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forestry farms

Rob Morrison points out that allowing offsets within the ETS is woefully dodgy, giving a free pass to major polluters. He makes the case for regenerative native forests to sequester carbon as the way to meet our obligations properly
1st Oct 22, 10:00am
Rob Morrison points out that allowing offsets within the ETS is woefully dodgy, giving a free pass to major polluters. He makes the case for regenerative native forests to sequester carbon as the way to meet our obligations properly
Rob Morrison worries the ETS has created a rush to plant monoculture pine forests, generating an accelerating misallocation of capital in the chase for carbon credits that will be devastating long term
24th Sep 22, 11:01am
Rob Morrison worries the ETS has created a rush to plant monoculture pine forests, generating an accelerating misallocation of capital in the chase for carbon credits that will be devastating long term
Gary Taylor: this whole notion of large scale permanent exotic forests is something that we need to nip in the bud
17th Sep 22, 11:00am
Gary Taylor: this whole notion of large scale permanent exotic forests is something that we need to nip in the bud