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Larger numbers of dairy beef cattle are being raised, chasing the growing China meat appetite. Many factors suggest that not only can markets take the higher volumes, competition will keep prices up
12th Jun 19, 9:15am
Larger numbers of dairy beef cattle are being raised, chasing the growing China meat appetite. Many factors suggest that not only can markets take the higher volumes, competition will keep prices up
Allan Barber reports there is real proof it’s worth breeding good white faced calves for the beef industry, and reducing the number of bobbies to the works
19th Sep 17, 10:13am
Allan Barber reports there is real proof it’s worth breeding good white faced calves for the beef industry, and reducing the number of bobbies to the works
The Weekly Livestock Report: Optimism abounds in dairy as new season starts
31st Jul 13, 11:12am
The Weekly Livestock Report: Optimism abounds in dairy as new season starts