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Reports of major damage including to the city's iconic cathedral as another big earthquake hits Christchurch

Reports of major damage including to the city's iconic cathedral as another big earthquake hits Christchurch

Multiple fatalities are being reported in Christchurch following a magnitude 6.3 earthquake. Prime Minister John Key told TV3 this evening at least 65 people were confirmed dead in what he described as one of New Zealand's darkest days.

(Updated with comments from John Key, Civil Defence Director John Hamilton, death toll, videos, Parliament civil defence reports, note on phone use, comments from the Police and Christchurch Press chief reporter).

The New Zealand Police released a statement describing a scene of chaos and mass destruction.

Death toll set to rise

Earlier, at 6pm, Civil Defence Director John Hamilton  said at least 17 people had died.. "We are expecting that number to climb given the number of casulties that have have been reported - injuries that is," Hamilton added.

The police were managing the deaths that may arise, with next of kin to be notified, Hamilton said.

"Meanwhile, the National Crisis Management Centre is providing the resources down to Christchurch to make sure that Christchurch and the civil defence authorities and emergency services have all the resources that they need to help people in Christchurch," he said.

An urban search and rescue team being provided by Australia was on its way.

"We would expect that to arrive probably after midnight, being flown in by a Royal Australian Airforce aircraft," Hamilton said.

"We have deployed the first of the urban search and rescue teams from New Zealand – from Auckland – down to Christchurch and there’s a second one to be deployed shortly as well," he said.

"Throughout the emergency services extra capacity is being drafted in from other regions to deploy to Christchurch. For example ambulances from further down the South Island are on their way to Christchurch. Hospitals in other centres have cleared the non-critical patients out so that the hospital is clear to take casualties which will be flown in, if necessary, from Christchurch.

"We are also in the early stages of providing extra assistance through the form of military personal to assist the police in securing the badly damaged part of the city to make sure that, one, the people are safe and out of the badly affected area, and that the damaged buildings are secure," Hamilton said.

He could not give a number of how many people were expected trapped in buildings.


The Press chief reporter Kamala Hayman told that destruction, including to the historic newspaper building located off Cathedral Square, was widespread with broken glass littering the streets, roads warped, flooding and liquefaction.

"The Cathedral is severely damaged. There are fears for people inside," Hayman said.

"The Provincial Chambers is also trashed and the Pyne Gould Guinness (PGC House) building."

Dozens were believed trapped and at least one fatality was confirmed inside PGC House on Cambridge Terrace. Officials with Pyne Gould Corporation said they were trying to contact employees and their families to account for missing staff.

In the hours following the earthquake, which struck at 12.51 pm,  the city continued to be pumelled by aftershocks.

Hayman said the city was severely ravaged, compared to the first earthquake.

"It was really horrible."

With officials evaculating the city centre, panic-stricken workers were returning home to check on loved ones and to assess new or additional damage to homes.

In some cases, people were returning home on foot with cars being abandoned in streets due to upturned sections of road and blown sewer mains. Others immobilised by fear and or shock were frozen in their tracks surveying the smouldering mess. (For more see New Zealand Herald updates)

GeoNet says the earthquake was centred at Lyttelton at a depth of 5 kilometres.

TV3 has pictures showing significant damage to Christchurch Cathedral. Christchurch Hospital is also reportedly damaged with the airport being evacuated.

Some witnesses have described the earthquake, which was also felt in other parts of the South Island, as more violent than the 7.1 magnitude earthquake that struck the Canterbury region on September 4 last year.

The New Zealand dollar fell from US76.30 cents to US75.50c after the earthquake.

Read the Police statement below:

A major earthquake in Christchurch at 12.51pm has caused widespread damage and injury. The central city is currently being evacuated as reports are received of widespread damage to buildings and infrastructure. Multiple fatalities have been reported at several locations in the central city, including two buses crushed by falling buildings.

A doctor and emergency services are attending. Other reports include multiple building collapses, fires in buildings in the central and persons reported trapped in buildings. All available police staff are assisting with evacuations and emergency responses.

Christchurch Hospital is not evacuated and is in operation. No injuries reported at Christchurch Airport. Defence forces have been called in to assist.

IMPORTANT MESSAGES: Triage centres have been established for people with injuries at: - Latimer Square, Central City - Spotlight Mall, Sydenham - Sanitarium, Papanui Police advise that people who have evacuated their homes or buildings should report to their nearest Civil Defence sector post - usually schools.

Further updates will be issued as available.

A media briefing will be advised as soon as possible later today.

Parts of the city that were previously unscathed have been affected this time. The seaside village of Sumner was among them. Crumbling cliffsides and falling rocks covered much of the area in dust. Shag Rock, a postcard landmark of the community, was flattened.

Clifton Hill resident Kirsty Meyers said the front half of her house had been destroyed, after withstanding the initial Sept.4 earthquake and more than 2000 aftershocks.

Like many others struggling to come to terms with the ongoing mayhem, the family had fled to the safety of their car.

Mobile phones

Telecom and Vodafone have asked people to not overload networks with non-emergency calls, saying people who need to use phones should stick to text messages or short calls if they can.

Civil Defence communication difficulties

Meanwhile, reports from Parliament are that the civil defence bunker in the Beehive basement is finding it hard to contact Christchurch Civil Defence, as well as hospitals and schools there.



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Some injuries to folk , as the 'quake hit at 12:51 , when many  were normally in the CBD and in Lyttleton .

Sad about the damage to Cathedral .

........ Radio National contacted Gerry Brownlee for his comments ....... and he is in Riydah , Saudi Arabia ........ Yes Walter Kunz , you are correct about big Geery .

JK coming down for a looksie ........ if the airport re-opens the landing strip .

[ Geez , the Gummster picked a helluva week to come home for a break ]


Hope you and yours are safe GBH.



Thanks Casual Ob. ..... We're all OK . But there are fatalities in the CBD , as the time 12:51 caught so many folk in the city .

...... Got one helluva knot in the pit of me stomach .

This was the biggest after-shock , since the initial  earthquake  back in September .

............. shag , another roll & jolt right now ! ..Bugger .


Hubby just arrived home from Chch city centre. He seems a bit in shock, definitely shaken. Said it was huge. Still can't get txt msgs through to friends in the city.


All mobile phones are pretty much down, don't think any txts are getting throught either. I'm trying to call landlines in Auckland and not many are going through, getting a recorded announcement on a lot of them saying that the network is overloaded. Thoughts and prayers are with the people in Christchurch.


Thinking of you Elley.  Stay strong.


We have updated this with a police statement and comments from the Christchurch Press chief reporter.


It'll be at least another billion in damages Gummy.


This goes much deeper than just the dollar cost of the damage , Wolly . The effect on the psyche of the residents is immense .

I felt terribly sad last Saturday , on a wander around the CBD , so many vacant lots where once distinguished old buildings stood .

But now , so many more have collapsed ......... Our beautiful city is being shaken to pieces .


I do know that Gummy. Sorry but "distinguished old buildings" don't cut it.....they have to come cannot expect overseas visitors to walk on city streets with hundreds of tons of bloody bricks above them held up by their own weight.


Alot of the olde English charm of the city has been lost Wolly . The replacement buildings are shiny monstrosities with no Cantabrian  " feel " about them .

..........Oddly enough , our old part of the Press building had been earthquake proofed . But it was demolished to create a new hotel . The heritage part of the Press building was kept ( and not earthquake proofed ) , and the roof has collapsed , trapping journalists under their desks .

Why weren't more of these character buildings strengthened , over the years ? ......... This is the Black Swan event for us !


No Gummy, it's a kick up the arse for those who didn't take the Sept warning seriously. Bugger the argument that buildings have character...we don't allow bloody old buses from the twenties to stay on the street because they have character!..Those facades can be created out of fibreglass and resin to look any way you want. Most of the crap should come and stuff the heritage fluff. I hope your mates survive. They at least can then think about the "value" of old heaps of shite buildings with character!



NZ airspace shut down

Airways NZ, the national Air Traffic Control organisation, is based in Christchurch


Is the University ok? my daughter is there


Thoughts with you Aj.


My daughter is ok. She's sitting outside, some damage to some of the student flats, sounds like mainly to stairs. and some gaps in walls etc. The university sounds like its had no major damage that would cause injury. Lots of fear, not sure she will be able to get into flat tonight.



Didnt feel this latest one at all here in Nelson whereas felt the one last year big time.


sincere thoughts for all Cantabrians or those with family / friends there 


If anyone needs a hand Im available.Got a spare house too.


same here.

If anyone needs a hammer-hand, just holler.

And if anyone needs to get away for a bit, we're just N of Dunedin.


There are reports that all airspace in New Zealand has been closed following the earthquake. 

Airways NZ, the national Air Traffic Control organisation, is based in Christchurch, and unconfirmed reports are coming in that it has been hit by the earthquake


Glad your daughter is OK Andrew. Just felt another rather strong aftershock, didn't feel much weaker than the 12:50pm one, at least here in Oxford. There are reports of multiple fatalities in Chch, two buses crushed by falling buildings. So relieved hubby came back.


She shaken but Ok. She has always wanted to study earthquakes now she got to experience one first hand. I always thought we would be first to get the next 'big one' we live on a bloody great fault line.

Its been a sobering experience for us both and our hearts go out to those still waiting to hear from loved ones. How long do afterquakes go on for?


"How long do afterquakes go on for?" Andrew, we've been through over 4000 aftershocks since Sept 4th! At least a couple a months were 5 or slightly over. I don't think it's going to end anytime soon. After the Sept 4th one we kept having lots and lots of 5.x for a good 48 hours.


Elley, the two bigger shakes and all the others are part of an event that could carry on for a long time...the experts don't know any more than you. The region is a pudding of sediments mud and volcanic rubbish called rock. The movement going on has triggered an end to any stability in that porridge.

The best you can hope for are for many smaller shakes...if they stop for any length of time that makes you think "great it's over"...expect another big one.


Yep, you're probably right...but there was hardly any quake between Sept 2002 when we came to NZ and Sept 2010, and it suited me fine! Might have picked the wrong location to spend the rest of our lives! Shame, I love NZ.  Bracing for emails from family in the morning calling for us to "go back home". The latest updates on Stuff sound really bad.


UPDATE on 111 in Southland

111 system OUT IN SOUTHLAND For emergency advice call 03 211 3044


Looking at the consistent depth (5km) of the quakes, it is possible this is a horizontal fault at that depth under what was once a volcanic area.


From Telstraclear

111 Christchurch has been diverted to Wellington, but just in case that other number is 03 211 3044


BNZ has a list of available and unavailable ATMs in chch


The truly important things in life are once again highlighted for ALL NZders. Not house prices, not the dollar................but

family, health & knowledge. THIS is TRUE WEALTH . Here's wishing the best for all


Yes, very true, Justice. Would be appreciated if we can all lay down our arms (opposing opinions) for just one day and just keep the facts rolling in, would be appreciated by many.



Why must disaster be the only time we all come together as a Nation? Imagine what we could achieve as a country if we had this true spirit of goodwill more often instead of the 'me, me, me society we have created?

It really saddens me no end. I love this place more than any other and I know many of you also but I have of late  REALLY hated what we are doing to it in the name of greed.

This comment made this morning before the quake and a perfect example and  truly disgusts me: Oh,, and it got TWO thumbs up!     by The Duke | 22 Feb 11, 10:05am I feel so incredibly bullish

I feel so incredibly bullish today. It just feels like asset prices across the board are going to  post massive gains this year. I would hate to: a) be a renter b) have my money in the bank c)Have made outlandish predictions of a 30% fall in property values.



I second that.


Stop stirring the pot Duke, I realise that you are getting back at those negative nellies who have had a go at you but there is a time place


hear hear.


Have updated with comments from Civil Defencee Director John Hamilton on death toll.

Our deepest thoughts go out to family and friends.

Update with more soon




death toll 65 and rising into the night as many more trapped and unaccounted for....tragic!


I've just updated the story with that figure from John Key on TV3 news tonight.


haven't heard anything about Lyttleton, lots of old buildings there, thats where the epicentre was....

has anyone else heard anything?

My wife reckons that the area directly above the epicentre isn't usually so badly hit, don't know about that......


yes...john sellwood tv reporter lives there and was there when it struck..he said virtually all of the shops in the main shopping precinct are collapsed and the area is badly damged generally..he was very emotional


jeez, we did'nt get away with that one...brace yourselves folks for more bad news over the coming kaha nz


Why must disaster be the only time we all come together as a Nation? Imagine what we could achieve as a country if we had this true spirit of goodwill  

Couldn't agree more to this comment Justice.


My thought to all those in Christchurch


tks for comments  took 3 hours get home and get kids from school. My M in law is nurse and was in town helping a lot of dead are kids in a creache at bottom of collapsed building....Im a big man and tough but had a cry today as i saw the city i love crumble around all we need is support from NZ today and comming weeks it is going to be a long and hard road for Cantabs


FCM - send me an email - please.


@FCM Hang in there, FCM, and everyone else in Christchurch and surronding areas. You guys are not alone. Everyone in New Zealand is a Cantabrian tonight and we will do all we can to support Christchurch and the country through this. it might not feel like it right now but the earthquakes will not last forever!


friends are trying to get my daughter out in the morning. Sounds awful, if I can help in anyway let me know. What a tragedy I can hardly believe what my daughter is telling me. She said the staff  building at Uni is a mess, she is sleeping on the floor,  they had a barbeque this evening so got fed. She got the last bottle of water from the store and felt guilty, no water no power no bathrooms her bed was tipped over by the shake, it must have been huge.


Just heard on the news that death toll could be as high as 400.



TV3 reporting unconfirmed "but reliable" sources that death toll is likely to rise to between 200-400 and more than 100 people are still trapped in the rubble.



got off phone to family around city...some of damage is 5 x more than September  ..the death toll is going to be friend is at fonterra cool store is gone..Port not going for 2 days and more damage...the city we love has been smashed and freinds a long road


God speed to all those in Chch and Canterbury.

Truly devestating.  Beyond comprehension for those of us who haven't lived through it.



I'm happy to take responsibility for deleting comments I thought in bad taste given the events of today. Many were in reaction to an original comment. So they have all gone.

On my head be it.

It's worth remembering many people who are regulars on this site will have experienced very personal loss and shock. They may be looking for loved ones as I write. It appears many people in Christchurch are trapped under rubble tonight.

Our best thoughts are with them all.

We hope with everything they are well.





whoa vic are you drawing a comparison between everyody getting stuck into a tasteless comment and the First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out --Because I was not a Socialist poem?

a fiery exchange was deleted - some posted by me - that's fine by me. i had  posted because i didn't want something rude to go unchallenged. as you know we have plenty of fiery exchanges and i don't expect that to change.


from an ops angle i am interested to see that site admins are working at 10pm+. good dedication


edit - looks like it's BH wielding the sword. fair enough BH. it was getting a bit ugly


VL - absolutely agree. I was one, and mine asked BH to delete.

If anyone here needs someone with building skills, get in touch. No charge for the genuine.



The latest event

is not mentioned below.

 Should we listen and learn more from nature ?

Hopefully we all, but especially people from Christchurch have a better day tomorrow.



That's something that's been reported in France apparently, my mum mentioned it to me. And as for listening more to nature, I think so. In fact, I think I might start checking out this site regularly. Written on Feb 14th


Obviously everyone's seen the destruction today, however the scale is staggering.  Even timber framed buildings have totally collapsed.  My brother was in one of our properties in Worcester St when the neighbouring building was completely levelled.  He described plooms of dust everywhere.  Fortunately next door was under renovation and the builders had all gone for lunch so it was by shear luck that no one was killed in that collapse.

Personally I was on the 4th level in central west Christchurch and was staggered to see the destruction when I left the building.

There's a modern office building on a lean near Victoria Sq, of course others have collapsed but nearly every building modern or old is severely compromised.

My initial thought apart from the fact that there could easily be several hundred killed, is that the scale of destruction far outweighs Sept 4 by perhaps a factor of 10.

Although I tried to help where I could I ended up just making sure our properties were ok, which they weren't.  Houses that were moderately damaged are now totally wrecked.

But it was dangerous enough just walking around, falling into quicksand was a real hazard let alone falling debris.

Most of east ChCh is much worse than Sept, but areas right round to St Albans and Fendalton have suffered major liquifaction.

Even in previously undamaged Addington we had multiple geysers on some of our properties.

My guessimate is $15b plus in damage.

I think we had $3 or 4m damage on our properties alone today. Absolute chaos. Unbelievable.



Many thanks for the detail.

Our thoughts at and our community of commenters are with you and everyone in Christchurch.



My thoughts and heart felt wishes for all those affected by the quake. CNN coverage here in France has been exceptional, updating every 15 minutes.  


Just got internet up, I was on the 5th floor in a building in the CBD, just down from the CTV site, it was a horrifc, one good dive saved my life. It felt like 911 when we finally exited the building, the dust was immense,  people dieing in front of you is too hard to explain. Did what I could to comfort where possible. There are more cleared cases of people likely to have died than highlighted in the media.

Took hours to get out of the city the roads are stuffed. Dips of a meter in what were flat roads and holes that have partly swallowed trucks.

Those that have survived are concerned for their future. As a business advisor fielding calls about  business contingencies and my neighbours are worried if they will keep their jobs. Its all relevant, it all about life and the ordeal people are living through.


Hey speckles how many people do they have working the CTV site? I've got a mate trapped in there


As a guess, a couple of hundred.


Just talked to a friend leaving Wellington on the ferry,its packed with rescue teams and police. Lots of ladders and  4x4 vehicles, help is on the way and sounds like in a hurry.

Got a friend picking up some children and my daughter this morning and taking them back to the farm, Christs college sounds a mess as well as other schools. We decided to bring our shocked 18 yr  old daughter back home.


I am sorry that your daughter had such a terrible experience in Chch Andrew :( Got emails from family this morning, with mum less than enthusiastic about us staying in NZ.
