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Pharmac fundamentals not on TPP table, Trade Minister Groser says; "Our public health system is not up for negotiation"
16th Nov 11, 2:38pm
Pharmac fundamentals not on TPP table, Trade Minister Groser says; "Our public health system is not up for negotiation"
PM Key says NZ drug-buyer Pharmac may not be changed under Trans Pacific Partnership talks, but fine details still yet to be sorted
14th Nov 11, 8:18am
PM Key says NZ drug-buyer Pharmac may not be changed under Trans Pacific Partnership talks, but fine details still yet to be sorted
Key "increasingly confident" TPP deal will be done with the US following visit to Washington, meeting with Obama
25th Jul 11, 8:21am
Key "increasingly confident" TPP deal will be done with the US following visit to Washington, meeting with Obama
Election 2011 - Party Policies - Tax - Tariffs
24th Jul 11, 5:58pm
Election 2011 - Party Policies - Tax - Tariffs
Election 2011 - Party Policies - Health - PHARMAC
24th Jul 11, 5:47pm
Election 2011 - Party Policies - Health - PHARMAC
Election 2011 - Party Policies - Foreign Policy
24th Jul 11, 5:24pm
Election 2011 - Party Policies - Foreign Policy
PM Key tells US business leaders their future is exporting to rising Asian middle classes, takes stab at Asian controlled exchange rate regimes
22nd Jul 11, 10:11am
PM Key tells US business leaders their future is exporting to rising Asian middle classes, takes stab at Asian controlled exchange rate regimes
PM Key says tobacco giant Philip Morris can't sue NZ under free trade rules, in the way it is threatening to sue Aussie govt
4th Jul 11, 5:48pm
PM Key says tobacco giant Philip Morris can't sue NZ under free trade rules, in the way it is threatening to sue Aussie govt
Trade Minister Groser says govt won't negotiate Pharmac fundamentals in TPP talks, but won't name them
4th Jul 11, 7:19am
Trade Minister Groser says govt won't negotiate Pharmac fundamentals in TPP talks, but won't name them
US Trans Pacific Partnership negotiating strength not strong enough to demand Pharmac changes, Labour leader Goff says
30th May 11, 3:25pm
US Trans Pacific Partnership negotiating strength not strong enough to demand Pharmac changes, Labour leader Goff says
An open letter to Tim Groser - Morgan and Simmons say the TPP benefits aren't worth it if Pharmac is sacrificed
30th May 11, 12:08pm
An open letter to Tim Groser - Morgan and Simmons say the TPP benefits aren't worth it if Pharmac is sacrificed
Leave Pharmac alone America; just buy our butter and wool and we’ll buy your Harley Davidsons
26th May 11, 10:20am
Leave Pharmac alone America; just buy our butter and wool and we’ll buy your Harley Davidsons
Govt thinks Pharmac is hugely successful, will take fair bit of convincing in TPP negotiations that it's not the right model, Key says
24th May 11, 7:26am
Govt thinks Pharmac is hugely successful, will take fair bit of convincing in TPP negotiations that it's not the right model, Key says
Alex's politico-economic blogroll: Left & right fight over Wff; Crampton's US free trade worries; Collins next Nat leader?; Charlie Chaplin
4th Mar 11, 12:24pm
Alex's politico-economic blogroll: Left & right fight over Wff; Crampton's US free trade worries; Collins next Nat leader?; Charlie Chaplin
PM Key denies he has changed stance on Trans Pacific Partnership provisions that would allow NZ to be sued by foreign investors
8th Feb 11, 4:43pm
PM Key denies he has changed stance on Trans Pacific Partnership provisions that would allow NZ to be sued by foreign investors
Green party warns government on TPP with US: Watch investment rules, dispute mechanisms
6th Dec 10, 12:07pm
Green party warns government on TPP with US: Watch investment rules, dispute mechanisms
Have your say: Should NZ accept a US FTA without Agriculture?
23rd Mar 10, 9:40am
Have your say: Should NZ accept a US FTA without Agriculture?