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Labour plans mixture of debt, spending cuts and higher top tax rate to pay for quake costs and revive economy
23rd Mar 11, 6:30pm
Labour plans mixture of debt, spending cuts and higher top tax rate to pay for quake costs and revive economy
April 1 tax changes will mean govt's 2010 tax package will be fiscally negative for 2 more years as it struggles with quake costs
23rd Mar 11, 5:52pm
April 1 tax changes will mean govt's 2010 tax package will be fiscally negative for 2 more years as it struggles with quake costs
Key, English warn of 'zero budget' as fears grow that Standard and Poor's may downgrade NZ govt and bank credit ratings
22nd Mar 11, 12:27pm
Key, English warn of 'zero budget' as fears grow that Standard and Poor's may downgrade NZ govt and bank credit ratings
Government announces NZ$6.85 million assistance package for Christchurch businesses
22nd Mar 11, 11:56am
Government announces NZ$6.85 million assistance package for Christchurch businesses
IMF recommends to govt to broaden capital gains tax base and introduce a land tax. Your view?
21st Mar 11, 3:49pm
IMF recommends to govt to broaden capital gains tax base and introduce a land tax. Your view?
PM Key says housing market concern hit Q4 GDP; 'Zero budget' could hit economy, but govt wants people to keep spending
21st Mar 11, 9:14am
PM Key says housing market concern hit Q4 GDP; 'Zero budget' could hit economy, but govt wants people to keep spending
Standard & Poor's says it can wait till May budget before looking at NZ credit rating, but warns private sector on overseas debt
18th Mar 11, 4:16pm
Standard & Poor's says it can wait till May budget before looking at NZ credit rating, but warns private sector on overseas debt
Free exchange rate still best option for NZ, but research needed on fiscal, housing, prudential policy, Treasury paper shows
14th Mar 11, 9:48pm
Free exchange rate still best option for NZ, but research needed on fiscal, housing, prudential policy, Treasury paper shows
EQC has less than NZ$1 billion reinsurance in place if another event were to strike tomorrow, PM Key says
14th Mar 11, 5:06pm
EQC has less than NZ$1 billion reinsurance in place if another event were to strike tomorrow, PM Key says
Japan disaster won't cut New Zealand's global reinsurance flows for Christchurch, PM Key says
14th Mar 11, 12:31pm
Japan disaster won't cut New Zealand's global reinsurance flows for Christchurch, PM Key says
Alex's politico-economic blogroll: Govt's min wage advice; Brownlee's 'making it up'; Weldon's fundraising abilities; Chaplin's bricks
11th Mar 11, 4:16pm
Alex's politico-economic blogroll: Govt's min wage advice; Brownlee's 'making it up'; Weldon's fundraising abilities; Chaplin's bricks
Govt, Reserve Bank to consider what will replace Retail Deposit Guarantee Scheme due to end in 2011
11th Mar 11, 10:22am
Govt, Reserve Bank to consider what will replace Retail Deposit Guarantee Scheme due to end in 2011
Govt may cover 15%-25% of losses from leaky home loan defaults, Bankers Association says
10th Mar 11, 6:01pm
Govt may cover 15%-25% of losses from leaky home loan defaults, Bankers Association says
RBNZ Governor Bollard says he was not pressured by govt to cut OCR; Met with Finance Minister to discuss quake responses
10th Mar 11, 12:10pm
RBNZ Governor Bollard says he was not pressured by govt to cut OCR; Met with Finance Minister to discuss quake responses
Govt unlikely to meddle in insurance market, Asst Earthquake Minister Williamson says; Recommends people get creative
9th Mar 11, 4:27pm
Govt unlikely to meddle in insurance market, Asst Earthquake Minister Williamson says; Recommends people get creative
Labour leader Goff steps up call for govt to act on skills shortage to deal with Canty rebuild, Auckland housing shortage and leaky homes repairs
9th Mar 11, 10:31am
Labour leader Goff steps up call for govt to act on skills shortage to deal with Canty rebuild, Auckland housing shortage and leaky homes repairs
Major trades skills shortage looms as Christchurch needs workers for rebuild, Labour leader Goff says
8th Mar 11, 1:02pm
Major trades skills shortage looms as Christchurch needs workers for rebuild, Labour leader Goff says
Treasury figures show budget deficit deepening as corporate, GST and income tax revenues are weaker than expected
8th Mar 11, 10:28am
Treasury figures show budget deficit deepening as corporate, GST and income tax revenues are weaker than expected
Govt may buy damaged land to help owners move on following Christchurch quakes, PM Key says
7th Mar 11, 11:23am
Govt may buy damaged land to help owners move on following Christchurch quakes, PM Key says
Govt has no choice but to increase debt this year; No new taxes expected to pay for quakes, Bill English says
7th Mar 11, 8:50am
Govt has no choice but to increase debt this year; No new taxes expected to pay for quakes, Bill English says
Lower interest rates would help NZ, Prime Minister John Key says ahead of Reserve bank's OCR decision on Thursday
7th Mar 11, 8:13am
Lower interest rates would help NZ, Prime Minister John Key says ahead of Reserve bank's OCR decision on Thursday
Treasury estimates Christchurch quakes to cost NZ$15 billion, tax take could be down NZ$5 billion over 5 years
6th Mar 11, 2:13pm
Treasury estimates Christchurch quakes to cost NZ$15 billion, tax take could be down NZ$5 billion over 5 years
Alex's politico-economic blogroll: Left & right fight over Wff; Crampton's US free trade worries; Collins next Nat leader?; Charlie Chaplin
4th Mar 11, 12:24pm
Alex's politico-economic blogroll: Left & right fight over Wff; Crampton's US free trade worries; Collins next Nat leader?; Charlie Chaplin
Govt to look at cuts for high Working for Families earners, Prime Minister John Key says
2nd Mar 11, 3:17pm
Govt to look at cuts for high Working for Families earners, Prime Minister John Key says
Commerce Minister Simon Power to retire from politics at next election
2nd Mar 11, 10:33am
Commerce Minister Simon Power to retire from politics at next election