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carbon emissions

Failure to meet climate commitments from Paris Agreement could cost New Zealand in trade partnerships, warns Climate Change Commission
3rd Aug 24, 9:20am
Failure to meet climate commitments from Paris Agreement could cost New Zealand in trade partnerships, warns Climate Change Commission
Plane delivery delays, alternative jet fuel difficulties and lack of regulatory support sees Air NZ step out of SBTi global carbon reduction organisation
31st Jul 24, 12:09pm
Plane delivery delays, alternative jet fuel difficulties and lack of regulatory support sees Air NZ step out of SBTi global carbon reduction organisation
Aviation accounts for 2.5% of global CO₂ emissions. But it has contributed around 4% to global warming to date
9th Apr 24, 9:42am
by Guest
Aviation accounts for 2.5% of global CO₂ emissions. But it has contributed around 4% to global warming to date
Nicola Willis says she is wary of emission subsidies but there are no plans to change the industrial allocation volumes at the moment
19th Mar 24, 1:30pm
Nicola Willis says she is wary of emission subsidies but there are no plans to change the industrial allocation volumes at the moment
Charlie Huang explains how China’s green steel push could crush Australia’s dirty iron ore exports
14th Mar 24, 10:26am
by Guest
Charlie Huang explains how China’s green steel push could crush Australia’s dirty iron ore exports
SEC approves first US climate disclosure rules: Why the requirements are much weaker than planned and what they mean for companies
8th Mar 24, 9:31am
by Guest
SEC approves first US climate disclosure rules: Why the requirements are much weaker than planned and what they mean for companies
Planting pine or native forest for carbon capture isn’t the only choice – NZ can have the best of both
19th Dec 23, 2:58pm
by Guest
Planting pine or native forest for carbon capture isn’t the only choice – NZ can have the best of both
The disagreement between two climate scientists that could decide our future
12th Dec 23, 7:02am
by Guest
The disagreement between two climate scientists that could decide our future
Mark Fabian asks whether green growth or degrowth is the right way to tackle climate change
27th Nov 23, 12:22pm
by Guest
Mark Fabian asks whether green growth or degrowth is the right way to tackle climate change
Guy Trafford digs into Nestlé's emissions goals and finds Fonterra is likely to already be their supplier with the lowest carbon footprint
15th Nov 23, 9:26am
Guy Trafford digs into Nestlé's emissions goals and finds Fonterra is likely to already be their supplier with the lowest carbon footprint
Christina Hood explains why New Zealand is one of the easiest countries in the world in which to get to net zero emissions of greenhouse gases
8th Nov 23, 2:30pm
Christina Hood explains why New Zealand is one of the easiest countries in the world in which to get to net zero emissions of greenhouse gases
An entire year’s supply of carbon units will be offered in the year's final ETS auction and will be erased if unsold
6th Sep 23, 1:11pm
An entire year’s supply of carbon units will be offered in the year's final ETS auction and will be erased if unsold
Murray Grimwood assesses future energy options for New Zealand off the back of the Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment's energy transition consultation
31st Aug 23, 11:31am
Murray Grimwood assesses future energy options for New Zealand off the back of the Ministry of Business, Innovation & Employment's energy transition consultation
Timothy Welch says 70 years of road-based policies created today’s transport problems, so does National’s transport plan add up?
3rd Aug 23, 10:35am
by Guest
Timothy Welch says 70 years of road-based policies created today’s transport problems, so does National’s transport plan add up?
Fonterra gets $90 million from the Government's decarbonisation fund to lower its carbon emissions by the equivalent of 120,000 cars
20th Jul 23, 1:32pm
Fonterra gets $90 million from the Government's decarbonisation fund to lower its carbon emissions by the equivalent of 120,000 cars
Susan Harris says NZ exporters need to be aware of, and prepared for, carbon tariffs being developed by two of their most important premium export markets
2nd Jul 23, 6:01am
by Guest
Susan Harris says NZ exporters need to be aware of, and prepared for, carbon tariffs being developed by two of their most important premium export markets
Timothy Welch says National’s housing u-turn promotes urban sprawl from which cities and ratepayers will pick up the bill
3rd Jun 23, 9:21am
by Guest
Timothy Welch says National’s housing u-turn promotes urban sprawl from which cities and ratepayers will pick up the bill
Phase down of iron-sand based steel production and big cutback in free carbon credits in store after 3-way agreement at NZ Steel
21st May 23, 1:00pm
Phase down of iron-sand based steel production and big cutback in free carbon credits in store after 3-way agreement at NZ Steel
NZ industry burns the equivalent of 108 litres of petrol every second – that has to reduce to meet our carbon targets
5th May 23, 7:35am
by Guest
NZ industry burns the equivalent of 108 litres of petrol every second – that has to reduce to meet our carbon targets
Global shipping is under pressure to stop its heavy fuel oil use fast – that’s not simple, but changes are coming
29th Apr 23, 5:00am
by Guest
Global shipping is under pressure to stop its heavy fuel oil use fast – that’s not simple, but changes are coming
A shift to coastal shipping and rail could cut NZ’s freight transport emissions – why aren’t we doing it?
27th Apr 23, 12:18pm
by Guest
A shift to coastal shipping and rail could cut NZ’s freight transport emissions – why aren’t we doing it?
Climate Change Commission calls for overhaul of emissions trading scheme to prevent excess forestry and incentivize gross emissions reductions
26th Apr 23, 5:39pm
Climate Change Commission calls for overhaul of emissions trading scheme to prevent excess forestry and incentivize gross emissions reductions
The IPCC’s calls for emissions cuts have gone unheeded for too long – should it change the way it reports on climate change?
25th Apr 23, 5:00am
by Guest
The IPCC’s calls for emissions cuts have gone unheeded for too long – should it change the way it reports on climate change?
Susan Harris says the carbon price needs to go up, gradually, until it hurts. Then, emissions will come down
29th Mar 23, 4:48pm
by Guest
Susan Harris says the carbon price needs to go up, gradually, until it hurts. Then, emissions will come down
IPCC report author Bronwyn Hayward says New Zealand cities can tackle transport and construction emissions themselves
21st Mar 23, 12:47pm
IPCC report author Bronwyn Hayward says New Zealand cities can tackle transport and construction emissions themselves