The Ministry of Health is reporting 23 new Covid cases, all in Auckland.
The latest case numbers are up from 14 on Tuesday.
Of the latest cases, one was not linked, while the one unlinked case from Tuesday remained unlinked at this stage.
Director-General of Health Ashley Bloomfield said of the 23 latest cases, 11 were household contacts, with six of these in one house.
It brings the total in this outbreak to 1108, with 835 of these now recovered.
There were 13 people in hospital, all in Auckland, with two in ICU.
There were 53,000 vaccinations on Tuesday.
Covid-19 Response Minister Chris Hipkins said 80% of Aucklanders had now received at least one dose of vaccine. Nationally the number stood at 75%. The rate among Maori was 52% and among Pasifika 67%.
He believed a 90% rate for the whole country was achievable.
Hipkins, wearing another of his hats as Education Minister, announced further NCEA support for Auckland students (see release at bottom of this article).
This is the detailed update from the Ministry of Health:
Cases | |
Number of new community cases | 23 |
Number of new cases identified at the border | One |
Location of new cases | Auckland |
Location of community cases (total) | Auckland (including 4 cases in Upper Hauraki) 1,091 (818 of whom have recovered); Wellington 17 (all of whom have recovered); |
Number of community cases (total) | 1,108 (in current community outbreak) |
Cases infectious in the community | Seven (50%) of yesterday’s cases have exposure events |
Cases in isolation throughout the period they were infectious | Seven (50%) of yesterday’s cases |
Cases epidemiologically linked | 22 of today’s cases |
Cases to be epidemiologically linked | 1 of today’s cases |
Cases epidemiologically linked (total) | 1,080 (in current cluster) (7 unlinked from past fortnight) |
Number of sub-clusters | Ten epidemiologically linked subclusters. Of these, two are active, seven are contained and one is dormant. There are eleven epidemiologically unlinked subclusters. Of these, three are active, three are contained and five are dormant |
Cases in hospital | 13 (total): Auckland (3); Middlemore (10). |
Cases in ICU or HDU | Two |
Confirmed cases (total) | 3,763 since pandemic began |
Historical cases, since 1 Jan 2021 (total) | 152 out of 1,945 since 1 Jan 2021 |
Contacts | |
Number of active contacts being managed (total) | 1,282 |
Percentage who have received an outbound call from contact tracers (to confirm testing and isolation requirements) | 93% |
Percentage with at least one test result | 89% |
Locations of interest | |
Locations of interest (total) | 126 (as at 10am 21 September) |
Tests | |
Number of tests (total) | 3,267,861 |
Total number of laboratory tests processed (last 24 hours) | 18,877 |
Tests rolling average (last 7 days) | 13,510 |
Swabs taken in Auckland (last 24 hours) | 9780 |
Testing centres in Auckland | 22 |
Wastewater | |
Wastewater detections | No unexpected detections in ESR’s latest testing |
COVID-19 vaccine update | |
Vaccines administered to date (total) | 4,817,214 1st doses: 3,146,149; 2nd doses: 1,671,065 |
Vaccines administered yesterday (total) | 53,721; 1st doses: 27,534 2nd doses: 26,187 |
Mâori | 1st doses: 298,008 2nd doses: 145,965 |
Pacific Peoples | 1st doses: 192,841 2nd doses: 102,109 |
NZ COVID-19 tracer | |
Registered users (total) | 3,240,718 |
Poster scans (total) | 375,582,697 |
Manual diary entries (total) | 16,778,429 |
Poster scans in 24 hours to midday yesterday | 2,319,996 |
Historical cases identified at the border
Arrival date | From | Via | Positive test day/reason | Managed isolation/quarantine location |
20 September | Canada | USA | Day 0 / routine | Wellington |
This is the NCEA release from Hipkins:
The number of Learning Recognition Credits for senior secondary school students will be increased for Auckland students, Education Minister Chris Hipkins confirmed today.
This recognises the extended time these students will spend in Alert Levels 3 and 4.
“It means students in Auckland will have a fair opportunity to attain NCEA, despite the additional disruption they have experienced,” Chris Hipkins says.
Auckland students will be entitled to 1 Learning Recognition Credit (LRC) for every 4 credits they achieve through assessment in the 2021 school year, rather than 1 LRC for every 5.
They will be eligible for up to 16 LRCs at NCEA Level 1, and 12 LRCs at levels 2 and 3, instead of the current caps for students who have spent 16 days or 20 days under Alert Levels 3 or 4.
The threshold for Auckland students to be awarded a Certificate Endorsement will also be adjusted to 44 credits at Merit or Excellence level, rather than 46 for students who were able to return to classroom learning sooner.
“These changes are a full reactivation of the support provided to Auckland in 2020, following their second lockdown,” Chris Hipkins says.
“The disproportionate impact of disruption from COVID-19 on Auckland also means some students and their families may be apprehensive about returning to school, and it will take time for students to readjust to classroom learning.
“The opportunity to earn additional LRCs provides reassurance to students that their qualification and awards remain within reach.
“I would also like to thank schools, teachers and whānau in Auckland for the work they have done and continue to do to support students at this time,” Chris Hipkins says.
Well now still tracking. According to Stuff this morning Mr Delta had infiltrated several of the black leathered motor cycle brethren, patched and un patched. Would be interested to know the count from thence included in these figures today. Would be even more interested to know how exactly that count was taken and that the counters are all safe and sound.
I would prefer target date rather than a target percentage. For example, in no later than 4 weeks time Auckland will go to level 2 regardless of the number of cases. That should give people the kick up the arse they need, and anyone who doesn't get vaxinated by then probably never will anyway. As someone who is double vaxed I am getting sick of waiting and I am sure I'm not the only one...
they already have been -- lost a friend to cancer this year -- all her tests and stuff had been delayed and delayed because of lockdowns or backlogs and lo an behold first scan she eventually got - stage 4 -- 8 weeks later gone -- did not need to happen but did -- yes its anectdotal and one person but i have heard many similar stories -- and 6 months after my initial referral still waiting for my specialist appointment for a hip op that the x-rays i paid for myself identified as being essential and needed now.
If you are going through the public system at Counties Manukau, ask your orthopaedic surgeon what the point system entails to determine priority? Then ask if ethnicity carries any relevance. Im not familiar with this DHB but access to medicines including rosuvastatin and empagliflozin have special authority criteria where ethnicity adds to eligibility. Good luck.
Well you might have to just cool your jets a bit. This is a marathon, not a sprint. We'll be fighting this for years. Masks and restrictions are not going away. Plenty of people from our business in the 20-40 age group are booked, but still waiting for their first jab. And then it's a 6 week wait for the second. We only just got our first, and we booked on the first day it was available for us.
That 6 week wait between vaccines could be 3. I don't want an extra 3 weeks of level 3 lockdown for a marginally better vaccine outcome.
Yes we will be fighting it forever, but we can't fight it with level 3/4 lockdowns forever. At some stage we have to say enough is enough, we have vaccines, they aren't amazing but much better than nothing, time to bite the bullet. That time should be as soon as possible. I can't imagine fully vaccinated people are going to put up with level 3/4 lockdown for months to come.
Especially in Auckland, there's no need to wait. The book my vaccine site doesn't list all the pharmacies etc that have free slots.
https://vaxx.nz/ gives an overview of free bookings by location.
It's not quite that black & white unfortunately.
"However, the 20-fold decrease in risk afforded by the vaccine isn’t enough to offset the 32-fold increase in underlying risk of death of a 80-year-old compared to a 45-year-old. Given the same risk of infection, we would still expect to see a higher proportion of double-vaccinated 80-year-olds die from covid than unvaccinated 40-year-olds. There are caveats to that simple calculation. The risk of infection is not the same for all age groups. Currently, infection rates are higher in the young and lower in older age groups."
My parents are in their 80's and both going through the vaccination process. That is no guarantee of survival against covid. Thanks China.
That is the rub, and exactly so. NZ is yet to discover that vaccination will offer protection in a most unpredictable fashion. Each individual has their own unique set of physical condition and features. Will it protect a senior with underlying respiratory problems any better than a young but obese smoker and heavy drinker? It is impossible to formulate any accuracy into such outcomes on that on a wide scale and it is fair to say that NZ, with a history pleasingly unscarred by high covid deaths, is ill prepared to cope with the reality of that when it starts to strike home.
Does it matter, one of the goals is to be able to travel in and out of Auckland freely right I.e level 2? How can that happen if the rest of the countries vaccination rate is so low...How are they going to motivate the rest of NZ to vaccinate when they haven't had covid cases...
90% or whatever. What is more telling is the absence of any indication of what happens at that point. The government has repeatedly claimed setting a vaccine target to be counterproductive. But by now they must have worked the model to arrive at what level vaccination coverage takes sufficient risk off the potential for the health system to be overwhelmed by covid admissions. Hell that vital consideration has been around for 18 months now. NZ people have been patient and compliant, they have a right to know after all of that and time involved, what lies in store.
ha ha -- you make it sound like they have an idea and are not sharing --- They have no idea its all made up on the hoof -- no forward planning at all! Been asking the MOH for three months now about what the plan is for delivering health services in the community once Covid is circulating and lockdowns are finished -- still waiting for any reply - there was no plan in place for a Delta outbreak -- just the same tired plan from the previous lockdown -- look at the border testing -- was made up at cabinet and announced at the presser and moh officials, businesses, truckers had no idea until the 4pm presser -- adn only after some very quick lobbying - ie there will be no food on shelves out of auckland within 48 hours -- did they announce a week to comply !
And so they should, it's a constantly evolving situation with new information coming all the time. Not so long ago Israel was the poster child for vaccination, now it is having 30 deaths a day (which would be about 6000 a year scaled to NZ's population). Denmark is opening up which will give us even more data. Only some kind of Fair Dinkum idiot would set a vaccination target and an opening up plan well in advance when the information is constantly changing.
Well there it is. From the grassroots of the Labour Party itself, yesterday’s proclamations. Our government is susceptible to the media and will bow to pressure, for curious reasons of democracy, and that means in the midst of a pandemic and the carnage of financial and social repercussions, they should need to do no more than just wing it. In its own pitiful way that offers a pathetic excuse to a plaintive government.
Already happening in the states.
interesting breakdown on Ethnicity of those that have been vaccinated, over 90% of asians have been vaccinated first dose, and as usual young maori lagging at the back of the pack even though MOH are pouring all sorts of dollars into getting them the jab. i have heard it all micro chips in the vaccine , on facebook it said etc etc as to why not to get it. dont hold us all hostage because a small part of the population are not wanting it, overseas many companies are making it compulsory, it will be interesting to see what happens here and the unemployment statistics that come from it
It's only really young people, the rates of vaccination among Maori 65+ are only marginally behind the general population, as this graph from your link shows.
I'd say a lot of people who managed to get vaccinated have been adversely impacted by high house prices.
Do you have any other patently unrelated things you'd like to try and link here to make excuses for people not following lockdown rules or getting vaccinated? Because at some point you're going to have to accept they might actually have a lot of say over what they choose to do here than you're prepared to give them credit for.
Non-compliance is a predictable outcome of paternalistic excuse-making. Why follow rules you don't have to follow? Someone will always be there to wring their hands and tell you its not your fault.
Instead of framing it as "excuses", try looking at it as a breakdown of the social contract.
The state has wiped its backside with the contract, so it should not be suprised that many affected individuals no longer view its authority as legitimate.
I understand it, I am affected by high house prices, I am also vaccinated, and so are many other affected young people.
But now you've widened it to the broader concept of a social contract. Again, hasn't stopped plenty of other young people adversely affected by various decisions from their elders from getting jabbed. If they won't listen to their own elders, then you can't blame the state and make vague allusions to the social contract.
There is a point where you have to legitimately expect people to do better instead of just coming up with reasons why they aren't - it doesn't actually change anything other than tell them there's no consequences for doing what they want and it's never their fault when shit hits the fan.
Never mind the simple and easy suspension of basic human rights by governments when they think it might suit their narrative. How naively the large majority of the NZ population not only accepts, but loudly proclaims as the salvation, to forcibly administer a medical procedure such as a vaccination, is very frightening. Equally, if not even more frightening, the utter absence of accepting a single voice of dissent. Anywhere.
"forcibly administer a medical procedure such as a vaccination" - Link please...
"the utter absence of accepting a single voice of dissent. Anywhere." - If that was really the case then then I wouldn't have to wade through post after post of 'dissent' on this forum to get to the more interesting posts.
What else would you call the cries for 'no jab no job' measures...?
Simply trying to shut down opposing opinion of medial professionals, by decree from the medical council, and then to top it off with open threats of suspending licenses for any dissenting doctors, is exactly what I meant. Plus some more if you really want me to carry on.
If I told you that as of tomorrow, you have to show up with proof of having had a medical procedure (however simple) that you do not agree with, or else you are not allowed to enter your workplace... and as a result you loose your income suddenly and you know very well you are unable to pay your rent or mortgage within a few weeks, would that be close enough to being held down?
There are plenty of dissenting voices that appear in these comment streams. If they make their dissenting argument coherently and are well supported by that uptick system, their accounts are disabled. Chaston has sold out, accepted the taxpayer dollar and lost all credibility as a news source.
I hate the mixed reporting around % eligible and % total population. I take "Auckland reaches 80% vaccination rate" to be of total population as it lacks any qualifier, but it's actually % of eligible. I also like the clever shift to the one dose numbers to make things look more rosy.
That is the natural progression. Come to our restaurant, fly on our plane, shop at our shop, play golf at our club and on. Our staff are fully vaccinated and so too are all our customers, because if you are not you don’t come through the door. Therefore potential customers you will be as safe as you can be with us.
In no other country has it worked like that.
What happens is firms outline a policy for requiring passport. The wheels come off as government support payments end and they are faced once more with a competitive market. In this environment, pissing off customers and turning people away doesn't fly.
Even vaccinated customers eventually won't want to be treated like cattle.
Any passports will be a short lived phenomenon as the populace moves on.
Both are useful, when talking about our own rollout, % of eligible makes sense until they change the eligibility criteria by say allowing more children to get vaccinated. % of total is more useful when comparing to other countries as eligibility criteria are different. When talking about potential herd immunity, again % of total is more useful
I am hoping my vitamin d and antidepressants offer further protection over and above vaccinations.
Some good quality research suggesting both do.
If the promising research on fluoxetine is borne out it will be interesting to see as to whether that means it can be prescribed as a covid preventative as well as an antidepressant.
Hopefully some of these studies come out positive. The big next step is treatments that significantly reduce the effects of infection.
A couple of good quality studies suggest that fluoxetine can significantly reduce both intubation and mortality. But further confirmation is required, hopefully studies are under way.
That combined with vaccination is the only way forward.
wow ... +14
big jump
which corresponds with increased vaccinations ...
Safety Report #27 – 4 September 2021 (medsafe.govt.nz)
Summary of reported deaths
Up to and including 4 September 2021, a total of 54 deaths were reported to CARM after the administration of the Comirnaty vaccine. Following medical assessments by CARM and Medsafe it has been determined that:
- 26 of these deaths are unlikely related to the COVID-19 vaccine
- 9 deaths could not be assessed due to insufficient information
- 18 cases are still under investigation.
- 1 death was likely due to vaccine induced myocarditis (awaiting Coroner’s determination)
By chance, some people will experience new illnesses or die from a pre-existing condition shortly after vaccination, especially if they are elderly. Therefore, part of our review process includes comparing natural death rates to observed death rates following vaccination, to determine if there are any specific trends or patterns that might indicate a vaccine safety concern.
To date, the observed number of deaths reported after vaccination is actually less than the expected number of natural deaths.
I wonder if anyone in the media will ask why there is such a number of 'insufficient information', when they know that a person has died with Covid? Since we are having a very extreme measures taken by governments all around the world, would it not make sense to do everything possible to have a little more than 'insufficient information'? What exactly does it even mean? Who tried to establish what information? This is a significant number of people we are taking about here... And even if it was only one. Some people would argue even one unnecessary death from Covid virus is too much. Why not when Covid vaccine could be the culprit?
Just an enquiring mind asking questions. But never mind, we are not supposed to question the government or health authorities, right?
And one last question, is there a legal avenue to challenge Medsafe reviews to have someone independent from the approval process do that? And if not, why not? Would that no make a lot more sense? We have independent and transparent review panels for many other much less important issues?
What worries me is that a doctor has given an affidavit to the Wellington High Court this week, (in lawyer Sue Grey's challenge to a Covid Health Order) saying that when he tried to list some suspicious deaths which occurred shortly after vaccination on CARM they were not put on there:
As in the USA, deaths are being covered up.
Desperate giving Sue Grey and her claims and chances any credibility.
Regarding Covid, she is a supporter of both the use of Ivamectin and the highly discredited NZDSOS and no doubt including this doctor. Don't imply that this doctor's affidavit is fact.
Grey's modus operandi is to operate under the protection of a Trust (such as Sherwood Forrest for a 1080 claim) to pursue baseless court cases and then when unsurprising losing and facing costs just make the Trust insolvent. Just this month Nelson City Council had to write of $24,000. The judge slammed the case she was pursing as baseless in terms of fact.
What intrigues me with the Covid debate is that every pro-vaxxer is ignoring the CDC, VAERS data which records over 6,000 US deaths. It is a criminal offence to place a false record, is 30 years old and the number of deaths is usually about 50 annually. The number of vaccines administered this year is similar to that for each of the last 30 years and the death rate is corroborated by similar numbers in the UK and EU "adverse report" databases. Medical journal research over the decades has also indicated that the actual death rate is probably 30 times higher as many doctors cannot be bothered filling out the half hour forms. In New Dystopia doctors are struck off for challenging Cindy's narrative...
Our evil leader is therefore going to go down in history as; doing nothing about housing costs; increasing child poverty; and slaughtering thousands of kiwis via toxic spike proteins entering the brain and testicles via the lipid nanoparticles. Likely death figures based on VAERS data is probably going to be about 3,000 kiwis...This "vaccine" has had NO animal testing and NO testing for a full 9 months on pregnant women. The idiots above who cannot even spell ivermectyn will hopefully be weeded out...
At least 18 medical journal reports indicate that ivermectin reduces Covid fatality by 80% (if patients are treated early), which is why India, Indonesia, Russia and Japan use it. A "New England Journal of Medicine" report also indicates that the chance of miscarriage is 82% if the vaccine is taken; https://www.northsidesun.com/columns-local-news-opinion/opinion-covid-v….
This vaccine was pushed through at lightning speed and VAERS indicates massive problems. It is clear that authorities here are hiding deaths, as Sue Grey's doctor attests. Why would a doctor destroy his career through perjury? This country has been panicked by a cash hungry media with baseless, fear porn. The Department of Health has failed to consider proven therapies, licensed a clearly dangerous vaccine - and are covering up deaths. Those responsible must be held criminally liable.
and at least you can finally get rid of those pesky scabies
How does ivermectin work?
Ivermectin stimulates excessive release of neurotransmitters in the peripheral nervous system of parasites. It is thought to work by paralysing the parasite or inactivating the parasite gut.
Ta. I should maybe have used it when I swam in Lake Malawi in the 1990's...And that is why Africans do not get Covid, as they have used this Nobel prize winning phophylactic for twenty years.
My favorite research is one co-authored by researcher Dr Jessica Rose where they estimate that VAERS under reports deaths by about 41 times; https://sunfellow.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/VAERS-Deaths-Kirsch-Ro…, This is based on comparing the known death rates of anaphylaxis and perimyocarditis to VAERS reports and cross checked six ways.
I think this vaccine issue may become immense - if pathologists are ever ALLOWED to determine causality by Herr Ardern...My guess is that in 12 months the truth will out.
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