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A Radio New Zealand investigation has found 14 of its newswire stories had been inappropriately edited with a pro-Russia flavour by a single staff member

Public Policy / news
A Radio New Zealand investigation has found 14 of its newswire stories had been inappropriately edited with a pro-Russia flavour by a single staff member

Radio New Zealand will undergo an external review of its online editorial process after it discovered inappropriate editing of a number of news wire stories about the war in Ukraine. first reported on Friday that RNZ had republished a Reuters story which had been modified to reflect a more pro-Russian perspective on how the conflict began. 

The original text had an orthodox Western view, saying the conflict began in 2014 when Russia annexed Crimea after the Maidan Revolution toppled the pro-Russian president. 

However, when the news story was republished by RNZ it was modified to include claims the new government had suppressed ethnic Russians and Russia had only annexed Crimea after a referendum.

RNZ’s edited version also cut out the first paragraph of the Reuters story, but this did not significantly affect the original meaning of the story in any obvious way. 

Reuters has a policy that prevents customers from altering its stories without consent.

Stephen Hoadley, an associate professor of politics and international relations at Auckland University, said the edited version had a “definite pro-Russia flavour”.

“Its narrative is the opposite of the understanding of mainstream Western governments and media, inasmuch as it puts the blame on Ukraine,” he said in an email. 

When the modifications were discovered, RNZ restored the story to the way it had been written by Reuters and began an investigation into who had edited it. 

It has now found 14 instances of inappropriate editing over the past year and issued corrections for each with a note which reads: 

“This story was edited inappropriately and has been corrected. It has been reverted to Reuters copy. RNZ is concerned and takes this matter extremely seriously. We are investigating and have taken appropriate action.” 

The government-owned news publication has launched an investigation into one employee who has been placed on leave. understands they were a digital producer.

RNZ chief executive Paul Thompson said he will commission an external review of the processes for the editing of online stories. The outcome of this will be made public. 

Political backlash reported that Broadcasting Minister Willie Jackson had been briefed on the situation and described it as “a major issue” that was “unprecedented for RNZ”.

Act Party leader David Seymour said the situation was “deeply concerning” and called for an urgent and transparent investigation. 

“The Ukrainians are fighting for their very existence against a brutal dictatorship. If our state broadcaster has published material that has included Russian propaganda it would be appalling,” he said in a statement. 

The original Reuters text is shown in red on the left, while the edited version is shown in green on the left.

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Interesting to note how the main issue here is which side the language appears to benefit, not which version is more accurate. The validity of the referendum can certainly be disputed, but that fact that it happened cannot.


There is no dispute that it happened, at question is simple matter of fact, the invasion and occupation of Crimea happened before and not after the referendum.   

This small lie to alter the order of events presents quite a different view of the morality of the subsequent annexation.


So why not say that then, instead of removing any mention of it whatsoever?


They didn't "remove any mention of it"  The original article never mentioned it in the first place, so there was nothing to be removed.  It's an article about the Russian language of the war.  

They also didn't mention where Putin went to high school to study Russian grammar. so what? 


It was removed from the version originally published by RNZ, and never present in the original Reuters version.

If a "small lie to alter the order of events" is such a cardinal sin in your books, then surely omitting those events altogether must be even worse.


RNZ removed the unauthorised alterations to the article. They are not going to correct the alterations, it's not their article it's Reuters. They simply restored the original article. I have no problem with the original Reuters article not detailing every single minute piece of Crimean history. I don't feel the original is lieing by omission, whereas the blatantly false alterations were a lie. 


It seems very inconsistent to have such a problem with the alterations on one hand, but then claim that they're insignificant details when left out completely. I suspect the reason behind this is simply that one version of events supports your chosen narrative, while the other doesn't. It has nothing to do with what actually happened, regardless of which version that might happen to be.

Unfortunately this type of mentally is all too common, where people simply choose to believe whichever version of events happens to be the most appealing to them. It's unfortunate because it ensures that situations like the one we're facing in Ukraine never get resolved, and makes it impossible to prevent them from happening again.


It's very simple, RNZ reporting should not include blatent lies. Doesn't matter which side they support. I do have issue with much of the uncritical reporting of pro-Ukraine news, but this is not one of them. 

It's ok to leave out a minor detail not relevant to the main story, but not ok to include false information.


Well said!! The article is an admittance of narrative control.


But everything is narrative control . 


I'm curious what diff tool is the screenshot from (if it's ok to share that)?


Well the edited version is more correct. I think they were hacked, no NZ journalist would have made that correction, (maybe someone in the IT team was pro-Z).

What is this? Is it a witch hunt for the RNZ member, concern RNZ was hacked and/or a fact check on the war?


Oliver Stone's Ukraine on Fire


that looks an odd youtube url.

I checked this one


The hilarious thing is that the "pro-Russian" version is actually more accurate!

The truth is not prioritised by our modern media. It's all about narrative. Facts that do not fit the narrative are discarded.


Exactly.  So easy to verify too.  You just have to go to the Amnesty International website and look at what was happening in 2015 in the Donbass.  


Considering RNZ consistently peddle horsepoo - they've just spent several days hammering 'shares in an airport', while doggedly avoiding how long said airport has left.

And every day, they peddle 'the markets' - as if real activity goes up or down a noticeable part of a percent in a day. Nowadays they always introduce a possible 'reason'; said reasons tend to be about as accurate, in hindsight, as the thousand-year Reich.

And we have to remember, WE are the part of the winning-to-date hegemony - if we had the truth on our side, no need for Guantanamo Bay, no need to keep Julian Assange out of circulation - we'd have nothing to hide...


And an appalling truth beyond denial is that Assange has lost yet another appeal to avoid extradition to the USA to face "justice" for ....telling the truth. (From that impeccable source - The Daily Mail!)…


The way I see the problem with the propaganda we get here is not what is in there but what is left out.

eg:  We see bombed apartment buildings in Kviv, but are not shown bombed infrastructure useful to the Ukrainian military.  Indeed it is illegal to do so in Ukraine.  So we are led to think it's civilian targets only.

Plenty of commentators here on appear to think there was an invasion with no background.  But there has been a war since 2014 with 14,000 deaths.  Both sides.

I have also noted the high level of scepticism many commentators here have about the Ukrainian / US / NATO version.

You might disagree with the facts of the edits and that's fine.  But they reflect a view on the facts commonly held around the world and are certainly valid to say.

My view on the whole things it that it is yet another ethnic conflict, totally mad, and there is no right answer, as in all ethnic wars.  Brothers and cousins murdering each other.  


Arguably, it's been brewing in 1990 when 'we' started backtracking on our "Not one more inch further east" undertaking as part of the reunification of the two Germanys.

(US Secretary of State) Baker said, "What if you let your part of Germany go, and we agree that NATO will "not shift one inch eastward from its present position".


Very selective, that assurance came with a caveat:

"...neither the President nor I intend to extract any unilateral advantages from the processes that are taking place..."

NATO was never expanded under the George H.W. Bush (Baker actually retired in '92, a year before George H.W. Bush left office.) There was no formal agreement or memorandum on a permanent freeze over NATO membership in Europe, just that it wouldn't happen under that Government.

Regarding other NATO leaders Thatcher didn't actually want German reunification much less NATO expansion, Mitterrand didn't think NATO would exist in the post-Soviet era.


This is a good movie, and pretty close to the truth

We haven't moved very far....


Interesting, maybe a future policy should be to clearly mark what has been edited and provide a URL to syndicated articles. This way people would know what had been amended and what that article originally stated.


As someone who was born and raised in Eastern Ukraine, it's appalling to see that there are people on this website who thinks that the green version is an accurate representation of the events. Russian propaganda works well!

Thanks for publishing this piece. Most of the NZ media frankly suck at how unprofessional they are when it comes to conflict coverage. A few points off the top of my head that are utterly silly and/or unprofessional. Some nonsense from the last few week's coverage from my memory: 

- Interview/question request from Stuff to Wagner's head. Wagner is a terroristic organisation responsible for killing thousands of people, which, among others, filmed the execution of war prisoners and its own 'betrayers'. Would Stuff approach Osama bin Laden for the interview or comments back in 2011? Or perhaps they should invite Brenton Tarrant to discuss Islam on a podcast.
- In the same piece, they said, 'Crimea was taken by Wagner group in 2014'. Nothing further from the truth than that. 

- Who blew up the dam? Ukraine and Russia accuse each other. Yeah, not a single terroristic attack from 1990 to 2014 happened in Ukraine, but somehow after Russia occupied a part of the country, now there were terroristic attacks affecting the lives of millions of people. In the case of the dam, tens of thousands of people lost their homes permanently. Who is responsible for that, really.  



As someone who was born and raised in Eastern Ukraine, you have an inherent bias. I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm just saying that having ties to Ukraine doesn't exactly strengthen your credibility.

Imagine if someone came along and said "I'm Russian, and the Russian version of events is true!". We'd laugh.


Yeah, understanding the language, the culture and spending 20 years in the place doesn’t help to separate the truth from propaganda, sure. Some journo that can’t even cover NZ issues well would have done a better job as they have no biases, right.

Yeah, sending hundred thousands of people to kill and get killed across the border of a sovereign nation to fight neonazism (of the country where the president is Jewish) cause they might have attacked you first; that deserves credibility. :facepalm:



We don't have journalists in NZ anymore. Just a load of people writing their "opinion" on loosely based facts that they found on Google.


But the Russian line is the Russians in Eastern Ukraine wanted to be part of Russia...   Surely if that was true the the other poster would be well aware of how pro-Russia his relatives and their neighbours are.


So the referendum was a total farce, but some dude's uncle and a few of his mates hating Russia back when he was growing up is compelling evidence.


In late September 2022, in the context of the Russian invasion of Ukraine, Russian-installed officials in Ukraine staged so-called referendums on the annexation of occupied territories of Ukraine by Russia.[1][2][3][4] They were widely described as sham referendums by commentators and denounced by various countries. Currently, the validity of the results of the referendums has only been accepted by North Korea, and no other sovereign state.

You keep only the best company.  :)


I never said the referendum was valid. I said one person's opinion isn't necessarily reflective of an entire region.


It's a lengthy and complicated topic to cover in the comment section. Some perspective: 

On a high level: 

There are always 5% of the people to support any kind of opinion including those that are very extreme. E.g. here in NZ we have people who are racists, people believe that Bill Gates controls us via vaccines, people who says gangs act as great good for communities, etc.

Does it mean that NZ is a racist mob run by anti vax? Or maybe it means that anti vax (who are mostly Maori if look at the data) are suppressed by the state that restricted their basic freedoms, and Australia should invade Wellington to protect indigenous New Zealanders? Or maybe...? Or maybe ...? Or maybe ...? 

This is how propaganda works (at least russian propaganda): they give you an endless number of versions of what happened and average Joe is confused now. 'Nothing is one-sided, nothing is thuth' - that's the narrative they want to impose.

It works. esp. over extended periods. Esp. on the occupied regions where the sources of information are limited. 


On a ground level: 

My Mom, and actually almost everyone I grew up with, are russian speaking (tho we are all as good in Ukrainian). My Mom has russian parents and spent half of her life there. On the morning of the 24th, she was taking a bus in the city when the missile blew up a bridge on the road she would be passing in 5 minutes. She then spent ~2 days getting to the safe place from the conflict. She also had to wait for around a day more until she finally found out that my sister had managed to reach the safer place. We live around 30km from the russian border—tough luck. 

She has lost her house, her small business, and her bach. My sister lost her home; she just became mortgage-free last year. Nothing compared to losing your life, of course. 

My Mom spends time working 9 hours a day in Poland, making around 600 NZ dollars a month. She does it not so for the sake of making money but rather to be useful and to not overthink the current state of affairs. In a parallel universe, she would have been enjoying her retirement instead.

Do you really think she or anyone from her friends are supporting russian government that started the war, russian people, who are in the vast majority, either don't care or support the war? 


Unfortunately, I have collected a long list of similar stories. 

My wife and I have lost around 20 people we personally know in the past 400 days.

Schoolmates, uni mates, parents of schoolmates.
Men, women.

Both of our fathers were under occupied territory as they were stubborn to leave but too old and unfit to take a weapon in their hands. I find it a miracle that they survived. 

Do you think anyone from my family, my friends or people we know will be thinking about geopolitics and proxy wars, neo-nazism/russian speakers are oppressed nonsense, or do you think it's evident for them who is the evil and where it came from? 

I'll leave it up to you to make an opinion on that. 



Thanks for posting mate. 


Do you want to flesh out the official narrative then? It needs some help. The Russian's can write books on this but the complete narrative is what Dan has described for us.

The evidence surrounding Maidan has been discussed since well before the war. Did the Trade Unions House fire really happen?


I'm not following your question.

I've been to Maidan, tho I lived in Belgium back in time, so I took a vacation and spend ~3 weeks between Kyiv and East back in time. The narrative that you're describing in your post below is anything but an accurate representation of events. No offence. 


There's video of US politicians attending Euromaidan, a tape of Victoria Nuland choosing the next president, a Canadian academic trying to track down the snipers. There's a movie "Ukraine on Fire" and a book about the early part of the war that got translated into English "85 Days in Slavyansk". The Russians still remember the anniversary of the Trade Unions Building Fire and produce horrifying pictures. This is very elaborate and maintains coherence, it's well beyond simple propaganda.

This is balanced by the official narrative there was an unopposed and legitimate uprising against a government. It's completely uninteresting as to why a democratic government needed to be overthrown and no one should need to ask questions. There has never been anything more.

I know there was a peaceful protest phase at Maidan and lots of protestors believed in the cause, but it was the chaos in the violence at the end of it that enabled the revolution. Even sharing your experience in a couple of sentences of this doubles the story the MSM have supplied to us.

I am assuming Russian is your (effective) native language, you might be aware of the propaganda and have something to object to, that you might want to share. What's your go to example that proves them wrong.


I can explain how most of the things that you wrote about are part of propaganda. And more importantly, what was the actual sequence of the events that happened from 'the ground' perspective to anyone who is willing to listen.  

And, I'd never be able to affect the opinion of the person who is not open to it. In both cases, it's hard to do it in the comment section as there is a lot of info you wrote about.

Tim, if you genuinely want to have a chat and curious to understand what happened there then, add me to telegram. We can have a coffee over a call. @workhard is my tg username. 


Have you seen "Ukraine on Fire"? Do you think your experience at Maidan was inconsistent with the interviews with Yanukovych and Vitaliy Zakharchecko? What do you most object to from the movie?

Possibly, tomorrow afternoon I might find the time to sort Telegram out but I don't see the point if you are not familiar with movie or some of its content. Maidan outside of the last couple of days is a sideshow to what came after. Some pro Europe opinion on the Trade Unions House fire (in Odessa) would be more interesting (I have asked three times and you have ignored it, you can share here or why you can't). I would say almost everyone who believes the "Russian version" has seen the movie, give them something to think about.


Hey, as I said, it's hard to cover all the things you mention objectively in a single comment. As for the 'movie', I watched it some years back and it was rubbish. 

From Wikipedia: 

- Ukraine on Fire is a film directed by Igor Lopatonok ... It features Oliver Stone, the executive producer source

Igor Lopatonok ... holding also US and Russian passports source

- With Oliver Stone as executive producer, he directed the controversial documentary Ukraine on Fire about the Maidan Uprising during the winter months of 2013/14.[5] His 2019 documentary film, Revealing Ukraine, produced by Stone, featured interviews with Vladimir Putin.  source

- Oliver Stone: ‘Putin is a great leader for his country’ - The firebrand director talks about his new documentary on nuclear power, his distaste for Joe Biden and his continued support of the Russian president. source 

I guess that gives you enough overview of whose agenda/side that movie would represent.


Does anyone actually read RNZ news expecting reliable information?

I guess people are upset because alignment to the lefty narrative slipped a little. 


I fell off my chair laughing when I saw RNZ are upset at pedalling a government narrative. A red government at that.


The official narrative on Maidan is so superficial. I guess this is because if you start going the documented evidence it start to tell a rather interesting and violent story that leaves more questions than answers. Whenever the evidence is brought up no one ever challenges it.

The revolution was a violent coup, that was constitutionally illegal. There is multiple instances of US involvement captured on camera and tape. My understanding is if your country is illegally seized then everything gets a little grey and if you declare regional independence to hold a referendum then you have as much legitimacy (both less than a properly recognised state) as the group that seized power and can hold a referendum.





Feels like we are living in Orwell's 1984 and the Ministry of Truth is getting confused by which version of events it wishes to portray upon the population.


Nothing we read today is pure. There is always a narrative being peddled one way or another. This is just what it is. We all have our agendas. In RNZ's case they're probably more pro-Russian than anyone in this country so the 'slip up' doesn't surprise me at all. The fact that anyone believes anything they tell us is the surprise for me.


The term ‘colour revolution’ has been used inside Russia to characterise protests as being led or incited by foreign governments as a type of modern warfare.

Another false claim.. 

Are you suggesting foreign governments have had no influence on 'anti-communist' revolutions across the globe? I mean it would be far more controversial to say that American intelligence has not been been dabbling in regime change in  Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Belarus, Burma, etc. Right?

If in doubt start with Iranian revolution.…


RNZ is a media organisation independent of Government and is under no obligation to adhere to any Government's position on the war in Ukraine.  People can make their own judgement.  And if RNZ no longer want to be a balanced news organisation then that is a call for them to make, and to suffer the consequences for.

However it is disingenuous to cite Reuters as the source when a "journalist" has added and changed the story.  The name of the journalist who made those changes should be listed for all to see, just like with any other news article.


I'm appalled at the sheer number of New Zealanders on here spouting Kremlin talking points of the hegemonic imperialism of the west. No western nation has annexed land from another since America claimed Hawaii more than 100 years ago. The western nations were the first to abolish slavery and the UK disbanded the largest empire ever known without waging war against it's colonies, however, many of their colonies chose to remain under British rule because life was good.

Look at the levelling of Grozny if you want to see how the Russian Federation treats nations who seek independence because life is not good under rule of liars and thieves. Yes there were horrible crimes and injustices committed during the years of western imperialism, look at the shameful theft of Hong Kong over opium, but it was more than 100 years ago. Much has changed since then and just because "they did it generations ago" does not justify Russia doing it today.

The idea that Russia is good for Africa, built on their accurate claim of how colonial era western nations pillaged Africa, fails to recognise that the price of Wagner's services in their dealings with African governments to defend and/or reclaim assets such as oil fields, diamond & goldmines from "rebels" is a 25% share in perpetuity of that particular resource's economic output. This happened since the formation of Wagner circa 2014 and Russia has been slowly building a portfolio of outside income sources which gave Putin the balls to finally invade Ukraine - which he had been eyeing up for 20 years. Wagner is a tool to capture and exploit foreign resources while the Kremlin cries foul of western extortionism. Look into this.

There are many good Russian people but the current system in Russia is rotten to the core. NATO never pushed for expansion, European nations who did not trust Russia's intents chose to apply and jumped through many hoops to gain membership. Many eastern Europeans do not trust Russia to the point where they chose to join NATO, and you think you know better than they do? In Putin's early days there were talks of Russia joining NATO, but when faced with the membership criteria of a free market economic system, civilian controlled military & open democracy he shied away cause it would threaten his ability to rob his people blind and restore the empire he so dearly grieved.

Russia is no better than England was in the height of their imperial thirst and are actively pillaging nations from South America to Africa under the shadow guise of Wagner and a multitude of umbrella companies. The idea that Russia cares, that Russia wants equality, that Russia wants good for Africa, that Russia wants good for the Russian speakers of Ukraine is a sham and is easily evident in the way they are currently treating civilians of their own side deluged by their destruction of the dam.

You might also benefit from looking into the International Mission for Human Rights reporting on attrocities in Ukraine prior to 2022. Yes the Ukrainian side were far from perfect, but they are deemed to have been responsible for 5 times less civilain deaths and attacks on civilain objects than the Russian side were, before 2022. Then Russia launches it's invasion to halt the supposed genocide and suddenly civilain deaths rise by 9000%. How is it possible that an intervention to stem the killing of civilians results in a 900x increase in the very thing it intended to halt? What kind of bungling barbarism is this? 

Seismic evidence suggests there was an explosion at the dam involving tonnes of explosives at the time of it's failure. There is no way Ukrainian saboteurs managed to get tonnes of explosives in place, drilled into the walls of the dam below the waterline when the dam was under Russian control. This has caused an ecological disaster on par with Chernobyl, and Russia chose it. Russia lies regularly, it's as clear as a nose on anybody's face and only a useful idiot would fall for such lies in spite of the overwhelming evidence and then go on to spout it, simply because they are disenfranchised with their own high standard of living.

Is it a coincidence that the Kremlin shut down, exiled or imprisoned any anti Putin news sources or journalists? School children go to jail for expressing anti war sentiment. Is this something you support, your children going to jail for their desire for peace and to never again read a news report critical of the government? There is a saying amongst some Russians that nothing is true until Dmitry Peskov denies it.

My partner is Russian and she came to NZ 8 years ago because she "didn't want to live in a country that was run by criminals, liars and thieves."

She's a better person than I and I'm inclined to believe her.


>  is easily evident in the way they are currently treating civilians of their own side deluged by their destruction of the dam.

Where is the evidence that it was the Russians that blew up the dam?


Where is the evidence it wasn’t russians?

Oh and explain me how controlling an infrastructure object with army on the territory on another sovereign nation is ok? 

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Given there's a review of RNZ's editorial practices at the moment, can anyone point me to the terms of reference for said enquiry? I've had a look, and while it gets mentioned in news articles, no-one seems to take the column inches to say what they are.

If it excludes the way news items are written edited across the board, that would be a shame, as the quality of what's coming out of RNZ has deteriorated in the last few years.
