Support for Jacinda Ardern as prime minister has fallen to its lowest level since before the pandemic, according to the latest 1 News-Colmar Brunton poll.
Support for Ardern slipped 5 percentage points from the last poll in September, to 39%.
However, she remained head and shoulders above her rivals, with support for ACT leader David Seymour as prime minister remaining at 11%, and support for National leader Judith Collins remaining at 5%. Collins' approval rating fell to a dismal -31%.
Former National leader Simon Bridges, who is reportedly whipping up support from his party's caucus to overthrow Collins, was only the preferred prime minister for 1% of those surveyed. Meanwhile Christopher Luxon came in at 4%.
A whopping 26% of those surveyed didn't know who they wanted to be their prime minister - an increase of 5 percentage points since the last poll.
There wasn't too much movement in the poll when it came to the preferred party.
Support for Labour continued to slide to 41%, with it losing a couple of points to National at 28%. Labour is now back in pre-pandemic territory, with it needing the Greens' support to govern.
Having received a big bump in the September poll, support for ACT was stable at 14%. It would have 18 seats in Parliament.
Colmar Brunton surveyed 1001 people between November 6 and 10. The last poll was done between September 22 and 26.
Here are the numbers:
Preferred party:
Labour: 41% (down 2 points)
National: 28% (up 2 points)
ACT: 14% (no change)
Greens: 9% (up 1 point)
NZ First: 3% (no change)
Māori Party: 1% (down 1 point)
New Conservatives: 1% (no change)
TOP: 1% (no change)
Aotearoa Legalise Cannabis Party: 1% (up 1 point)
Don't know: 7%
Refused: 2%
Seats (61 needed to govern):
Labour: 53
Greens: 12
Māori Party: 1
National: 36
ACT: 18
Preferred prime minister:
Jacinda Ardern: 39% (down 5 points)
David Seymour: 11% (no change)
Judith Collins: 5% (no change)
Christopher Luxon: 4% (up 1 point)
Chlöe Swarbrick: 2% (up 1 point)
Simon Bridges: 1% (down 1 point)
Winston Peters: 1% (steady)
Don't know: 26% (up 5 points)
Refused: 2%
Great,Australia would have Scomo from the Horizon Church and we would have "Christopher' as he had to be addressed at Air NZ, now 'Chris' Luxon(man of the people) with his Upper Room Church from Tennessee....is that banjoes I can hear playing and white sheets having eye holes cut in them...
Why is Scott Morrison protecting Hillsong Pastor Brian Houston? (Morrison used to attend Hillsong)
Nothing another $18 million to journalists - on top of the $100 odd million to date - won't sort out.
Precisely. If Collins cared anything for the party, she would resign while she can do so with some dignity. Unfortunately, her successor is likely to be Bridges or Luxton and I couldn't vote for either. If they just had the courage to go for one of their younger members of the shadow cabinet, I think they would get my vote and many others.
What's so wrong with Luxon, I don't think he's great because he's ex Air NZ, just when I've seen him speaking, he seemed to come across reasonably well I thought.
Chris Bishop is ok, but not really sure if he's leadership material, and they are just wasting valuable time persisting with Collins.
How could you not like Labour? They're only wrecking the economy, raising taxes everywhere, and force vaccinating every man woman and child with an experimental thing that, for young healthy people, provides risk with no commensurate benefit. You're obviously not paying enough attention to all the propaganda.
Also thanks to Labour now when you go out for a drive you are just about guaranteed to see gang members on your travels, they seem to be everywhere.
But not according the woke commissioner Coster, even though their numbers have doubled recently, there are just less showing as as quitting gangs, which is complete nonsense, and shows he's not politically impartial and is all about protecting the reputation of the government.
The last two weekends in a row, I've had to drive past big congregations of Mongrel Mob, and Black Power members.
It only used to be once in a blue moon you would see these kinds of events, but since Labour they are all the time, because labour are practically encouraging gangs.
Nobody seems to know who's running America, it certainly isn't Joe Biden.
It's a shame what's happened to America. Their once strong, Constitutional Republic really was a "shinning city on a hill" to look to. Now it's a cesspool exporting garbage foreign-policy and culture.
For the sake of the Western-World and the World-in-General, I hope things turn around, but I'm doubtful - it's pretty sad. Virtue-Signalling-Woke-Ideologies has replaced actual Virtues - Doing the Right Thing.
Many people in power probably have reprobate minds and therefore are unable to distinguish proper courses of action.. though being in power is harder than it looks.
It is interesting isn't it? America is so big and the structure of it's democracy is so unwieldy that it is virtually unworkable. There are so many vested interests stirring the pot over there that getting anything done is virtually impossible. It's become so bad that corruption has to be the only way to achieve anything.
It’s always been bad, very bad. For instance reasonably respected post war presidents such as Grant & Truman ran extremely corrupt administrations. Alexander Hamilton quipped way back, something like - corruption is sewn into the very fabric of the constitution. He met his end by the hands of Burr, widely declared as corrupt, but ironically, in reality, he wasn’t all that bad.
Whoopdy do.
They'll always get a good 30-40% of the population on benefits, that's a given.
then throw in all the tens of thousands of public sector bureaucrats on great salaries, and no adverse outcomes from lockdowns.
I imagine they are bleeding in the critical 'middle' vote. And they will bleed more in the middle by this time next year, once interest rates are X% higher and job losses mount.
It is surprising the government’s polling is not worse.
If the survey included Kiwis stuck overseas it would be a lot worse - rumour has it that less than 10% support Labour.
It is not surprising that the government is looking at banning overseas voting if Kiwis are overseas for more than 3 years.
The current socialist Government in Argentina knows that expats are usually smart, hard working and right leaning voters. They now require citizens overseas to vote in person at the local embassy. This means my family commuting to the capital. Long shot, far fetched that the current NZ goon squad contemplate this move given that prisoners (more left leaning) can now vote?
Go rot Robertson.
Maybe you are correct and Lanthanide is indeed more thin skinned than might appear but he also could be in the same boat as me - frustrated at heavy handed comments moderation on int.co so has moved on to ply his or her trade elsewhere. Personally I enjoyed L's brisk and well articulated contributions.
Bang on Carlos67!!! Iv'e been stating same since day one of her being placed as PM by Peters. If anyone can't get their head around just how useless she really is then listen to the questions period of her press conference yesterday. Barry Soper kept asking questions with some meaningfulness ( Unlike the rest of the drones!) and she threw her toys out of bed! Her reaction was infantile to put it mildly! She is a pre school teacher at best and even then she would piss all the parents off in 2 seconds flat!
However we must not forget that the severe consequences for NZ of having her as PM can be laid directly at the feet of Peters! What he has done to the country is unforgivable!! make sure he NEVER gets back into parliament!!
Your last comemnt re Winston - rubbish! National had screwed us and had to go. Why do you think JK jumped ship? Labour was the ONLY alternative, and in the circumstances Winston made the right choice. But the real problem is the quality of choice we are getting, which is increasingly poor. I largely agree that Labour needs to go, but who is a credible replacement? None that I can see.
It is forgotten too that once Dunne & the Maori Party were out of contention National & Act would not have the numbers. Slim chances of a coalition with NZF were then totally scuttled by WP’s perception that National were a big part of the leak of his pension details. Put all that together & National were gone on the day. Our parliament is dominated by a set of lacklustre, self indulgent and unworldly individuals largely academics, student politicians . Old style debaters such as Kirk & Lange and particularly Muldoon would have not only held their feet to the fire but sent them off down the line, colours and other things at half mast.
The only alterative! LOL!!! I would concede that National were less than inspiring in their last term but comparing the abilities and brain power of Bill English to Adhern is laughable. Peters is a vindictive little shit! Met him in the local pub back in the early eighties and took me about 2 seconds to realise he was a self centered TP! In all his time in parliament name one really useful policy he has contributed. Giving him King maker powers enabling Adhern to become PM was a very sad day for NZ. I know you wont agree as an apologist for the current bunch of muppets but you need to take off the rose tinted glasses!
They are all self-centred egotists! Politics today makes them fairly vindictive too. You should hear some of the comments about Collins, Clark and JK.
And coming out with personal insults because I don't agree with you makes you vindictive too, given the opportunity. Debate only works when you can argue your perspective on points of logic or reason, and respect another's right to disagree, even if you don't agree with their rationale. Name calling is a reflection of your character, not theirs.
No politician I met who I considered to be a genuine nice person, lasted long on politics because the environment is far too toxic. So I try to look past that part and identify what they are trying to achieve. Part of the problem is they all put themselves first despite arguing (maybe) that they serve the people and country, and their feeding at the trough is truly gluttonous!
Judith will go, but not yet. There is no reason to let the leftie media rip into whoever takes over for the next two years courtesy of the corrupt media payout. National just need to continue to let Ardern be Ardern. It would be quite difficult to stuff up more or cause more embarrassment to the government than they are already inflicting on themselves.
Ardern is a loser and always has been. She is just a very good liar, but behind the veil lies a useless loser, with no intellect, who doesn't care, survives on sound bites and is quite happy to turn mate against mate for whatever outcome she has spinning around in her head.
The coming two years, will not be pretty, but at the next election, Ardern will be gone. She knows it already. She may even run away before them in disgrace. People will forget her very quickly. If anything her demise will bring the country closer together.
I desperately hope thats not just wishful thinking. But with you all the way. A lying deceitful ...oh I could carry on but it would not be printed. Our media has been bought off. Its all such a disgrace. I hope you journalists and editors out there one day understand what you have done. It is you that have stood by and let NZ become a divided anxious poorer nation.
When she finally does go, along with her inappropriate giggling, smiling and laughter as she answers questions on peoples health, jobs and fears, may she be well understood to be the very worst prime minister to ever grace the beehive.
Awful poll for National. Labour are in shambles with a third of the country locked down for three months and an incoherent way out of Delta and they can’t even dent them. Suspect they would get a ten point bump overnight if Collins resigned for the good of the party.
As you say no credible alternative but I might just vote to get them out, notwithstanding no credible alternative. Not sure the opposition, Nats and Act could do any worse. I think that's a way quite a few NZers vote. Don't like what there so vote for the opposition just to get the current lot out.
Which is why ACT has been doing well..I mean really,people go on about Labour ministers having no experience...ACT is a bunch of nobodies witha leader chasing the popular vote,he saw a gap and now is promoting testing rather than vaxing.He is supposed to be the party supporting business etc,most of them want a vacine passport.
I know people in Oz who have rapid antigen testing,been losing 30% of their staff some days to the unreliabilty throwing up false positives.No business wants that.
True National are still floundering around, not particularly buoyant but afloat nevertheless and while the government’s incapacity is now undeniably evident they can afford to simply let them work their way down the polls, let the panic set in and self defeat intensify. On the other hand two things by National will surely sink them. Firstly another ugly palace revolution that will strip away credibility once again and secondly the election of a failed and largely lampooned previous leader in Bridges. Don’t think in modern NZ politics a sacked leader has ever been re-instated. It won’t possibly work and would doom National to a very long time in opposition and thence very survival of the party as a political force. Seniors such as Key & English need to intervene fast on this.
As this poll was done up to nine days ago, I think she has fallen even further. She has had more death threats than any PM I can remember in the last 50 years. I think she is politically gone.
She has lost major parts of her base ie Maori and the health and teaching professions. What ECE teacher is going to vote for a monster who has just sacked 10% of your entire work force? I believe Jacinda has been destroyed by her complete lack of any scientific knowledge. Her divisive and communistic policies will go down in our history as sheer stupidity.
No politician deserves deaths threats, two UK politicians have been killed in recent years and this kind of language has no place in a democracy.
Under labour we have a strong economy and low unemployment. We have also avoided the worst of the Covid outbreak and should be in a better situation than other countries when we do open up, thanks to high vaccination rates.
I am frustrated by recent poor planning, lack of delivery on affordable homes, under investment in health and education and rising violent crime. But I can make my choice at the ballot box without the need to threaten anyone.
We are not America, Labour are not communists and National would be to the left of the US Democratic party on many issues. New Zealand politics is fairly middle of the road, long may that continue.
They have thrown away their own livelihoods by not getting vaccinated. I'm not completely comfortable with mandatory vaccination but previous generations had to deal with conscription for the good of the nation, so I suppose we are still pretty lucky compared to them. Get the jab and move on with your life, its not worth the stress.
Yes it is about ME. Me me me look at me I am vaccinated, whoop de woo. Me can transmit the virus as well as the unjabbed, me might be a little safer for all of a month to two months, then me needs another jab. Except me doesnt get one for 6 months, me believes me is safe and transfers it everywhere. Just look at the Auckland resthome. How many infected now? All jabbed.
They weren’t all fully jabbed. There was an article where the daughter of one of the elderly people said they had held off vaccination to allow others to go first. Yes you can still catch it and pass it on when vaccinated but you are far less likely to end up in ICU. I don’t feel comfortable taking the hospital bed off someone with cancer, a heart attack or a car crash survivor so I got the jab. It wasn’t pleasant and I felt rough for a couple of days but it was the right thing to do. I also get a Flu booster every year, nothing unusual about boosters.
Sounds like you need a walk in the fresh air and breathe a little Belle...do you watch the news?
Austria has just introduced lockdowns for the un-vaccinated,Germany is getting out of control,
Holland bringing in partial lockdowns and curfews...and so it goes on...
Vman I wont let any government dictate my health decisions. Believe me I get lots of walks in the fresh air. Farming in the Central Plateau surrounded by native bush and low flying Kaka. I get perspective everyday, something I think a lot of people have lost. Life and death goes on around me. New life, changing seasons. Death. The western world has gone crazy over this virus. If you think staying home because I am unvaccinated bothers me, you are wrong. No vax certificates needed out here.
Taupo is going to burst like an over ripe boil. The Waikato gang member took covid to Masterton then partied in Taupo while crook. There are already several contacts with it. Yet Ardern has moved Waikato to level 2. Our great saviour has decided to let Waikato be the superspreader in November so Auckland cant be blamed when let loose in mid december.
The issue is that they can't really open the Auckland border until Covid spreads throughout the North Island. So they basically want it to spread at this point. That is why they arn't putting regions into level 3 as cases arise in these regions. The best covid response is a strong political response.
Broken promises, shattered dreams and hope, and so on.
This seems to be an ongoing issue and this "system" I believe just plain isn't working any where even near the level it needs to be.
I realise I may be asking this in vain, but can our current system of governance be improved upon in NZ? Ideas please...
I think a "direct democracy" system similar to that of Switzerland would give far better outcomes to the people of NZ. You can force a binding referendum on an issue with 100,000 signatures.
The reason this system wasn't uses traditionally is prior to the "digital age" the logistics involved in these systems made them unworkable. That is no longer the case.
Failed on everything ??
Maybe you are right,NZ is 3rd from the bottom on this list below...oh,it's the global death rate per capita...perhaps it is good to be at the bottom...
How many people died from suicide because of what she is doing? How many people did die from vaccine and become disabled? Take into account mental health, so long lockdown for Auckland. You can't visit dentist normally. How much stress it creates? Even if pipe will leak in your house, additional stress. Because of stress parents are hurting they children, child abuse, woman abuse. People start to drink alcohol. So many hidden deaths. We are saving life, but some life is more important than other.
Under no circumstances trust Winston. I regret giving NZ First my party vote in 2017. If there is one thing I dislike, it's sell-outs. His decision was 'What is best for Winston.' All so he could be Deputy PM and acting PM (He would have assumed Ardern would get pregnant).
Winston, Ardern and Swarbrick need to go on a fishing trip in a 3m run-about when a 1m swell comes down the Firth of Thames.
Economy poised for solid rebound in 2022 - Westpac
JK was same, just lie and deny. At least when JK was PM people did not die... and did not loose jobs for injections....
yesterday someone was selling fish and chips
and now own 25 million $
maybe anyone in NZ can sell fish and chips and on next day have 25 million $
By most measures the economy is still going well. Printing money is not unique to NZ or to left leaning governments. It has been used globally by many governments on the left and right. Not everyone is miserable and suffering, its all about perspective. I don't think things would be much different under National or Act. All of the opposition parties support vaccination and make broadly similar decisions on the economy. That's been the main problem for National, how do they set themselves apart from Labour and still capture the centre vote needed to win an election.
How about you look at facts,check out NZ's death rate per million on this list...
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