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Chris Trotter says more and more, conventional wisdom sounds like conventional folly. In the end, no political party is entitled to people’s votes. Loyalty should be earned and renewed, not given blindly and regardless of repeated failures and betrayals
17th Jul 23, 8:29am
Chris Trotter says more and more, conventional wisdom sounds like conventional folly. In the end, no political party is entitled to people’s votes. Loyalty should be earned and renewed, not given blindly and regardless of repeated failures and betrayals
Chris Trotter says to announce that your party is even 'exploring' bestowing upon Māori the 'right of first refusal' on privately-owned land offered for sale will certainly test the relative strengths of collectivism and individualism in New Zealand!
10th Jul 23, 8:42am
Chris Trotter says to announce that your party is even 'exploring' bestowing upon Māori the 'right of first refusal' on privately-owned land offered for sale will certainly test the relative strengths of collectivism and individualism in New Zealand!