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No change in Alliance male lamb policy

Rural News
No change in Alliance male lamb policy

Alliance Group has no intention of altering its policy of accepting ram and cryptorchid lambs up to twelve months old. Results of the farmer owned co-operative's study during the past year confirm there is no difference in the eating quality of the meat from 17kg-19.5 kg carcaseweight  entire, cryptorchid or wether (castrated males) lambs reports Country-wide. As a result, Alliance will continue to make no distinction between carcases of different sexes or castration status in its lamb schedule or the contract supply options it offers its shareholder suppliers. Provided they are in the required and preferred weight ranges, payments to Alliance suppliers will remain the same regardless of whether their lambs are male, female, wethers (castrated males) or induced cryptorchids. Alliance Group group livestock manager Murray Behrent says the trial was set up in response to perceived but unfounded concerns surrounding the eating quality of meat from ram lambs, specifically in relation to its taste and aroma. Behrent says Alliance has not received any concerns or complaints from its in-market customers. The company did not believe leaving male lambs entire had a detrimental effect on meat quality if they were killed under a certain age and weight but was keen for independent science to back their position. It is a view supported in the international literature and also among the conclusions contained in a comprehensive review last year by Massey University's Roger Purchas and Nick Schreurs in their report on the issue to M&WNZ.

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