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The Voice

Australia rejects the Voice referendum decisively. Is reconciliation dead? If such a modest proposal can be so soundly rejected, how can Australia's First People find a more equal place in such a divided country? Ross Stitt explores the aftermath
16th Oct 23, 9:53am
Australia rejects the Voice referendum decisively. Is reconciliation dead? If such a modest proposal can be so soundly rejected, how can Australia's First People find a more equal place in such a divided country? Ross Stitt explores the aftermath
Ross Stitt wonders if Australians can 'come together after a struggle' that for generations has marginalised its indigenous people. Or will it just sink into another dispiriting chapter in the increasingly toxic culture wars
24th Jan 23, 4:32pm
Ross Stitt wonders if Australians can 'come together after a struggle' that for generations has marginalised its indigenous people. Or will it just sink into another dispiriting chapter in the increasingly toxic culture wars