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Gareth Morgan


Member for

14 years

Latest articles

Gareth Morgan says we should have a Comprehensive Capital Income Tax for everyone and that would mean the global elite using NZ would pay their share
28th Feb 15, 9:30am
Gareth Morgan says we should have a Comprehensive Capital Income Tax for everyone and that would mean the global elite using NZ would pay their share
'While the politicans go chasing ghosts, you should do as I do – buy lots of houses and farms', says Gareth Morgan
30th Jan 15, 10:12am
'While the politicans go chasing ghosts, you should do as I do – buy lots of houses and farms', says Gareth Morgan
Labour and the Green Party are not the only ones who care about poverty says Gareth Morgan. He wants a comprehensive rethink to how we support people into a dignified basic income
7th Oct 14, 5:18pm
Labour and the Green Party are not the only ones who care about poverty says Gareth Morgan. He wants a comprehensive rethink to how we support people into a dignified basic income
Gareth Morgan responds to Eric Crampton in his typically aggressive way; promising that RMA reform will offer cheaper housing and solve child poverty is "drivel" he says
3rd Oct 14, 4:39pm
Gareth Morgan responds to Eric Crampton in his typically aggressive way; promising that RMA reform will offer cheaper housing and solve child poverty is "drivel" he says
Gareth Morgan explains why John Key and Graeme Wheeler are unlikely to very effective getting and keeping the NZD at the new lower levels they want
1st Oct 14, 11:28am
Gareth Morgan explains why John Key and Graeme Wheeler are unlikely to very effective getting and keeping the NZD at the new lower levels they want
Gareth Morgan says the focus should be to fix the inequality of opportunity. We need to lift the poor, not play the politics of envy
23rd Aug 14, 7:56am
Gareth Morgan says the focus should be to fix the inequality of opportunity. We need to lift the poor, not play the politics of envy
Gareth Morgan points out that the Green’s Robin Hood tax misses its target on wealth and inequality, and may make the situation worse
20th Aug 14, 10:38am
Gareth Morgan points out that the Green’s Robin Hood tax misses its target on wealth and inequality, and may make the situation worse
Gareth Morgan separates the politics out of the inequality debate to find what is behind the real problems we face
16th Aug 14, 8:00am
Gareth Morgan separates the politics out of the inequality debate to find what is behind the real problems we face
Morgan Foundation trio wade into the water quality debate again; want scientists 'separated' from the policy issues
14th Jul 14, 5:12pm
Morgan Foundation trio wade into the water quality debate again; want scientists 'separated' from the policy issues
Gareth Morgan says the data is clear on migration and house prices. But he says it is the numbers coming from the UK that are the biggest influence
19th May 14, 4:20pm
Gareth Morgan says the data is clear on migration and house prices. But he says it is the numbers coming from the UK that are the biggest influence
Gareth Morgan finds major support for his Big Kahuna ideas in Thomas Piketty's new blockbuster economic research
1st May 14, 1:58pm
Gareth Morgan finds major support for his Big Kahuna ideas in Thomas Piketty's new blockbuster economic research
Gareth Morgan says bad supermarket practices are the reason farmers markets are booming. Wants new tax on 'bad foods'
18th Feb 14, 12:56pm
Gareth Morgan says bad supermarket practices are the reason farmers markets are booming. Wants new tax on 'bad foods'
Gareth Morgan explains why you should be worried about the Labour/Greens electricity proposal
13th Feb 14, 1:46pm
Gareth Morgan explains why you should be worried about the Labour/Greens electricity proposal
Gareth Morgan is very sceptical of the benefits of subsidising Hollywood and suggests a better arrangement with rent-seeking media moguls
19th Dec 13, 2:24pm
Gareth Morgan is very sceptical of the benefits of subsidising Hollywood and suggests a better arrangement with rent-seeking media moguls
'I will be voting Yes in the SOE referendum' says Gareth Morgan. He explains why
26th Nov 13, 10:14am
'I will be voting Yes in the SOE referendum' says Gareth Morgan. He explains why
Gareth Morgan says demand for property has very little to do with demand for accommodation, which is why those who think the problem is supply 'are well off the reality'. Your view?
1st Nov 13, 12:35pm
Gareth Morgan says demand for property has very little to do with demand for accommodation, which is why those who think the problem is supply 'are well off the reality'. Your view?
Gareth Morgan wants our massive ocean and seabed resources to be zoned and regulated just like our land
16th Oct 13, 3:32pm
Gareth Morgan wants our massive ocean and seabed resources to be zoned and regulated just like our land
Gareth Morgan wants to take the setting of tax policy away from politicians and give it to experts
26th Jun 13, 1:36pm
Gareth Morgan wants to take the setting of tax policy away from politicians and give it to experts
Gareth Morgan says for too long we have discriminated against productive investment in favour of property speculation. It's time to make changes
15th May 13, 1:22pm
Gareth Morgan says for too long we have discriminated against productive investment in favour of property speculation. It's time to make changes
Gareth Morgan points out the stream of unfettered credit from central banks can have a big cost, one revealed in the Cyprus bank collapse. You agree?
20th Mar 13, 3:26pm
Gareth Morgan points out the stream of unfettered credit from central banks can have a big cost, one revealed in the Cyprus bank collapse. You agree?
Gareth Morgan says as long as farm prices reflect revenue and not profitability we are mis-managing dairy industry risk; we continue to raise our bets on the one nag – kgs of milksolids. Your view?
15th Mar 13, 9:19am
Gareth Morgan says as long as farm prices reflect revenue and not profitability we are mis-managing dairy industry risk; we continue to raise our bets on the one nag – kgs of milksolids. Your view?
Gareth Morgan says owning a house is now out of reach for most – and it’s all our own fault. Your view?
6th Mar 13, 1:06pm
Gareth Morgan says owning a house is now out of reach for most – and it’s all our own fault. Your view?
Gareth Morgan thinks we should be doing spot checks on premises for compliance with employment laws in the same way we check for hygiene standards. Your view?
26th Feb 13, 9:30am
Gareth Morgan thinks we should be doing spot checks on premises for compliance with employment laws in the same way we check for hygiene standards. Your view?
Gareth Morgan thinks the Reserve Bank is edging closer to acknowledging mistakes on mortgage policy but he won't be satisfied until they actually do something about it. Your view?
31st Jan 13, 10:00am
Gareth Morgan thinks the Reserve Bank is edging closer to acknowledging mistakes on mortgage policy but he won't be satisfied until they actually do something about it. Your view?
Gareth Morgan says everybody is agreed about the disease, but are too politically cowardly to fix it. Your view?
15th Jan 13, 1:01pm
Gareth Morgan says everybody is agreed about the disease, but are too politically cowardly to fix it. Your view?