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Bayleys had just 18 homes for auction in Auckland last week and sold eight of them

Bayleys had just 18 homes for auction in Auckland last week and sold eight of them

The last week was been a bit quieter in Bayleys' auctions rooms with just 18 Auckland residential properties marketed for auction and sales achieved on eight of them.

Highlights included a three bedroom house with panoramic water views set on a 9701 square metre bush clad block at Sandspit which went for $1.175 million, a modern four bedroom house up the road at Omaha that fetched $1.93 million, a two bedroom villa in Parnell that went for $1.29 million, and a modernised three bedroom, 1940s-era house in Onehunga that sold for $896,000.

South of the Bombays, three of the five properties auctioned at Bayleys' Hamilton office changed hands, including a 10 hectare section beside the Hikutaia River at Paeroa that went for $475,000, and an eight hectare grazing block on the water's edge at Miranda that went for $351,000.

In Hawke's Bay, two Havelock North properties were auctioned, with a three bedroom house on two levels selling for $473,000.

Check out the full results with photos and details of all properties including those that didn't sell, on our Auction Results page.

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