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COVID-19 Response Minister Chris Hipkins says country to stay in Orange setting with 'likelihood of a secondary wave of cases appearing'

Public Policy / news
COVID-19 Response Minister Chris Hipkins says country to stay in Orange setting with 'likelihood of a secondary wave of cases appearing'

COVID-19 Response Minister Chris Hipkins says the Government is keeping the Orange setting in place with "a likelihood of a secondary wave of cases appearing."

The traffic light settings will next be reviewed in late June.

Here's the statement from Hipkins.

New Zealand to stay at Orange for now

With New Zealand expecting to see Omicron cases rise during the winter, the Orange setting remains appropriate for managing this stage of the outbreak, COVID-19 Response Minister Chris Hipkins said today.

“While daily cases numbers have flattened nationally, they are again beginning to increase in the Northern region and hospitalisation rates have also increased slightly over the past month. In addition, our latest COVID-19 modelling indicates that under current conditions, there is a likelihood of a secondary wave of cases appearing,” Chris Hipkins said.

“The COVID-19 Protection Framework has effectively managed the Omicron outbreak at Orange. By following public health advice to remain at that setting, we can maintain some protections while ensuring businesses can continue to operate.

“I urge everyone to continue to be cautious and think about the health of others, especially those who are immunocompromised or at higher risk of long-term health impacts from infection. Please also get boosted, if you haven’t already.

“Self-isolation, vaccination and mask wearing continue to be our main defences against COVID-19. People will continue to be required to wear a face mask in many indoor settings.

“It is encouraging to see case numbers remain steady, but there are other factors at play that tell us to remain cautious and not yet move to Green. These include the arrival of new strains of colds and flus, which will add to the workloads of our already busy hospitals.

“The next review of the traffic light settings will be in late June,” Chris Hipkins said.

Traffic light system

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Dont fret sheeple, by time they get to reviewing it in late June we will all be locked down again because of the next mass hysteria: Monkeypox......We can all return to the safe bubbles of our cold, damp dwellings <3 


"You cannot participate in society without a monkey pox passport" I think the jig is up for such gross authoritarian imposition. Perhaps the immunocompromised should be the ones staying home. As they often choose to do anyway.


We'll all be going bananas for our next dose of "2 shots for summer". I am apesolutely interested to see if we wind up needing a monkeypox pass to attend the local chimpanzee's tea party. 

(I'll let myself out)


... Labour will not be thanked by the nation at next year's election ... the folks are getting resentful after 2 years & counting of disruptions , delays , lockdowns , bans,  masks  , PCR tests  , the podium of struth ...

A right royal arse kicking is coming their way if they continue stretching Covid out for political gain  ...


It's becoming a sad world we live in, driven by fear everywhere  : (


I just flew to brisbane and back last week. Still had to spend 70 bucks on a test to come back, and then at customs they give you 2 rat tests that are supposed to be completed on day 1 and 5. 

What an abject waste of time and money the above is. Was nice being somewhere that you dont have to wear a mask to live, albeit momentarily.


Tourist - Welcome to NZ, we are so glad you have booked your 'Re-live COVID 19 experience' with us.


Destinations we are competing with


Yes - no one in QLD has been wearing a mask for months, and yet they have identical case numbers, identical covid ICU admissions and the same population as New Zealand. But for some reason it is still accepted wisdom that mask mandates make a difference and will be necessary on an ongoing basis. 


why --   case numbers  hospital numbers and deatsh been stable for weeks now --- at no point even close to swamping the system -- and research now showing that Omicron fatality rates are consistent with Influenza rates in general. 

If not now --  then when ?  Never - or do we have to wait until there is an election nearbye for a good news its over  presser ! 


Didn't they admit (or almost admit) last year that the health system was almost always at its limits due to population vs hospital capacity?


And long-term underinvestment, yeah.


Well i'd say the lion's share of Government workers are still more than happy to comply to any strategy that allows them to work from home at full pay. Unwittingly by default this facilitates the wholesale destruction of mom & dad retail / hospo / tourist businesses! 

I joked with a few old timers during the lockdowns that all pensions and government salaries should be reduced fractionally in solidarity with the SME's whose businesses where poked. Obviously I was laughed at!

Now I note that rampant inflation is doing just that job, only by subversion, and the cost-of-living crisis cleverly being blamed on Putin et al, international forces, not our fault!

As a proudly patriotic born, raised and once hard working NZ health professional, this Government needs to go and quick fast! 

Orange should be relabelled brown, brown for one big fat Poo! 



Unwittingly by default this facilitates the wholesale destruction of mom & dad retail / hospo / tourist businesses!

It shifts spending. As we have worked from home more we've spent more money at our local shops and less in the CBD.


And less spent in travel costs results in more left over to be spent in local shops. 

By working from home 3 days a week, I save over $200 per month by opting for a couple of 10 trip train passes instead of the monthly all you can eat pass.
