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Lynda Moore is on a campaign to make savings fun again. She has a program that will work for every party animal

Personal Finance / opinion
Lynda Moore is on a campaign to make savings fun again. She has a program that will work for every party animal

Saving up is hard to do… sounds like a song, doesn’t it?  The musician in me can’t help carrying the music theme through this topic, to try and liven up what can a little bit of a dry subject.  When we all know we should spend less than we earn and save for a rainy day (or a house deposit).

Just like grooving to your favourite tunes, saving can also be a real party if you know how to boogie with it.  Let’s dust off those saving blues and inject a bit of fun into our financial dance routine.

The Boring Saving Boogie: Why We’d rather stay seated

For a lot of us, savings doesn’t come naturally, it feels like being stuck in a slow-motion replay.  Our brains are wired for instant gratification – we want everything now! Or, as I often say, we have a Freddy Mercury moment (now that is a great tune! If you haven’t heard it for a while, jump into You Tube, turn up “I want it all and I want it now” and carry on reading.

Let’s Twist again: Finding Joy in the Money Cha-Cha

Think about anticipation – Not the Rocky Horror Picture Show kind! (another trip to You tube may be required).  Anticipation amps up the excitement.  Picture yourself sipping a fruity cocktail, on a sandy beach or whipping up a culinary masterpiece in your dream kitchen (complete with Gordon Ramsy-style commentary). Add watching your bank balance grow and you’ve got a saving sensation worth celebrating!

Set the Groove: Goals and Focus

We often hit pause on saving because we lack direction.  Saving for the sake of it feels about as meaningful as dancing in the dark.  But fear not! Once you’ve got a goal in sight, you’ll be dancing with focus, twirling towards that financial finish line like a champion!

The Electric Slide: Self-Control and Savings Mode

Ah, self-control – the bouncer at the club of financial freedom. We’ve got to learn to say “no” to ourselves.  Skip the impulse buys and envision the bigger picture.  Would you rather have that trendy T-Shirt now or indulge in a sunset cocktail on your next holiday? It’s all about that delayed gratification, baby!

Shake Your Money Maker: Putting your Best Financial Foot Forward

Now we’ve got our savings groove on, let’s hit the dance floor with some killer moves.

  1. Start with Baby Steps: set yourself a 90-day savings goal.  Think small if you’re new to the scene.  Every little bit counts.
  2. Name that Beat: Open a savings account and give it a fun name like “my beach bonanza’ instead of “Savings 101”. Let’s make it a party!
  3. Break it down: Calculate your daily saving target and stick to it.  If your 90-day goal is $500 for a weekend getaway, that’s around $5.55 per day. Easy, right?
  4. The Savings Shimmy: Practice saying “NO’ to those impulse buys.  Transfer the money you’ve saved into your special account and jazz it up with a quirky reference
  5. Keep the Groove alive: Once you’ve nailed the 90-day challenge, level up! Set bigger targets and keep the savings party pumping.

Encore, Encore

Watch how your money moves once you’ve got your eye on the prize.  With clear goals and a dash of determination, you’ll be strutting towards financial success faster than you can say “Cha-Ching” Remember, every step you take towards your goal releases a burst of dopamine – your brains way of saying, “Encore, please”!

So, let’s turn up the volume on our savings playlist and make every penny count. Saving money doesn’t have to be a slow ballad – it’s time to turn it into a chart-topping hit!

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Household net savings require one or both of two things, a current account surplus or a government budget deficit as sectoral balances illustrates.


Fun article 👍👌 

Not everyone can get deep in the weeds of Government deficit budgets and in the micro economy of personal savings perhaps shouldn't!

We can practice stoically imagining taking a reasonable% pay cut either unforseen or chosen for lifestyle purposes and then work out how we could make things work out on that imagined income. Most people could find some expenditure that'd be cut-able if they had to.The trick then becomes to cut it intentionally and keep the money 🤔



Thank you for your feedback! It's great to see you engaging with the content. Exploring practical strategies like imagining different financial scenarios can indeed help build resilience in managing personal finances. Your perspective adds value to the discussion!



Thank you for sharing your insights! It's always great to hear different perspectives on economic matters.
