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Labour nominates Winston Peters to fill David Shearer's intelligence and security committee seat

Labour nominates Winston Peters to fill David Shearer's intelligence and security committee seat

Labour has given another indication it's courting New Zealand First ahead of the 23 September election, with leader Andrew Little nominating Winston Peters to fill former Labour MP David Shearer's position on Parliament's intelligence and security committee.

The move comes after outgoing Labour deputy leader Annette King yesterday said Labour had a good relationship with New Zealand First while discussing potential coalition partners after the election.

See Andrew Little's announcement below:

New Zealand First Leader the Rt Hon Winston Peters has been nominated to the Intelligence and Security Committee by Labour Leader Andrew Little. 

He would fill the vacancy left by the resignation of former Labour MP David Shearer. 

“The required consultation has taken place and the recommendation has the support of all Opposition parties,” says Andrew Little. 

“As a former Foreign Affairs Minister, Winston has extensive experience of New Zealand’s security and intelligence agencies and so would be a valuable addition to the committee. 

“There are currently only two places on the five member Intelligence and Security Committee for Opposition MPs. I do not believe that fairly reflects the proportionality of Parliament. The committee should be enlarged to accommodate other Opposition parties with significant representation in Parliament. 

"We are talking with the Government about this and I will be tabling a Supplementary Order Paper to this effect when the Intelligence and Security Bill is reported back to Parliament shortly."

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Your enemys enemy is your friend.


I like Winston , BUT I think he is a likeable rogue , and totally unsuited to being anywhere other than in opposition .

He appeals to a narrow audience ( albeit a significant audience who actually turn up on polling day ) and his policies put him in direct conflict with Labour on things like migration , Taxation , and a host of other issues

Sometimes I think his ideas, comments and views are a mix of Dickesian and Trumpesque

Not a great combination


So you think he's closer to National on immigration and tax etc?


@jfree I think you are on the money with that one , he is not a natural fit in the Labour camp , and National dont trust him , so .............. who knows ?

Anyway to be pragmatic, it may be better to have him inside your tent pissing out that outside your tent pissing in


That was more a question in which I would be in disbelief if you answered "yes", which you have. I don't know which rock you've been hiding under but if you think Winston's immigration policy aligns closer to National then Labour I give up trying to reason with you. It appears you would be an absolute tribal National voter who uses false equivelancy with all other politicians to satisfy your conscience into believing that you vote on policy.


@jfree you have made some assumptions that are not right .

I have already decided who I will not vote for , and thats National .

While its true I am not a natural Labour supporter , but our relatives almost all are ( they were in the Navy or nurses and teachers and were unionised so Labour was their traditional home ).

I have some issues with Labour being packed with idealist academics , but will overlook this if they are sensible

If labour comes out with a sensible party manifesto ( without Capital Gains tax ) and a decent housing policy , I will vote for them

I also want to watch this new Gareth Morgan party to see if they have some workable ideas , and keep a close eye on Winston ( even tho I dont trust him )

I have 2 issues , firstly I am a baby boomer and Winston will keep us sweet if he is inside a Labour coaltion, and secondly my children need affordable homes in order to start families .


Maori Party and National get on OK in government, and they are similarly different in opinions.


Another reason why Labour should not be in Govt; recall Helen Clark sent him overseas as Foreign Minister(the Aussies thought it was an April Fool's joke; true), out of her hair, at great expense to the taxpayer, all for the votes that he brought.
No intelligence and chronic insecurity would result.


And Murray Mc has set the bar so high...........


At least Murray was not drunk, fighting in public, or allegedly taking bribes; and you get a straight answer out of him.
WP has conniptions if pressed to give specifics, and may threaten to sue if pressed; or claim to be a miner....


Labour can see it needs that 8%+ NZF has to stand any chance in forming a Government. It will be interesting to see if NZF becomes the third biggest party in September.


True , the real thing with NZF is that their voters are the ageing demographic , they dont do online polls so you dont know what the hell they are thinking , and they actually do take the time to pitch up at the polling stations on polling day .


