart issues, immune conditions, existing medication etc etc. Better yet the vaccination is not a treatment, (core misunderstanding there the vaccination is a preventative measure, think of it as a predefensive wall/tactic for the immune system and treats nothing); if you have the virus and need treatment then a covid vaccination would not be used in replacement because the covid vaccination is not symptom recovery support. Hence why for many vaccinations you would be discouraged from taking them during the period you were sick and showing symptoms (aka you already lost the fight and are just picking up the pieces).
Initially yes and things were looking terrible, when they introduced their current testing and largely home treatment program around the middle of this year the data speaks for itself. Of a population of 230 million they now have less daily cases than little old NZ and barely any deaths. 40% of the state has recently been declared covid free.
India is hardly a shining example of Covid success.
The only reason cases have settled down is because they've basically all had Covid now. Something like 80% have antibodies.
They had about 3 million + excess deaths. Cases undercounted about 6 times over due to lack of testing.
That would translate to about 12000 Covid deaths in NZ
If that was the "only reason" you'd see a bell shaped curve of cases and deaths as it slowly leveled off then began to slowly decrease. To ignore that they went from exponential increase to exponential decrease very quickly and not look at where their approach differed would be irresponsible.
All GPs can offer medical treatments the most basic being checking airflow, heart stats and prescribing medication. The word "treatment" seems to mean something rarer than unicorns in your dictionary but in english and in NZ it means to offer medical care. In fact all people in NZ should be capable of offering treatment to others. It is not a special skill to perform CPR for instance and we teach it to children, we have over the counter medication that can be acquired without a prescription and there are numerous methods to treat someone at home and more professionally for serious cases in a hospital. Or do you think it takes specialists and a permission slip to bandage a small cut as well? Generally curious as to why you have not understood what treatment and more specifically viral treatment means. Surely you were born and had the cord cut.
Ongoing restrictions do not make much sense in a country that is highly vaccinated, when the vaccine has declining effectiveness over time. To minimise the number of deaths we should have as much exposure of the population whilst the vaccine is maximally effective, this will allow us to gain natural immunity which appears more effective than the vaccine alone. If we have ongoing restrictions we will slow the spread of the disease so that it hits increasingly more vulnerable populations as it progresses.
Hmm got to say I never lost a human life with my gambles and distain the ethics of those who would treat human lives as meaningless paper bets. I have won a surprising amount though and never needed to cheat, commit fraud or steal like others have just to be more wealthy. But then those with science and medical care backgrounds are rated as having higher ethics than the general public, which says a lot considering the subject matter and the body of historic work. Isn't it great to be happy and relatively healthy with loving relationships and family living well past their nineties even with genetics being altered by nuclear testing. Got to say won the jackpot on being alive there.
Yeah it has taken us most of a year and we are still behind 50%. There usually is a huge dropoff rate between the first and second doses, plus there is a sufficiently concerning dropoff already being recorded. If we make it past 60% by the end of the month we still will not be likely to make it to 80% by the end of the year. Unless something drastic changes this is no time to pull out the party hats... Plus we already need boosters for most of group 2 and group 3 but as of yet do not have enough supply to even start booster shots. It is disturbing but understandable given the lack of modern medical education in the general population. Almost as if you could say modern medicine is being disregarded for superstitious placebo wnkfests. NXIVM would love the NZ public. So easily confused and lead around like sheep; all too willing to be permanently branded rather than have a undetectable rapidly disappearing vaccine that does not even leave a mark and actually strengthens the immune system. We are a ponzi racket goldmine. So many cults in NZ still harm children and mental development but offer them exceedingly over tested medicine and no, they will take untested class A drugs, known for severe brain damage, cut with high concentrations of toxic substances and eat anything under the sun known to be poisonous but a vaccine that protects them, no that is too unknown. No one can be born with this ignorance, it has to be taught and preached.
For the folks not living in Auckland (and Waikato), especially to our friends in the South Island, it's understandable that there is less reason to get vaccinated when there hasn't been a case in almost a year but make no mistake, elimination is gone, Covid WILL be everywhere in NZ, that's no reason to be scared, but now is a good time to prepare. Folks, get your first vaccination now, DHB's do whatever you can to increase hospital beds and hire more nurses.
I've got this guy I know, he's a chemist, and he's married to a vet, and they've been taking notice of this really rare petroleum bi-product based anti-viral tablet that is only available from oil bourn from rigs in the North Sea, on the Russian/Norway border. It turns out there's an active ingredient left over from the dinosaurs that actually comes back to life when the oil is extracted and put through the refining process, this active ingredient is the chemical opposite of the Covid 19 spike protein, and just flays it alive, i mean chews through it when the two are combined in clinical trials that have been undertaken in Sweden and Finland. There's a secret supply chain through my church that is able to get their hands on these pills and they are distributed throughout the country, but only if you know the right people. If you want some let me know and leave a comment below. Keep these horrible needles and pseudo science big pharma government agents away from you and your family.
Oh ....
Do you know that the Expiry date of the Vaccine was extended form 6 months to 9 months on the 6th of September 2021 by Pfizer NZ?
WHO is extending the shelf life of the product by 50%??!!
Pfizer will tell you anything you want to hear as they have no liability for their product. Hey, store it at whatever temperature you want, keep it as long as you want. Changes the time between doses and give people as many boosters as you want. Just keep ordering and paying please so our bonuses aren't affected.
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